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The #1 Inbound Marketing community

The #1 Inbound Marketing community
Related:  Content marketing e SEO

Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers This free plugin installs smart social sharing buttons that allow your visitors to easily share content on your WordPress site. These sharing buttons are tied to powerful analytics that allow you to track sharing activity and identify the influencers that are sending you traffic. The most popular social networks are included: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Wanelo, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Polyvore, and Kaboodle. NEW! Increase Traffic & Recover Lost Sales With New Retargeting Apps Win back customers that abandon your site with our brand new Social Retargeting and Facebook Retargeting apps (average ROI of 426%!). Smart Social Apps For Your WordPress Site powers the apps installed by this plugin. Social Login Our plugin integrates social login into WordPress, making it super easy for your visitors to register and login to your site! Increase User Engagement & Traffic Enable sharing through the most popular social networks and watch the increased sharing and traffic!

Inside Search The Most Creative Link Building Post Ever When you think you’ve seen it all, you’re not even close. A couple weeks ago I emailed ~50 high profile SEOs in the industry asking them one simple question: “What was the most creative way you, or someone you know, got a link?” That was the question, these were the answers. UPDATES: There are now 52 responses and counting! When I was younger I had a lot of success with proxy websites. Getting links to a one-page proxy website covered in ads is not easy. I then released the themes for free with my link in. The most creative tactic I’ve seen is using a hoax or a prank. Search for Ivar’s Billboard Hoax on Google – you’ll find 2.5 million results, and I’m willing to bet a few of them included links. “We now know that the billboard was not steel but rather painted wood; that Seattle advertising veterans, Heckler Associates (2701 1st Avenue) helped devise the campaign; that a $250,000 budget was allocated for creating the hoax and pushing it with TV and radio ads. Bargain. Next Steps: 1. 2. 1.

Aiuto! La rete vendita pensa che i contatti “inbound” siano una rottura! Credo di aver avuto questa conversazione almeno 50 volte all’anno: “Mark, noi amiamo l’ “inbound marketing”. Abbiamo completamente ristrutturato il nostro marketing per allinearlo al modo in cui i potenziali clienti acquistano e stiamo ricevendo un numero di contatti 10 volte superiore al passato. E’ fantastico, ma la mia rete vendita non fa altro che lamentarsi di questi contatti. Dicono che rompono! "Pubblichiamo un articolo scrittto da Mark Roberge di HubSpot e gentilmente tradotto da Maria Angela Martoriello di Rossato Group". Ecco quello che succede: il vostro venditore tipo ha affinato per anni, se non per decenni, le sue abilità nell’attirare contatti “outbound”. I “problemi” che la vostra rete vendita sottolinea sono in realtà soltanto segni che evidenziano il modo in cui i contatti “inbound” agiscono, pensano e chiudono affari a differenza dei contatti “outbound”. Suggerimento #1: Non acquistare una lista di aziende nel tuo mercato target. Suggerimento #2: Non chiamare “in alto”

The rise of omni-channel retail: definition and 5 tips | Tips & practices | Blogs | Selligent | Interactive Marketing Solutions | Marketing software Consumers increasingly embrace digital technologies and devices in all stages of their buying journey. Digital is integrated with off-line shopping behaviour and retailers are being advised they should look at omni-channel retailing. In his recent blog post on Econsultancy, Darren Hitchcock defines omni-channel retailing as "an integrated sales experience that melds the advantages of physical stores with the information-rich experience of online shopping". While omni-channel retailing is still relatively new for most retailers, it gets more attention as consumer behaviour keeps changing and retailers gain a single customer view, integrating customer and shopping data with behavioural profiling, preferences, etc. There are many tactics and ways to provide a more integrated shopping experience. 5 omni-channel retailing trends and ideas 1) Making use of social media Peer-to-peer communication is one of the most effective ways to sell something. 2) Integrating customer reviews

