Help Yourself to English: Expressions: Useful phrases for presentations When making presentations in English, it is important to use specific expressions to indicate the different steps or stages in your talk. In this exercise, you will learn some of these expressions. The presenter is talking about a customer service training programme, using the slide on the right. Activity time: 10 to 30 minutes Task 1 You will see the beginning of 15 sentences from the presentation. They are in the order they are used in the talk. 2 If you would like some more useful phrases for presentations, see the link below for a printable list of expressions. Presentations - The Presentation Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions): As a general rule in communication, repetition is valuable. In presentations, there is a golden rule about repetition: Say what you are going to say,say it,then say what you have just said. In other words, use the three parts of your presentation to reinforce your message. We will now consider each of these parts in more detail. Introduction The introduction is a very important - perhaps the most important - part of your presentation. welcome your audienceintroduce your subjectoutline the structure of your presentationgive instructions about questions The following table shows examples of language for each of these functions. Body The body is the 'real' presentation. The body should be well structured, divided up logically, with plenty of carefully spaced visuals. Remember these key points while delivering the body of your presentation: Conclusion Use the conclusion to: Questions
Sir Richard Branson allows his staff to take unlimited holiday Sir Richard Branson, the boss of Virgin Group which employs more than 50,000 people around the world and operates in more than 50 countries, is offering his personal staff of 170 unlimited holiday time. Sir Richard Branson explained the move on his website.“There is no need to ask for prior approval and neither the employees themselves nor their managers are asked or expected to keep track of their days away from the office. He explained his daughter had seen an article about Netflix: ‘The Netflix initiative had been driven by a growing groundswell of employees asking about how their new technology-controlled time on the job (working at all kinds of hours at home and/or everywhere they receive a business text or email) could be reconciled with the company’s old-fashioned time-off policy. “The best way to meet any challenges is to build a culture of trust within the organisation. So would you allow your staff unlimited holiday time?
English Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation Exercises for ESL Teachers and Students Successful Presentations video « elteachertrainer I’ve been involved with a new Video Course from Oxford University Press. Working with communication skills expert Andrew Mallett, we recorded video extracts with both real business people and actors to create a series on how give successful presentations. Students can use the video on its own as its self explanatory but there is also a book that goes with it that has exercises and guides them through the videos. Anyway, OUP have now put some of the videos online for viewing so I thought I’d show you a few here and talk you through them so you get a full idea of how a unit works in the course. Next, students watch a presentation with actors which models certain generic skills and language points. After the presentation, Andrew gives his own comments. So, that’s gives you a brief overview. Like this: Like Loading... Categories: Business English, Video Tags: business English, Educational Video, efl, elt, Presentation skills
Parlez-vous européen ? Histoire d'amour antiraciste - PT Durée : 02 min 33 s Date de publication : 01/2010 "Love + Hate", realizado por Dominic Savage, é uma história de amor contemporânea que tem como pano de fundo as divisões raciais de uma cidade do norte de Inglaterra. Histoire d'amour antiraciste - ES Durée : 02 min 33 s Date de publication : 01/2010 "Love and Hate", o la versión intercultural Romeo y Julieta Para el director Dominic Savage los nuevos Romeo y Julieta no serían Montesco y Capuleto, dos familias enfrentadas, sino británico y paquistaní, dos jóvenes de culturas y razas distintas. (...) Histoire d'amour antiraciste - IT Durée : 02 min 32 s Date de publication : 01/2010 "Love + Hate" è una racconto d'amore moderno, ispirato ad una realtà di segregazione e di violenza in una città del nord della Gran Bretagna: due adolescenti, un inglese e una pakistana si innamorano perdutamente e attraversano senza volerlo (...)
The business strategy behind Disney’s magical experiences Last week, 250 GTA business professionals participated in “Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence,” an all day workshop offered through the Disney Institute and organized by McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business in partnership with the Certified General Accountants of Ontario (CGA). Workshop attendees watched case studies, answered questions, and participated in several group exercises led by Bryan Tabler and Amy Rossi, two facilitators from the Disney Institute and veteran employees of Disney. The goal of the day was to learn the strategies Disney believes are key to the successful maintenance of The Walt Disney Company. These strategies are regarded as Disney’s five universal assets of a successful business — also known as the Disney Chain of Excellence — made up of leadership excellence, cast excellence, guest satisfaction and financial results/repeat business. Leadership Excellence “The word ‘no’ shuts down hopes,” said Bryan Tabler, Disney Institute facililtator. Ms.
EnglishClub 3 sites pour améliorer sa prononciation en anglais La maîtrise de la langue anglaise passe aussi par l’apprentissage d’une prononciation correcte. Le travail sur la grammaire, le vocabulaire et l’orthographe est évidemment déterminant, mais incomplet. Le web regorge de sites pour une approche des différents aspects de l’apprentissage d’une langue comme l’anglais. J’en ai présenté quelques-uns ici même sur Outils TICE. Voici trois ressources supplémentaires qui ciblent plus spécialement la prononciation. Trois sites que vos élèves peuvent utiliser pour écouter, pratiquer et affiner leur oreille dans l’apprentissage de langue de Sheakespeare. Howjsay J’aime bien le nom de ce premier site Howjsay a créé une base de données assez impressionnante puisqu’il répertorie ni plus ni moins que tous les mots de la langue anglaise. Forvo Forvo est un site très web2 qui s’appuie sur l’aide des internautes du monde entier pour proposer des prononciations réalisées par des natifs. English Pronunciation Sur le même thème
Starbucks needs to start over - Stealing Share I just happened to stumble across an article in the February 1, 2010 issue of Time entitled, “Starbucks Can Smell Growth”. It’s an interview with Starbucks founder and CEO, Howard Schultz, who retired in 2000 only to return in 2008 to a Starbucks in trouble. The article goes on to mention how consumer-spending habits have changed in these times of financial difficulty and that Starbucks hopes its entrance into the instant coffee market will once again transform the company into a financial darling. I don’t really feel that Starbucks’ trouble was or is the economy. I think the main reason they got into trouble is they truly lost sight of their brand. If by chance I do run into Starbucks — that’s all I do. Sales may be down because of the financial crisis, but sales were down before then. Starbucks needs to return to the blackboard and rethink things, like their own brand. Starbucks needs to start over was last modified: February 9th, 2010 by Tom Dougherty
Préparer la certification complémentaire en DNL Pour enseigner dans les disciplines non linguistiques (DNL) dans les Sections européennes ou de langues orientales, il faut passer une certification complémentaire. Cette rubrique vous aide dans la préparation de cette épreuve. Comme le spécifie le BO n°7 du 12 février 2004, une certification complémentaire peut être accordée depuis février 2005 aux enseignants de disciplines non linguistiques (DNL) pour enseigner leur discipline dans une langue autre que le français, dans le cadre des sections européennes ou de langues orientales (SELO). Cette certification complémentaire en DNL constitue un enjeu de formation majeur pour l'enseignement dans ces sections. Elle valorise à la fois la formation initiale des enseignants et permet aux titulaires de valider des parcours de formation continue et d'autoformation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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