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Le tour du monde de Marina et Julien Welcoming Olim This Man Thinks He Never Has to Eat Again You know what's a complete waste of time, money, and effort? Eating. I mean, wouldn't you rather just ingest a tasteless form of sustenance for the rest of your life and never have to go through that tedious rigmarole of opening and eating a premade sandwich or feasting on a pile of fried delicacies ever again? Rob Rhinehart—a 24-year-old software engineer from Atlanta and, presumably, an impossibly busy man—thinks so. Rob found himself resenting the inordinate amount time it takes to fry an egg in the morning and decided something had to be done. Simplifying food as "nutrients required by the body to function" (which sounds totally bulimic, I know, but I promise it's not), Rob has come up with an odorless beige cocktail that he's named Soylent. VICE: Hi, Rob. What was the next step? So what’s in Soylent, exactly? And that tastes good? What are some of the benefits to the food-free lifestyle? How could Soylent affect the world's eating habits? That sounds ominous. Oh good.

PORK MAGAZINE The DIY Couturier • 21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You're Depressed. A while ago, I penned a fairly angry response to something circulating on the internet – the 21 Habits of Happy People. It pissed me off beyond belief, that there was an inference that if you weren’t Happy, you simply weren’t doing the right things. I’ve had depression for as long as I can remember. So, this Cult of Happy article just set me off. It’s bad enough without people ramming Happy Tips at you through facebook. A friend of mine suggested that I write something from my point of view because, surprisingly, I manage to give an outwards impression of having my shit together. So, here it is. My 21 Tips on Keeping Your Shit Together During Depression 1) Know that you’re not alone. 2) Understand that the Happy People are usually acting out of some genuine (albeit misguided) concern for you, that it’s coming from a good place, even if the advice feels like you’re being blamed for your disease. 3) Enlist the help of a professional. 4) Understand that antidepressants will only do so much.

Solar System's Mysterious Rock Origin Puzzle Revealed | Solar System Chondrules Rocks melted in the early solar system after electrical currents spiked through the cloud of dust circling around the young sun, according to new research. The finding brings scientists a step closer to understanding the origin of the chondrules, or glass beads, that were some of the solar system's first solids. Because chondrules form far away from the sun, astronomers could not figure out how they heated to at least 2,420 degrees Fahrenheit (1,600 degrees Kelvin), since the surrounding environment is much colder, according to observations. More mysteriously, the rocks apparently cooled within an hour or two after forming, instead of freezing instantly into a crystal, which would be expected in space. "This was a puzzle, because quite a lot of material must have passed through this process," said Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, the chair of astrophysical sciences at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Bound by magnetism Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our Solar System?

Sean Äaberg, le rédac chef de Pork, est notre maître à penser Sean avant, en train de bouffer un truc. Le 7 mai dernier, j’ai senti une coulée de bile me remonter l’œsophage et bizarrement, ce n’était pas dû à ma consommation excessive de chips au vinaigre. Ça venait plutôt du dégoût généré par les clichés du gros cul fleuri de Kim Kardashian au Met Ball punk qui s’était tenu au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. Vous avez vu ce truc, sérieux ? Quelques jours plus tard, la conversation que j’ai eue avec Sean Äaberg, fondateur du meilleur fanzine de tous les temps (et de l’univers), m’a fait passer l’envie de me noyer dans le canal St Martin. J’ai découvert Pork en tombant sur le Tumblr de Sean en 2011. En 1979, La Souris Déglinguée déclarait dans Week-end Sauvage : « On n’est surtout pas des dangers pour la société ! Sean aujourd'hui, avec son fils. VICE: Salut Sean. Sean Aäberg : Ça fait deux ans maintenant. OK, tout le monde devrait faire ça. Je crois que j’ai toujours dessiné. Tu lisais des magazines à cet âge ? Au départ, non. Oui. Ah, ah.

8 Gmail Hacks That Will Change The Way You Use Email Whoa! Mini-Supernovas Discovered Astronomers have discovered a new kind of supernova, a star explosion so weak that scientists dubbed it a miniature stellar blast. Supernovas represent the deaths of stars, which collapse in powerful explosions. They generally are classified into two main types; the new class, called Type Iax, "is essentially a mini-supernova," said lead researcher Ryan Foley, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Supernovas are the most powerful stellar explosions known to science, visible all the way to the edge of the universe. In 2002, researchers began noticing that many supernovas appeared to be similar to regular Type Ia supernovas, but were distinctly fainter. "This really is a new kind of stellar explosion," Foley told Binary stars The data the scientists gathered suggest that, like a Type Ia supernova, a Type Iax supernova comes from a binary star system containing a white dwarf and a companion star. Young star systems

a l'allure garconniere Nadia Myre, Sonny Assu, Rebecca Belmore, Mathieu Beausejour… yeah, you could say I’m pretty excited for this year’s Manif d’Art. “There ought to be books for sleeping : in the most vicious style, with barely chewable words, long as fingers, words that twirl into incomprehensible silver curlicues at the end ; consonantal knickknackeries (or at most an occasional dark vowel in ) : books to fight thoughts.” – -Arno Schmidt (via plzpityshatov) if anyone knows the book/text this comes from, let me know (via whiteandmale) “If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be? Le chat dans la grande bibliothèque by Jean-Jacques Sempé I spent the weekend with writers, poets, translators. Now I just want to call in sick to work. “In war, men are seen as combatants, women as victims — even if the woman was a revolutionary … For online consumers of the resulting images, the women’s suffering is the element of a conflict that those far removed from the conflict can still access.

The Ultimate Editing Checklist As we all know, content creation isn't as simple as just stringing together a few words and hitting "publish." At least all high-quality content creators know this. If you really think about it, the editorial process has quite a few steps -- from ideation, to concepting, to production, to proofreading, editing and copyediting. The problem is, it can be difficult to remember every little editing consideration you should be making. Download this free guide for even more writing and editing tips. Topic Selection Consider these high-level questions at the beginning stages of the editorial process. Can the angle be tweaked to be even more interesting? Article Structure & Formatting Optimizing the way the writer organizes their content and ideas is an important part of the editing process. Is this the right format for the content? Is the flow of the content logical? Are big chunks of text broken up with headers and paragraph breaks so it's easier on the eyes and readers can scan and skim?

Elusive 'Superman' Particle Found Changing Flavor Physicists at an underground laboratory have caught an ultra-rare particle in the act of reappearing. For only the third time, scientists have detected elementary particles called neutrinos in the act of changing from one type, called muon, to another, called tau, on the several-hundred-mile trip between two laboratories. "It proves that the muon neutrinos are some kind of Superman-type particle: They get into a phone booth somewhere in between and change into something else," said Pauline Gagnon, a particle physicist at Indiana University, who was not involved in the experiment. The new discovery bolsters the theory that the sneaky neutrinos oscillate from one type to another, which is why physicists detect fewer coming from the sun than predicted. Sun particles "Each square centimeter of your body is touched every second by 60 billion neutrinos from the sun," Ereditato told LiveScience. But for the last two decades, scientists have detected fewer neutrinos from the sun than they expected.
