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Richard Byrne (rmbyrne)

Richard Byrne (rmbyrne)

Comic Master Free Technology for Teachers Help Students Get Organized with My Study Life This is a guest post from Jennfer Carey (@TeacherJenCarey) of EdTechTeacher - an advertiser on this site. Students and teachers often operate on fast-moving, jam-packed schedules with lengthy to-do lists. Check out My Study Life, a free tool for students that allows them to incorporate complicated schedules (like that new rotating block schedule your school implemented last year), to-do lists, homework reminders, and more. My Study life works on Chrome, Windows, Mac OS, Android, and iOS; even better, it will sync across all of those platforms. One of my favorite features of My Study Life is that, unlike traditional planners, it allows students to set up their schedule based on things like terms, class periods, and even incorporates changing schedules like rotating or block schedules that are becoming more popular. They can also incorporate holidays into their schedule so that they don’t show up on a Teacher Work Day or wake up early on the first day of vacation! Looking for more ideas?

Link2SD Link2SD is an application manager that makes it easy for Android 2.0+ users on their device to move applications to the SD card. It enables you to manage your apps and storage easily. How it works:Linking appsLink2SD uses a secondary partition on your SD card and uses it as another segment of internal storage.Link2SD moves apk, dalvik-cache (.dex), lib and internal data files into this partition, which the OS mounts on boot, and creates a symbolic link in the original location.This retains the file structure that the system expects but with the bulk of the data moved to the SD card. What you need:Linking apps- root permission- second partition on SD card You should have two partitions on your SD card and both should be primary. You need to use a non-FAT file system (ext2, ext3, ext4 or f2fs) on your 2nd partition in order to link app's private data files. Linking obb and external data folders of apps and games- root permission Link2SD also provides native App2SD feature of Android OS.

Magic of the Multiverse – How to Harness the Mysterious Physics of Flow, Faith & Fortune Subscribe on iTunes. The above is the third installment of a life-altering 3 part series… Parts 1 and 2 of the full 60 minute program are immediately available to you when you become a patron. In the rest of this recording, you’ll learn a little trick for turning negative situations around in a heartbeat, and you’ll be shown the secret society uses to keep people mesmerized and docile. All this is available to you when you become a Patreon supporter. If you liked this show – there’s a ton more waiting for you. Join our LIVE Workshop on Google Hangouts this Friday at 3pm (New York Time), “How to Hack the Multiverse for Fun & Profit.” makes you highly sensitive to truthfills you with inspirationopens your mind to paradigm shifting ideashelps you connect and relate with people in profound waysguides you to fill your life with more beauty and accomplishment Sign up now. If you can’t make it, you can still get the recording and get your questions answered when you sign up. Help make this happen

Scientists May Have Just Discovered a Parallel Universe Leaking Into Ours We may have just, for the first time ever, caught a tantalizing glimpse of a parallel universe bumping against our own. Scientists say that signals from the furthest reaches of space suggest that the fabric of our universe is being disrupted by another universe. The discovery could provide proof of the multiverse theory, which says that there are many alternate universes. We may have just, for the first time ever, caught a momentous glimpse of a parallel universe bumping against our own. Scientists say that signals from the furthest reaches of space suggest that the fabric of our universe is being disrupted by another universe. Dr. Dr. The existence of multiple universes – a multiverse – has been considered scientifically plausible. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Other astronomers are very excited about his findings. The discovery of another universe would be earth-shattering. Learn more
