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EVE Online

EVE Online

Northern Coalition Jump Bridge Map Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms BattleClinic KB Welcome to the oldest and largest killboard for EVE Online! Our ongoing development and maintenance of the killboard is supported by our ETC sales. Buy yours at BattleClinic Deep Space Supply! Short FAQ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Purpose BattleClinic helps players Fight Smart®. Fog of War No killboard in existence, not even an "API-Only" killboard, is100% accurate. Improving Accuracy of Data You can improve the accuracy of your statistics by entering your full api key. We highly recommend that your corp CEO post their full API key (it's safe to do that here!) Ranking and Points BattleClinic uses a proprietary system to award points to kills (and to award negative points for losses). Your ranking is based on your points compared to the points earned or lost by other players at a specific point in time. BattleClinic only tracks the ranking history of the top ten thousand pilots in EVE-Online. In certain circumstances, BattleClinic makes some assumptions when assigning ISK values.
