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Want To Recreate Sterling Cooper Or Just Be On Mad Men? Get Bidding. Um, awesome. I’m a huge fan of the AMC show Mad Men. I’d argue it is the best show on television right now, but that will just lead to a flamewar with the Breaking Bad people. And, if you’re willing to act a little bit — and spend a whole lot of money — you can get very close. Currently for sale on eBay are dozens of pieces of furniture and outfits from previous seasons of the show. As the show is still very much alive, doesn’t AMC need the set furniture anymore? Anyway, this is all being auctioned off for charity. 10 percent of the final sale price will go towards the City of Hope nonprofit. Smartly, the eBay page for each item includes details about how it was used in the show. Mad Men Sterling Cooper Cabinet – Break Room The Sterling Cooper break room was always buzzing with the juicy gossip. They also include a video clip from the show showing it in action. But the biggest item is a walk-on role on the show itself. The auction for all the items ends on August 22. [thanks Chris]

Great Marijuana Study [Archive] View Full Version : Great Marijuana Study mr.blunt I'm not gonna read the whole thing right now, but so far so good. good find mate, i thought thc vaped much higher, almost 400 degrees? NVM, i'll dig through this later when i've got time. Dose Me I'm gonna read this all 1337 i swear. Stinger The tables with the specific vaporization temperatures are good, too, because you can set your vaporizer to specifically release certain cannabinoids. Viva la vape. Rizzo in a box super duper fucking win. damned interesting actually. mksnowboarder Nice, now figure out what's responsible for the anxiogenic effects so I can avoid vaping it, and you'll have something I care about. Other than that, nice work. mike 1337, as soon as I get my daily allotment of thanks back you're getting like three. scovegner

Todos sus secretos Problemas Frecuentes Cultivar cannabis es muy fácil. Basta con plantar una semilla y regarla. Cultivar marihuana potente y de calidad requiere un poco más de dedicación. En pocas palabras, se trata de conseguir el mejor ambiente posible para que la semilla desarrolle todo su potencial. Una planta de marihuana necesita para vivir luz, agua, aire, un substrato donde sujetarse con las raíces y unos ciertos nutrientes (nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio, magnesio, calcio y microelementos que son necesarios en cantidades muy pequeñas). Para que la planta crezca bien todos los elementos deben guardar un cierto equilibrio ya que tanto el exceso como la falta de alguno de ellos entorpecerían su desarrollo. Si cultivamos en macetas, como la cantidad de tierra es muy limitada, es fácil que las sales se vayan acumulando. La receta para el éxito: aplica los abonos muy diluidos y lava la tierra una vez al mes. No todos los síntomas de una carencia se dan a la vez ni las carencias se presentan aisladas.

Why It's So Hard For Scientists To Study Medical Marijuana Eighteen states (plus the District of Columbia) allow cannabis use for certain medical conditions. Despite that, scientists have a harder time doing research on the potential medical benefits of marijuana than they do on "harder" drugs like ecstasy or magic mushrooms. The public may think of pot use as no big deal, but federal laws make it difficult for researchers to obtain legal supplies. Clinical researchers can get permission from the DEA to grow or create restricted compounds like LSD, MDMA or psilocybin in the lab; not so with cannabis. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 placed marijuana in the most restrictive use category, Schedule I, deeming it a drug with no medicinal value and high potential for abuse. Anecdotal evidence suggests that marijuana can reduce chronic pain, reduce muscle spasms in patients with multiple sclerosis and perhaps even help treat symptoms of PTSD. Burge tells a different story. The agency describes its position on cannabis research as such:

[Burger King US] Lancement du NY Pizza Burger au Whopper Bar : Les Burgers Burger King proposera en septembre à la carte de son Whopper Bar à New York, le NY Pizza Burger. Le burgerest composé de 4 patties Whopper, du pepperoni, de la mozzarella, "marinara" sauce et "Tuscan Herb" mayo. Il fait 24cm de diamètre.Le tout pour $12.99.2 530 kCal au total. En tout cas j'aimerais bien y aller à ce Whopper Bar qui sert aussi le Bourbon Whopper (avec onion rings et sauce bourbon), le California Whopper (swiss cheese et guacamole) et le BK Black & Bleu Steakhouse. (BK Black & Bleu Steakhouse) Sources :

Distinguirlaweed Como diferenciar machos y hembras en el cultivo de marihuana La planta de marihuana ( cannabis sativa sp.) es una planta dioica o unisexual, lo que significa que produce flores masculinas y femeninas en plantas diferentes, aunque también puede producir plantas que presenten ambos sexos, a las que denominamos hermafroditas. A la planta que producen flores masculinas la llamamos planta macho y a la que produce flores femeninas la llamamos planta hembra. Las plantas de marihuana machos florecen ofreciéndonos unas campanitas agrupadas en panículas, que cuelgan hacia abajo y que acaban abriéndose y soltando el polen, mientras que las plantas hembras nos ofrecen unos cálices en forma de lágrima de donde salen dos pelitos, normalmente blancos llamados pistilos y que se agrupan formando lo que solemos llamar cogollos. Cuando se puede diferenciar la marihuana hembra? Sexar marihuana a partir de esquejes

! Buy Cannabis Seeds Online - Herbies Seeds Updated:1st Nov 2012 - Cheap Marijuana Seeds UK George Lucas Turns Daily Show Star Into Storm Trooper While it is my understanding that playing with the actual Jon Stewart is not safe for children over four years of age, it appears that playing with his Star Wars action figure is just fine. This amazing action figure, made specifically for Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando, was created for presenter Jon Stewart by George Lucas. Needless to say this is not part of canon and is not for sale. The figure comes with two heads, one with a goatee and one without, and Stewart looks surprisingly virile in his while battle dress. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Lucasfilm had a custom Stormtrooper system? You send in a picture of your head, they scan it onto a 3D model, and then print it out?

Pipe Design Kravin Glass, located in Colorado, creates some of the most unique and intricate glass pipes on the market. The examples we’ve featured below are some of their finest, but you can find several more examples on their homepage, including videos of their creation. Unique glass pipes with evolving shapes and styles. Image credits: Kravin Glass Cooking with Hash. A+ Guide for the medical marijuana patient. Includes recipes. #mmj #cannabis #mmot #weed | Kushits Photo Blog Background: Born in Newport beach California, I graduated from high school in southern Orange County, CA. where i met some of the best connects i hav in the MMJ world, a lot of which i still have to this very day. I graduated from CIA, I’m a personal chef, food photographer. I’ve worked at many hotels and local catering companies as well as owning Delicious Delights Catering. I avoid cannabutter or anything else wasteful or possibly harmful to patients health. I either buy half to full melt bubble, butane hash oil (goo, wax, amber glass – not too green, should be dry, refer to my hash guide ) or dry ice or co2 (goo, wax, amber glass) full melt hash. I also make hash from trim or stems to save money For tips on purchasing proper medical grade hash refer to my hash guide, the link’s up top and below. The answer….. If you can’t make some hash just ask your local marijuana co-op to help you. Next:
