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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Getting Smart by Guest Author - EdTech, elearning, IOLchat “50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses” by Julie DeNeen first appeared on informED. Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education via e learning for free. From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education. 1. UMass Boston Open Courseware The UMass courseware offers a broad range of classes in areas like psychology, biology, early education, political science, history, mathematics, and others.

CELT CELT represented at P & S Conference Resource Fair How would you want CELT to help support your work? with Faculty? 50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Getting Smart by Guest Author - EdTech, elearning, IOLchat Email Share September 30, 2012 - by Guest Author 194 Email Share Cronología de una ¿revolución educativa? Durante los últimos 4 años de crisis ecónomica en España los debates sobre el modelo de la educación universitaria han estado capitalizados por tres discursos, como apunta Scolari, el de Bolonia, el de la innovación y el de la propia crisis. Por una parte Bolonia, si bien como discurso sigue funcionando, se podría considerar un proyecto fallido o al menos suspendido sine die. Recordemos que aún cuando la crisis no había estallado, nuestro país apostó por hacer un cambio de modelo a coste cero que ha acabado por modificar las formas y no tanto el fondo. Por otra parte, el discurso de la innovación, vinculado a la idea de transferencia de conocimiento, sigue en buena forma, si bien habría que examinar su eficacia y su viabilidad en un momento en el que el discurso de la crisis deja en suspenso cualquier plan estratégico de futuro.

Estudie gratis en Harvard o Stanford Gratis, online y con el respaldo de algunas de las universidades más prestigiosas del mundo. Así son los cursos que están arrasando en Internet y que prometen poner patas arriba el modelo tradicional de enseñanza de pago y presencial. Basta una conexión a Internet, algo de tiempo y ganas de aprender para apuntarse a un curso de Emprendedores en Stanford, de Historia Mundial en Princeton o de Psicología en la Universidad de Londres. El resto sale gratis. 100 Essential Bookmarks for Open Source Enthusiasts When Whitney Houston sang about children being the future, that’s only because open source wasn’t really much of a thing back in 1986. But it is now, and it’s the future (sorry, kiddos), so teach it well and let it lead the way. The ongoing popularity of free learning resources, classes, certificates, and more has done more to democratize education than anything else since the advent of public schooling. By this point, anyone with Internet access can receive a world-class education on their own terms and, for the most part, at no cost. Thanks to the efforts of the following websites, more and more self-directed learners work independently or in groups to better their minds. Schools

get skilled, get qualified with our free online courses MOOC How to Catch Light in a Web utilizada como ilustração do modelo de MOOC para a prática digital em: McAULEY, Alexander et al. Massive open online courses: digital ways of knowing and learning. “Os MOOC representam experiências de aprendizagem realmente inovadoras. Vão além das experiências iniciais e limitadas de mudança na educação, como OCW (Open Course Ware), baseadas ainda em objetos de aprendizagem isolados e sem pedagogias concretas associadas, e incluem não apenas mudanças na forma de compreender o conteúdo, mas também propostas metodológicas e novos papéis para os dinamizadores e participantes. Afirma-se, nesse caso, de forma explícita, que nem Stephen Downes nem George Siemens, seus responsáveis, desempenham papéis de instrutores tradicionais, mas que são simplesmente nós em uma rede maior.”

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