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Welcome to Twitalyzer
Twitalyzer's Data Use and Privacy Policy Twitalyzer makes use of publicly available data in all cases, regardless of source. We rely on public Twitter streams, publicly available data from Klout, PeerIndex, and Rapleaf, and reserve the right to add other data from the public domain from time to time.

Edelman Berland Monitoring- en Webcaretools 2012 Monitoring van sociale media speelt een steeds belangrijker rol bij veel bedrijven en organisaties. Of het nu gaat om het volgen van de conversatie over het merk, over het monitoren van jongeren op weg naar Haren of het volgen van de mening over de verkiezingen thuis op de bank. Monitoring van sociale media ontgroeit qua belang en professionaliteit duidelijk het beginstadium. Dat zien we ook op Marketingfacts aan de populariteit van blogs over monitoring- en webcaretools. Naast monitoring wordt webcare ook steeds vaker ingezet; het gaat niet alleen om het luisteren naar de doelgroep, maar ook om het aangaan van de interactie met individuen. Rapport monitoring- en webcaretools Met dit onderzoek – uitgevoerd door Upstream in samenwerking met Repmen - naar monitoring- en webcaretools zetten we een eerste stap naar transparantie in de markt. Deze lijst is samengesteld op basis van de toeleveranciers met een vestiging in Nederland. Wijze van aanpak Publicatie van het rapport Detailinformatie

Social Media Tools 30 Amazing Marketing Tools, Tips & Tricks We're Thankful For Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! While stuffing our faces with cranberries and mashed potatoes, we're going to ruminate on a lot of things we're thankful for -- friends, family, our jobs -- and some of the things that make our jobs way easier . And the easier we make our jobs, the more time we can spend with friends and family. So I asked a bunch of marketers what tools, tricks, and tips make them salivate more than a juicy turkey, and they came up with some awesome stuff(ing). Social Media Tools 1) Social Media Publishing Tools - It's wonderful to be able to actually enjoy your time off as a social media manager -- and social publishing tools let you do that. 2) Facebook Global Pages - These are a pretty new development , but this is so helpful for global marketers. 3) Audience Targeting in Facebook Advertisements - There's more to love about Facebook. Content Creation Tools 5) The Thesaurus - Ridiculous? SEO Tools Analytics Tools Collaboration & Planning Tools Educational Tools

Social Intelligence: Marketing KPIs and Customer Journey Mapping Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you? Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media. Taking this view of your customer’s world lets you make better informed and faster decisions about value propositions, brand strategies, and, more importantly, how to engage customers.

Google Insights TwitSprout - Beautiful Social Media Analytics.
