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Editorial Design Served

Editorial Design Served
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Self Publishing - Auto pubblica il tuo libro o ebook Concurso | Lalolagráfica Si te gusta el diseño entenderás la necesidad de aplicar correctamente la tipografía, es decir, conocer las reglas ortotipográficas. Si quieres saber qué es la ortotipografía o quieres medir tus conocimientos, puedes participar en el primer concurso on line. Cómo Plazo El concurso está abierto desde el 01/10 hasta el 15/11. El nombre de los ganadores se publicará en Facebook y Twitter a partir del 17/11. Premio Dos ejemplares de mi libro: Ortotipografía para diseñadores. -- Acerca de mí Soy la autora del libro Ortotipografía para diseñadores (editorial Gustavo Gili) y escribo artículos sobre esta especialidad en publicaciones de referencia.

15 More Apps To Create Books On The iPad Creating books on the iPad doesn’t seem like the first thing you might do with one of the popular little tablets, but it’s really quite capable of doing so provided you’re not trying to write the next great novel. We’ve written about 3 apps to reate books on the iPad in the past, but the following listly by Meg Wilson goes further, including 15 apps to do so. The artful collision of technology, learning, and literacy is an idea promoted in the Common Core Standards, which is likely your rule book if you teach K-12 in an American public school. And for those of you that rail against both Common Core and the iPad (but obviously not literacy), keep fighting the good fight. 15 Literacy Apps To Create Books On The iPad

Mr CUP : Inspiration . Creation . Emotion / The work, the shop & the blog of Fabien Barral Baen Ebooks A STUNNING BAEN BOOKS DEBUT. A brilliant Americana flintlock fantasy novel set in a world of Appalachian magic that works. Sarah Calhoun is the fifteen‑year‑old daughter of the Elector Andrew Calhoun, one of Appalachee’s military heroes and one of the electors who gets to decide who will next ascend as the Emperor of the New World. None of that matters to Sarah. But Sarah’s world gets turned on its head at the Nashville Tobacco Fair when a Yankee wizard‑priest tries to kidnap her. Now on a desperate quest with Thalanes to claim this heritage, she is hunted by the Emperor’s bodyguard of elite dragoons, as well as by darker things—shapeshifting Mockers and undead Lazars, and behind them a power more sinister still.

El Mac (Denmark) – Part II We already shared some photos with you of a large mural El Mac worked in while in town for his show at Galerie Wolfsen (covered), It turns out that was only the tip of the iceberg as the LA-based street artist also worked on a triptych piece for his fans in Denmark entitled Purity of Heart, taken from the popular book by Søren Kierkegaard – Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing. These three murals grace three sides of a tower in front of a recently renovated orphanage and was commissioned by Martin Nielsen. “A Providence watches over each man’s wandering through life. It provides him with two guides. The one calls him forward. The other calls him back. Discuss El Mac here.

Read Books Online Free - Romance Novels Online How to Import/Export Widget Settings in WordPress Sometimes when moving WordPress sites, you may need to save and reuse widget settings from one WordPress installation to another. If a site has just a few widgets, then you can probably do that manually. However, if there are many widgets in multiple sidebars and widget areas, then you need a better solution. First thing you need to do is install and activate the Widget Settings Import/Export plugin. To restore these widgets in another WordPress installation, you will need to install and activate the Widget Settings Import/Export plugin on that site as well. Locate the JSON file you downloaded earlier and then click on the Show Widgets Settings button. Please note that if you have active widgets added to your site by a plugin, then you may not be able to import those widgets until you have those plugins installed on the target website as well. We hope this article helped you quickly export/import widgets settings in WordPress.

Intermezzi Editore - Todas las zapatillas Jordan de la historia - JD Blog Si hablamos de baloncesto, hay dos cosas que inmediatamente se nos pasan por la cabeza: Michael Jordan y su marca de zapatillas. De hecho, ya es casi imposible ver un partido de la NBA y no encontrar a alguien que lleve deportivas de Jordan, ya sea un jugador en la cancha o un aficionado en las gradas. Por eso, en esta ocasión le dedicamos un artículo especial a la marca Jordan y sus zapatillas, para que puedas conocer la historia, detalles y evolución de cada una de ellas. Comprar Jordan en JD Lista de todos los modelos de Jordan Desde el primer momento causaron furor tanto en los seguidores del basket como en los aficionados a la moda urbana. ¿Preparado para un viaje en el tiempo? Air Jordan I El primer modelo de la colección y seguramente el más popular. Leer más Comprar Air Jordan II Se fabricaron en Italia y por eso recibieron el sobrenombre de «Itallian Stallion». Leer más Air Jordan III Llegaron con una campaña publicitaria con el lema «Gotta Be the Shoes». Leer más Air Jordan IV Leer más
