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Online Circuit Simulator with SPICE

Online Circuit Simulator with SPICE

Beginners Guide Beginners Guide to Electronics by Martin T. Pickering Last updated on November 23, 2008 This book gives simplified explanations of how some electronic components work in a circuit. I first became interested in electronics when I was age 10 (as long ago as 1961). ©2008 Martin T. What's the Difference between A.C. and D.C.? How does a Resistor Work? All the colours for 5% tolerance resistors: How do Diodes Work? How do Transistors Work? Abbreviations Although we use the Greek symbol Omega W to represent “Ohms” it is frequently written as “R”. How does a Capacitor Work? What does a capacitor look like? How do Inductors Work? The Relay Bread Board and building a LED Flasher Building the LED Flasher Astable Multivibrator using two transistors

Naukowcy twierdzą, że żyjemy we wnętrzu poruszajacej się czarnej dziury Wyobrażenie czarnej dziury Naukowcy próbują wyjaśnić dlaczego wszechświat ulega przyspieszającej wciąż ekspansji. Zwykle dochodzą wtedy do pojęcia tak zwanej ciemnej energii, która zdaje się rozpychać wszystko. Poplawski udowodnił swoją teorię matematycznie stosując równania wyprowadzone przez Alberta Einsteina przy pracy nad ogólną teorią względności. Jego opracowanie na ten temat zostało opublikowane w poważnych periodykach naukowych. Naukowiec uważa, że nie da się zobaczyć wnętrza czarnej dziury a tam właśnie znajdują się kolejne wszechświaty. Można to potwierdzić mierząc spin wirującej czarnej dziury gdyż taka zmiana powodowałaby zwrócenie się w kierunku czasoprzestrzeni.

- StumbleUpon List of unusual deaths This is a list of unusual deaths. This list includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple sources. Some of the deaths are mythological or are considered to be unsubstantiated by contemporary researchers. Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a performance, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, List of association footballers who died while playing, List of professional cyclists who died during a race and the List of political self-immolations. Antiquity[edit] Middle Ages[edit] Renaissance[edit] 18th century[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1920s[edit] Isadora Duncan, ballerina, died when her long scarf caught on the wheel of a car, breaking her neck. 1926: Phillip McClean, 16, from Queensland, Australia, became the only person documented to have been killed by a cassowary. 1950s[edit] 1960s[edit] 1961: U.S.

Engineering ToolBox CircuitLab Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves Acoustics Signal Processing Electricity and Magnetism: Statics Electrodynamics Quantum Mechanics Linear Algebra Vector Calculus Thermodynamics Mechanics Miscellaneous Licensing info. Links to other educational sites with math/physics-related information or java applets useful for teaching: And when you get tired of learning, here is some fun stuff: Pong Simulation Circuit-level simulation of original 1972 Pong.

100 Things Personality Test - VisualDNA VisualDNA brings a new layer of information to the world of technology that will help bring it closer to the people who use it – making it more enjoyable and relevant. Technology provides businesses with a surfeit of DATA – what and when. However it provides very little in the way of UNDERSTANDING – who did things, and why they did them. We have a different approach. In the financial sector this approach has led to a five-fold increase in ROI, in media we have seen 35% improvement in click rates. Watch a short video about VisualDNA. Learn more about our solutions for business: Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 5 We've done a lot so far, blinking lights, printing messages...all of that stuff is output: signals coming from the Arduino. The next step is to start playing with input, with the Arduino responding to outside events. In this lesson we will begin with the most basic kind of input, a push-button switch! You're probably familiar with switches, there's tons of them in your house. On the left, the switch is open and no current flows. (thanks wikipedia!) In this photo, you can see the internals of a light switch. Light switches are great but we need something smaller. These little switches are a 1/4" on each side, cost about 25 cents, and can plug directly into a breadboard. Normally, the two wires are disconnected (normally open) but when you press the little button on top, they are mechanically connected. To get the buttons to sit better in the protoshield, you may want to straighten out the legs (just squish them with a pair of pliers) so that they look like the button on the left. Fig 5.2