Memo to the CEO: Customers Are the Key to Growth - Bill Lee Pressure has never been greater on CEOs to create organic, sustainable growth. One place business leaders are not looking for reliable help with this challenge? Their marketing departments. R&D and product development launch products that receive tepid responses. In doing research for my book, I found that companies who are attracting buyers in today’s hyper-connected world are developing new approaches and competencies that focus on one thing: customers. These approaches are often beyond the reach of traditional marketing mindsets and practices — that’s why I’m addressing the CEO. These approaches include: Get customers advocating for you right now Prospective buyers these days trust one source of information above all others: their peers. First, find the core of customers who are passionate about you. Parallels Software did this recently in a customer survey, and uncovered 30,000 self-identified “promoters.” Examples of this are increasing.

How Much Should You Budget for Content Marketing in 2016? If you’re like most Chief Marketing Officers around the country, you’re likely boosting your overall marketing budget over the next couple years. An IBM and CMO Club study reports that nearly 60% of CMOs are increasing their budget next year across almost every area. But the real question for many is, how much should you put toward traditional advertising, PPC, SEO, social media, email, inbound, budget for content marketing, PR, mobile, etc.? There’s a simple solution to help make that decision: Understand your customer journey. “CMOs are really focused on investing across the customer journey,” said Jay Henderson, director of Strategy at IBM Commerce in an AdAge article. Once you truly understand the customer journey, you’ll have a better idea on where to invest money along the buying cycle. The IMB study reports that marketers will spend 20% on awareness or the “discover” phase when customers beginning to search for products or services. They are spending: Conclusion Your turn

Link Building Resources - A Curated List Never again will you have to point an SEO newbie to multiple pages on the Web to learn link building. Just point them here, tell them to read up, and they’ll be an expert in no time (OK, maybe not an expert, but they’ll know a ton more). Like my link building strategies post, this is a work in progress, and the reason I made it is because there isn’t any definitive list of link building resources on the Web that can stand the test of time. I’m here to change that. Link Building Blogs There are a few outstanding link building blogs that regularly publish great content. Outside of these, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, Distilled, Wordstream,, Hobo Web, and Wordtracker all provide link building content, but not exclusively like the majority of the blogs listed above. Link Building for Beginners After spending hours upon hours searching for the best link building content for beginners, I only feel comfortable recommending these three. Link Building Tools

Social Marketing Benchmarks: Budgets, Goals, and More Organizations are still cautious about dedicating resources to social media marketing: Only 27% of those surveyed employ someone who focuses exclusively on social media, according to a study by Ragan Communications and NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions. Most (65%) organizations (including for-profit corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies) have added social marketing to the list of tasks traditionally assigned to marketing communications professionals. In addition, one-quarter (25%) of organizations employ an intern to help with social marketing. Below, additional findings from the report titled "Structuring a Social Media Team," by Ragan Communications and NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions. Most organizations are still learning about social media: Only 13% of marketing professionals say their team's social media efforts are an "advanced, well-run machine." Hiring Social Marketers Budgets Goals Measuring Social Media Top Channels, Frequency of Posts Content Is the C-Suite On-Board?

Enrico Marchetto, Autore a Noiza Partiamo da una premessa: senza remarketing online non si vende, senza remarketing non si fanno leads, senza remarketing qualsiasi nostra azione di advertising viene penalizzata sul nascere. Perché? Non è certo la sede per disquisire sulle potenzialità del remarketing, perché se state leggendo questo articolo probabilmente ve ne siete già accorti. Vi lascio solamente un link allo splendido articolo di Alessandro Sportelli (hey è un pezzo del 2014, ma Alessandro si occupa di strategia, non di tecnicaglie, e la strategia è molto ma molto più longeva della tecnica) che vi descrive quanto complesso sia far completare un’azione attesa a un cliente. Inquadrando il remarketing su Facebook, tendiamo sempre a considerare una tassonomia ormai consolidata: 1) Remarketing sui Fan di una Pagina, quando andiamo a scegliere come target delle nostre campagne la fan base della nostra pagina Su twitter sintetizzavo il concetto così: Facebook va a crearci automaticamente due audience: Chiaro.
