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Basics of APA Style

Becoming Happier Takes Both a Will and a Proper Way: An Experimental Longitudinal Intervention to Boost Well-Being Keeping your Mac locked down: a Mac OS X security primer: Page 1 Apple's approach to security can be a little bewildering at times. It's a well-trumpeted aspect of the OS, marketed in detail on the website. Mac OS X has integrated smartcard support and Apple has certified the OS under the Common Criteria guidelines; a section of Apple's developer site is devoted to the subject of security. At the same time, Apple didn't offer cryptographically signed software updates until its hand was forced in July 2002. The company is notorious for boiling down release notes for software updates to "provides bug fixes and security updates" (although the separate mailings posted to the security-announce list do tend to offer a little more detail). The phrase "security through obscurity" gets tossed around from time to time when discussing Mac OS X. But the truth is that security through obscurity is a flawed idea. Control physical access If someone can get to your computer, the chances of them acquiring your data just skyrocketed. Lock your screen Consider using ACLs

OWL Coming Soon: A new look for our same great content! We're working hard this summer on a redesign of the Purdue OWL. Worry not! Our navigation menu and content will remain largely the same. If you are having trouble locating a specific resource, please visit the search page or the Site Map. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. For more information about services for the Purdue University community, including one-to-one consultations, ESL conversation groups and workshops, please visit the Writing Lab site. Mission The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement.

The Writing for Assignments E-library Project What is it? The Writing for Assignments E-Library project is a resource to help people learn about writing at university. It includes examples of student essays and other university assignments from a number of subject areas comments from lecturers about why the writing is good - or how it could be improved How to use it Use the search boxes on the right to find examples of student writing by subject, level or keyword. The speech bubbles are different colours to indicate the different types of comment. What’s in it for me? Learning by example is known to be effective. Tell us what you think! We welcome feedback and comments about how to improve the resource. Links to resources to help you with your academic writing WrAssE is released under the terms of Creative Commons Licence.

9 Much-Needed Reminders That Humans Are Inherently Good | Huffington Post Removing Your Personal Information From Google As our culture continues to move online, personal information about us that previously may have only been seen by our friends and family is increasingly shared in public spaces on the internet. What can you do if you search for your name on Google and find information you’d rather keep private? Or find yourself or home in Google Street View and want it blurred? Read on for instructions on how to get it removed. NOTE: If you want content removed from Google that’s located on a site that you do own, see Removing Pages from Google: A Comprehensive Guide for Content Owners for details. Why Google Generally Won’t Remove Your Personal Information Google’s core product, web search, simply indexes pages on the web and makes them available to searchers. Google makes information available from more than web pages though. Keeping Private Information From Search Engines Ideally, private information about you won’t show up in Google at all. Removing Content That Is Located On A Site You Don’t Own

The University of South Carolina Beaufort So, you're still getting those 1,670,000+ responses to your search queries on the Web, and you're still too busy to do anything about it, like reading the lengthy, and sometimes confusing, "help" screens to find out how to improve your searching techniques. Look no further! Real help is here, in the USCB Library's BARE BONES Tutorial. You can zip through these lessons in no time, any time. The information contained in the following lessons is truly "bare bones," designed to get you started in the right direction with a minimum of time and effort. Lesson 1: Search Engines: a Definition Lesson 2: Metasearchers: a Definition Lesson 3: Subject Directories: a Definition Lesson 4: Library Gateways and Specialized Databases: a Definition Lesson 5: Evaluating Web Pages Lesson 6: Creating a Search Strategy Lesson 7: Basic Search Tips Lesson 8: Searching with Boolean Logic and Proximity Operators Lesson 9: Field Searching Lesson 10: Troubleshooting Lesson 11: Ask Search Engine: A Closer Look User Agreement

