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Welcome — ISMIR 2012 The Mill Co. Project | Creative social enterprise space for the independent community Piranesi i la ciutat | Quadern Una exposició al CaixaForum de Barcelona, Les arts de Piranesi, reuneix un conjunt variat d’obres de Giambattista Piranesi. La novetat d’aquesta mostra és que exhibeix obres quasi desconegudes d’aquest arquitecte venecià que habitualment són eclipsades per les seves fantasies, les presons imaginàries o les ruïnes. Aquí trobaran una àmplia selecció de gravats sobre construcció, aixecaments arqueològics i topogràfics, l’escassa obra construïda i un conjunt interessant format per objectes variats, com ara vasos, mobles, miralls o elements decoratius d’interior, en especial boques de llars de foc. Resulta ben destacable l’esforç dels comissaris i de la Fondazione Giorgio Cini per realitzar reproduccions tridimensionals d’aquests objectes (i també el vídeo-animació de les seves presons imaginàries). Tot plegat, un treball notable per dur a terme una autèntica resurrecció d’aquest personatge. Són una de les formes més clares de veure el que hi ha entre les coses.

WW Gallery - Contemporary Art Malmö Konsthall Bilder från utställningen Mike Nelson (f. 1967) är en av de mest uppskattade konstnärerna i sin generation. Hans konst kännetecknas huvudsakligen av skulpturer och minutiöst konstruerade storskaliga arkitektoniska installationer. I detta nya verk skapat för Malmö Konsthall använder Nelson den institutionella arkitekturen som bakgrund till en enorm betongworkshop. Produktionsworkshopen kommer att användas till att gjuta flera tusen betongblock som ska läggas ut över golvet, ett gallerverk format som ett nät över den återstående ytan i konsthallen. Innebörden av detta verk är varken given eller didaktisk. Detta hav av gjuten betong på Malmö Konsthall är ett nytt verk av Mike Nelson som påminner om hans tidiga verk såsom Untitled (1991); Cast concrete wall in context (1992); Cast Kufic script from the khulufa mosque built by m. De senaste två decennierna har Nelson skapat verk, installationer och rum som vi som publik fascineras av.

Creative Costumes of Still-Practiced Pagan Rituals of Europe (19 pics) 348K views 225 days ago by Justina Now these are not your average Halloween costumes. For two years, French photographer Charles Fréger has been traveling throughout 19 European countries and trying to capture the spirit of what he calls “tribal Europe” in his “Wilder Mann” series. What he found was a huge array of pagan rituals, mainly related to the winter solstice and spring renewal, focusing on the common myth of the “wild man.” It appears that the tradition of men dressing up as wild animals and monsters, which dates back to neolithic times and shamanism, is still very alive nowadays. Website: Like Dislike 0 points Vote:

Kunstuitleen voor bedrijven en instellingen | Business Art Service (BAS) | Grootste kunstuitleen voor bedrijven en instellingen Amateur Photographer of the Year 2014 Your chance to enter the UK's most prestigious competition for amateur photographers. Here we give you the details on how to enter Amateur Photographer of the Year 2014 by email, rules and all the terms and conditions. Amateur Photographer of the Year 2014 – Your chance to enter the UK’s most prestigious competition for amateur photographers **Entries must be received by 5pm (UK time) on the closing date at the correct email address** (Please do not send to the general AP email address) Since AP’s Amateur Photographer of the Year competition was launched in its present format in 1997, it has gone from strength to strength. Photo by Emma Goulder We receive thousands of entries from all around the world, and last year saw a very high standard of submissions. Photo by Gary Telford APOY 2014 follows a similar format to last year, with ten monthly rounds from March until December. Photo by Martin Roberts The prizes Prizes are awarded to the first, second and third-placed entrants for each round.

Art & Research : Sarat Maharaj These jottings touch on five elements of method that I should like to relate to art practice and research. Two are sketched below followed by four truncated entries for future elaboration “Lund”, “Confucius Lab”, “Uddevalla Volvo”, “Nameless Science or the Unnameable?” Mulling Over Method (1) The query that crops up right away with the idea of “visual art as knowledge production” is: “what sort of knowledge?” Hard on its heels “What marks out its difference, its otherness?” (2) “Visual Art as Knowledge Production” involves sundry epistemic engines and contraptions that we might broadly refer to as “Thinking Through the Visual”. With (1) above, we can get bogged down fairly quickly with the daunting notion that nothing counts unless it has the systematic rigour of “science”. Two examples fleshes out the point: Marcel Duchamp spent years devising a lingo, with rules, anti-rules and measures, mingled in with doses of quirk, chance and random intrusion for his Large Glass project (1915-21).

Enter | BJP's International Photography Award You’re only a few steps away from entering the International Photography Award 2017. £40 for one series£60 for two series entries Enter IPA 2017 Instructions The submitted series must be a substantial interconnected body of work, including at least 10 images and a maximum of 30 images.Images can be shot in any format, using any camera model, on film or digital.Each image can be a maximum of 5MB in size. For full terms and conditions, please click here. For support, please click here.
