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Educational Activities – Online Educational Activities for Kids

Educational Activities – Online Educational Activities for Kids
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20 Serious Games For School This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant Rather than being designed for entertainment, serious games are made with a specific objective in mind. In education, this includes games designed to teach students a specific set of skills or an important concept. Social Studies/History Past/Present is an interactive history game designed for students in grades five through eight. English/Language Arts Youth Voices challenges students to become social media powerhouses as they interact with others through blogging, conducting research projects and responding to questions.Gemmings Rush helps students, especially ESL students, build their vocabularies as they click on gems with letters to build words.Total Mayhem is a game for young learners, covering topics like sight words, and guiding more advanced learners through activities explaining the different parts of speech. Math/Business Science Health/Physical Education

Curious Ways Tablets Are Enriching Learning Experiences Tablets are playing a pivotal role in placing future education experiences in the hands of teachers and students, giving them access to highly engaging and interactive learning materials. Portability, versatility and increasing computer performance of tablets are bringing completely new experiences, changing how we enjoy entertainment, shop, gather information, communicate and blend our digital and real worlds. This series by PSFK and Intel explores how improving tablet capabilities are changing the status quo in many aspects of our lives. Numbered are the days of elementary grade computer training lab as more affordable mobile technologies make their way into more classrooms. Devices such as tablet are not only bringing students new interactive experiences, they’re allowing teachers break through the confines of traditional classroom walls. “Students are actually excited to use the devices. Dreamworks isn’t alone in this space. Related stories: About Time for a Tablet Upgrade?

10 Excellent Lessons from Google to Help Students Better Use Google Maps in Their Learning January 5, 2015 Google Maps is an excellent tool to use with students to develop their spatial thinking. Beyond getting driving or walking directions to the other, this tool enables students to discover the world right from their classrooms. It is also a very good way to teach students about geography concepts, distance measurement, map readings and other fundamentals of mapping such as longitude, latitude, locations and many more. There are actually several ways to use Google Maps with students. Create Maps to build supplemental knowledgeLocate and study Maps for historical contextUse Maps to study mathematical and science conceptsCreate virtual tours to enhance field trip experiencesExplore the Google Cultural Institute for use in the classroom Watch this introductory video about the new Google Maps

Story Starters If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. Perfect for overcoming writer’s block or even starting a brand-new short story in a different narrative, creative writing prompts can help students begin a new piece with confidence. Plus, these story starters can also encourage students to explore different genres while honing their writing skills. There are a lot of ways you can use writing prompts in your classroom. Reading a book in a genre, then having students use a story starter in that same genre. Take inspiration from classics like Treasure Island and newer popular series like The Bad Guys to explore how to write thrilling adventure stories. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove. Get students excited about adventure stories with these great books: If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts.

Comprensión Lectora – Cientos de Recursos y Actividades para Primaria e Infantil | Colección 20 Divertidas Actividades para Mejorar la Comprensión Lectora | eBook Hola: Compartimos un interesante eBook sobre "20+ Divertidas Actividades para Mejorar la Comprensión Lectora" Un gran saludo. Visto en.: Mejorar la capacidad para entender lo que se lee es el objetivo de este valioso material didáctico que estamos seguros entusiamará a maestros y alumnos. En «Educación y Tecnología» 9 Estrategias para Trabajar la Comprensión Lectora | Video Hola: Compartimos un interesante video sobre "9 Estrategias para Trabajar la Comprensión Lectora" Un gran saludo. Comprensión Lectora - 70 Entretenidos Ejercicios para Primaria | eBook Hola: Compartimos un interesante eBook sobre "Comprensión Lectora - 70 Entretenidos Ejercicios para Primaria" Un gran saludo.

7 sitios para encontrar películas y otros videos libres (licencia Creative Commons) Ya compartimos un listado de sitios para encontrar música libre para usar en videos, podcasts, eventos y más, así que hoy es el turno del material en video para fines similares. Aunque hace poco también publicamos un listado de sitios con películas gratuitas en Internet, varias libres, ampliamos la lista con otros portales que albergan no solo filmes sino también videos caseros, documentales y otras piezas animadas con alguna de las seis derivaciones de la licencia Creative Commons actual: Atribución (CC BY); Atribución-Compartir igual (CC BY-SA); Atribución-Sin obras derivadas (CC BY-ND); Atribución-No Comercial (CC BY-NC); Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir igual (CC BY-NC-SA) y Atribución-No Comercial-Sin obras derivadas (CC BY-NC-ND). Aquí están los sitios, por cierto, nos ha sido de gran ayuda un listado similar de MakeTeachEasier: 1. 2. 3. 4. El más grande archivo de la web recoge también cientos de miles de obras en video, entre ellas, las que tienen licencias CC. 5. 6. 7.

Actividades | Primaria Digital “De nombres y lugares” “Expediciones Vikingas” “Los grandes barcos de la historia” “¿Por qué Erik el ROJO?” “Tu barrio” “Vikingos: grandes viajeros” “Historias mágicas” Afiches publicitarios de “los nuevos magos” “Noticias mágicas” “De varitas y palabras” “La magia: ¿un hobby?” "La magia y la tecnología" “Buscar y encontrar fósiles” “Democracia y participación” “Las huellas del hombre” "Sumar y restar"

Slice of Life If I dismiss the ordinary — waiting for the special, the extreme, the extraordinary to happen — I may just miss my life.–Dani Shapiro in Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life (2013, 123) In February 2008, Stacey was reading one of her student’s writer’s notebooks and came across a piece of writing about his sister’s lost necklace. Christian wrote an entire entry about the outrage he felt when his mother made the family drop everything to search for his sister’s lost necklace in their apartment. Thirty minutes after they lifted up couch cushions and checked under all of the beds, her necklace turned up on her neck! That experience gave Stacey an idea: she could use “slice of life” stories to inspire her fourth graders who weren’t writing in their writer’s notebooks with the same gusto as Christian. The individual challenge began on Two Writing Teachers in 2008 and has grown each year. FAQ’S for the Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge How do I start? Start a blog. 1.

Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources Free eLearning Resources for eLearning Professionals One of the challenges that I had when I begun my eLearning career was to find useful and effective eLearning resources for eLearning course design and development. I am fun of Free eLearning Resources and of course Free Educational Technology Tools. At the following list you will find over 1000 free eLearning resources that I highly encourage you to share with professionals interested in the eLearning field! Free eLearning Storyboard Templates for eLearning ProfessionalsSeveral eLearning professionals expressed a great interest for Free eLearning Storyboard Templates. Since you did not like the above free eLearning resources... 259 Free Educational Technoloy Tools Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.

Active science modules GlaxoSmithKline's Active Science website is no longer available. The majority of the content from this site has been transferred to the ABPI Resources for Schools website. You may access the modules as follows: Age 5-7 Humans and Animals Human and Animal Habitats Illustrated Materials Database and Mission Material combined into Materials Age 7-11 Energy Challenge Population Growth and Population Growth and Predators combined into Population Growth Body Builder Age 11-14 Interactive Periodic table Balanced diet Age 14-16 Enzymes in Biotechnology Age 16+ The following modules have not been transferred; if you wish to use the information from one of these modules please contact ABPI at The Heart Elements Database Selective Breeding and Genetic Engineering Please note that there are interactive resources on the ABPI site covering the Heart and Circulation, Digestion and Genes and Inheritance.

13 juegos para fomentar la autoestima en el aula Cada vez más centros, y profesores a título particular, piden herramientas para trabajar las emociones y la autoestima en el aula, como parte de la formación integral de sus alumnos. Puede ayudar a prevenir males mayores, conflictos, casos de bullying y acoso escolar, en ocasiones con un final dramático. Las educadoras de la escuela infantil Arlequín, en Fuenlabrada (Madrid), han realizado cursos para iniciar un programa de inteligencia emocional este año. “Hacemos asambleas donde decimos si estamos contentos o tristes, enfadados o aburridos; trabajamos la empatía y la asertividad”, enumera la directora, Laura Santana. La escuela de desarrollo emocional y social Afectiva organiza una extraescolar en el colegio público Francisco Arranz a instancias de la asociación de padres y madres de alumnos (AMPA). “Lo fundamental es pensar lo que decimos a los demás, lo que nos dicen y lo que sentimos”, dice una psicóloga Infantil Carteles con autoconceptos. La silla caliente. Juego de las estatuas.

Welcome To The Web | Teaching Ideas "Welcome to the Web" is an interactive set of web pages which can be used to teach children (and adults) about the Internet. They can be used in the classroom / computer room and children are welcome to explore them as they wish (although they have been designed to use in sequence). The resources are in split into seven sections: The Beginning - explains how to use the site. Getting Started Online - teaches children about the basic concepts involved in the Internet (World Wide Web, Hyperlinks, Back button etc). This introductory lesson also gives valuable practice in visiting and navigating around web sites. When visitors complete the challenge, they are able to print a personalised certificate to show their competence in using the Internet. Each section (except the Challenge) has worksheets which, although not compulsory, can be used to direct children's attention to important parts of the resources and to test their knowledge. The answers are not included with the worksheets.

40 recursos para trabajar lectura y escritura usando las herramientas TIC. | Ideas Para la Clase DESCRIPCIÓN: Proyecto de Liria Alonso para desarrollar la competencia lectora del alumnado mediante la lectura electrónica de un relato y la búsqueda de pistas en la Web para resolver las cuestiones matemáticas que en él se plantean. TIPO: On-line, imprimibles DESCRIPCIÓN: Da la vuelta al mundo con estos maravillosos cuentos distribuidos en este mapa que se publicó en Educa con TIC: Educa con TIC TIPO: On line DESCRIPCIÓN: Método completo para el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura. DESCRIPCIÓN: Actividades de lecto-escritura. DESCRIPCIÓN: ¿Podrías reconstruir correctamente una frase escrita al reves? DESCRIPCIÓN: Juego de comprensión lectora y vocabulario. TIPO: Flash DESCRIPCIÓN: Lee y señala con los cursores los dibujos correspondientes. DESCRIPCIÓN: Solamente tendrás que sustituir huecos por vocales y los animales recuperarán su nombre ¡Sorpresa!. DESCRIPCIÓN: Debes formas palabras. DESCRIPCIÓN: Juegos de lecto-escritura con 4 niveles comenzando por las vocales. TIPO: On line, imprimibles 1.

Recursos manipulativos para trabajar las tablas de multiplicar. ¡Buenos días! Llevo una temporada buscando recursos para trabajar las tablas de multiplicar con mi hija mayor que está en pleno proceso de aprendizaje. No quiero que solamente sea un acto memorístico, así que le estoy preparando diferentes recursos manipulativos, además de los que ya tengo y he compartido en el blog: - El libro móvil de las tablas de multiplicar (ver aquí) - Librito para tablas enrollable (ver aquí) Estas son las ideas que más me han gustado y las comparto con vosotros por si también os sirven: Y como soy fan de las troqueladoras, este me ha encantado!!! Las tablas son muy importantes para tener un cálculo mental rápido. ¡Feliz viernes!