LET IT RiPPLE | Character Day Join us and millions around the globe for the fourth annual Character Day on September 13th! There are already over 60,000 groups signed up to participate in this global conversation about the importance of developing and improving character (qualities like empathy, curiosity, grit, humility, bravery, social responsibility, and many more). We provide short engaging films on the science of character (including a new film that will premiere on Character Day!) You can join as a whole company or a department, an entire school district or individual classroom, a library or museum, a family or even an individual. Character Day 2017 is September 13. 93,000 unique events 125 countries All 50 states A Global LiveCast Q&A One theme: Character Sign up for Webinar Want to meet like-minded thought leaders around the globe? Join Us! We’re premiering a brand new film on Character Day this year! Watch Now Watch Now The Character (Every) Day mobile app brings the 5,000 resources to mobile! Watch Videos

Trois outils pour vous aider à faire du contenu unique sur Internet Tout le monde le sait pour émerger dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche il faut de la pertinence mais aussi de l’unicité. Produire du contenu unique est essentiel et parfois il faut s’aider de quelques outils pour être encore plus différent dans la rédaction de votre article. Voici trois petits outils à mettre en favori et à utiliser selon le besoin. Le premier est un dictionnaire de synonymes proposé par le laboratoire CRISCO de l’Université de Caen. Vous mettez un mot l’outil vous proposera des synonymes classés par pertinence. Le second outil est un outil pour calculer le taux de similarité (appelé aussi duplicate content) entre deux textes (votre source par exemple et votre article). Le troisième outil est le plus simple, c’est un calculateur de nombre de mots. Avec ces trois outils vous voilà armé pour écrire du beau contenu unique et original pour vos lecteurs et les moteurs de recherche!

Home - How To Information 7 outils indispensables de ton PC que tu n'utilises jamais Bon, j'exagère, tu en utilises sûrement au moins un. Et si tu es un bon élève, peut-être plusieurs. Mais pas tous, ou pas régulièrement. Sans compter que bon nombre de tes proches n'en ont peut-être jamais entendu parler. Et pourtant... ces quelques outils peuvent te sauver la vie... enfin, au moins ton PC et tes données, c'est déjà pas mal. (n.b. : les exemples cités et les captures d'écran ci-dessous concernent Windows, mais la plupart de ces outils sont aussi disponibles sous Mac et Linux. Programme de sauvegarde Imagines la scène : tu veux allumer ton PC un matin, pour terminer ce super rapport qui t'a demandé des heures de travail, consulter ta collection de photos de soirées que tu accumules depuis des mois, ou finir la partie de ton jeu préféré où tu as enfin atteint le dernier niveau... et là... plus rien, ton PC ne démarre plus, le disque dur est mort. Assez de cette vision d'horreur ? Tu n'avais qu'à utiliser le programme de sauvegarde ! Désinstalleur Fais le ménage ! Défragmenteur

Academic Phrasebank – Being Critical As an academic writer, you are expected to be critical of the sources that you use. This essentially means questioning what you read and not necessarily agreeing with it just because the information has been published. Being critical can also mean looking for reasons why we should not just accept something as being correct or true. This can require you to identify problems with a writer’s arguments or methods, or perhaps to refer to other people’s criticisms of these. Constructive criticism goes beyond this by suggesting ways in which a piece of research or writing could be improved.… being against is not enough. Previous studies of X have not dealt with … Researchers have not treated X in much detail. A more comprehensive study would include all the groups of … A better study would examine a large, randomly selected sample of societies with … A much more systematic approach would identify how X interacts with other variables that are believed to be linked to …

Hacker Factor: Gender Guesser The words you use can disclose identifying features. This tool attempts to determine an author's gender based on the words used. Submitted text is evaluated based on two types of writing: formal and informal. Formal writing includes fiction and non-fiction stories, articles, and news reports. Informal writing includes blog and chat-room text. About Gender Guesser In 2003, a team of researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Fine, and Anat Rachel Shimoni) developed a method to estimate gender from word usage. A simplified version of this work was implemented as the Gender Genie. This Gender Guesser system is heavily based on the Gender Genie. (Oh yeah, and Gender Guesser is completely implemented in JavaScript. A few quick notes: The system generates a simple estimate (profiling). Future This software is provided as open source, but it is not "free software".
