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iPads in schools! They just play games!

iPads in schools! They just play games!
20th Century pedagogy + iPads = Gaming So, you’re in your classroom and annoyed that the kids are playing games on the iPads. You have devised a strategy and at random intervals, you ask them to double-click the ‘Home’ button to see the last apps used. writing their notes;Reading their e-textbook;completing their essay or‘Researching’ on the Internet. The only step forward you’ve really seen is the ability to use that Shakespeare app or Dissecting Frog app. The parents too, have complained that all they seem to see is game playing and maybe your school is considering limiting the apps allowed on the devices. Well done on introducing iPads. Now you have introduced a radically new and powerful learning device, you need to update your pedagogy to match it. Why are these issues the most important? Like the iPad, learning is personal As I have previously mentioned, you can’t encourage the idea that learning is a lifetime occupation, if you centre your education delivery around the teachers.

IPad = Flipped Classroom Made Easy | iPad 4 SCHOOLS Yes, the Flipped Classroom (Video lessons watched before class time) is a fashionable topic but whilst there’s still chalk-and-talk together with standardised testing I feel I must continue to push it. And no, it’s not just chalk-and-talk in disguise. It creates a whole new learning environment for the student. I haven’t taught a whole class for 6 months! Flipping my classroom has changed my career. Why should all teachers flip their classroom? Online videos should replace all whole-class teaching because: Not every student listens to teachers when surrounded by distractionsStudents understand at differing levels when lessons are one-offsSome students need the teaching at a different pace (both faster or slower) to what’s delivered in the classroom. So here’s my workflow for those who are interested 1. 2. 3. STEP 1: Online Account setup Having a google/gmail account does automatically give you a YouTube account but you have to login to YouTube specifically to activate the video storage.

18 Snapshots Of iPad Integration You know from experience that when you enjoy a subject, learning about that subject is easier, more fun, and you retain the information longer. Getting kids to enjoy learning is more productive to education efforts than spending more money, lengthening school days, you name it. This is the reason many educators are excited about the possibilities inherent to the iPad. More than 600 school districts in America have brought iPads into the classroom. Had they waited a bit longer, they could have taken advantage of studies like these to know whether the iPad movement is the wave of the future of education, or a waste of valuable resources. Motion Math in Class: An assistant professor of education at USC’s Rossier School oversaw this study looking at whether having students play a learning game to teach them fractions increased their knowledge. Oklahoma State University iPad Pilot Program: OSU experimented with iPads in five classes in the fall of 2010.

7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work There is nothing much rewarding for students than to see their accomplished work being published and celebrated with others. This is very much motivating and is a strong impetus for them to achieve more and work harder. There are several online tools that you as a teacher can use to host your students work and share them with the whole class and as well as parents .Below are some tools that can help you do that. Check them out : 1- Flipsnack Fipsnack is an online flipping book software that allows you to convert PDF documents into Flash page flip digital publications ideal for publishing students work. 2- Issuu This is another popular website where you can upload and share your students work very easily and for free. 3- Tikatok Tikatok lets you easily create an unlimited books online . 4- Mixbook Mixbook lets you make completely customizable photo books, yearbooks, cards, and calendars and many more. 5- ePub Bud 6- Lulu Lulu is a website that lets you publish print books and ebooks for free.

The Ultimate Guide To Apple’s Presence In Education Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-08-31 All eyes are on education right now. Whether it’s in the political theater or the venture capitalists, everyone has set their sights on the future leaders of tomorrow. In an effort to share exactly how Apple is targeting students, MDG Advertising whipped up a thought-provoking infographic. Smart devices are having a real impact on both literacy and learning levels. Awesome Apple logo via DeviantArt Comments are closed.

18 Ways iPads Are Being Used In Classrooms Right Now iPads are quickly becoming a popular and powerful educational tool for classrooms. Beyond the immediate benefit of engaging students, iPads can improve education efficiency and standards. However, many teachers are unsure of how to use them effectively. Coupled with concerns over the costs involved, iPad implementation in schools is seen as an unnecessary and expensive risk. As the case studies below demonstrate, iPads are being used in education environments around the world with great success. So just what are they doing? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Similarly, First Words Animals aids with letter and word identification. 18.

Reading Without Tears: Use the iPad to Encourage Reluctant Readers By Emily | October 18, 2012 | 2 comments If your child has a meltdown when it’s time to “drop everything and read,” consider using the iPad to build good reading habits and to help your child find content that interest him. Of course parents can tell a child that “there’s no iPad until you’ve done your reading.” And, there are many, many high-quality kids book appsavailable that encourage children to read, for some kids reading remains a chore. Look for apps which, while they aren’t books, still require reading. Let your child watch BrainPop with the mute button on, so he has to read along on his own. Make reading more like a game. Work more reading into a child’s play time. Track a child’s progress. Do you have a reluctant reader at home? Photo courtesy of Flickr user Creative Donkey.

iTeaching: The New Pedagogy (How the iPad is Inspiring Better Ways of Teaching) On that magical day when you got home from the iStore, peeled away the plastic shrink-wrap and opened up that white box to reveal the gadget that would change your life, you very likely experienced a moment of anger or confusion over the absence of a manual to tell you what to do. As you know by now, this was no accident. Here’s why: Apple made the iPad so intuitive and easy to use that almost anyone could pick one up and start using it right away.Because the iPad is touch based, you are encouraged to get hands on from the start. Giving you a manual would very likely diminish the personal enjoyment of learning about the iPad. This post was inspired by the #ipadagogy hashtag I came across recently on Twitter. Here’s how: We need to hide the ‘manual’. Yes, you do get those who have an ‘anger reaction’ to the iPad and set it aside as an elaborate device they only use to check email, surf the net and play Angry Birds with. Your comments are welcomed. Like this: Like Loading...

iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... How To 'App Smash' And Implement Digital Storytelling On The iPad App smashing, the process of using more than one apps in conjunction with one another to create a final product, is a concept that allows students to create engaging educational projects and illustrate their creativity in multifaceted ways. One of the most gratifying and effective ways to use app smashing in the classroom is to create digital storytelling projects. The concept of digital storytelling is emerging as a form of personal and collective expression of knowledge, ideas, and perceptions. Here is an iPad app smashing activity you can use in your classroom in order to create professionally looking digital storytelling projects. Getting Hands-On: The Project A typical app smashing activity has four steps: First, you start with the end product in mind. Objective To create a Digital Storytelling project that illustrates knowledge in effective and appropriate ways. Apps We Will Use Workflow Short Tutorials Here is a short video on how to use Tellagami Some Final Thoughts

Developing the Use of Pupil Blogging Through the Use of a Class Learning Wall. Context When we knew that we would be using iPods in year 6 on a 1:1 basis we began to plan and discuss how best to maximise impact. One thing we immediately recognised as being central to all of our work was the development and frequent use of a blog space for each pupil. In preparation for this we decided to divide up classroom display boards into equally sized sections and allocate a space to each child. Other examples of our Learning Walls can be found on our pupils' blog ( How it works Over the summer stationery supplies were restocked in terms of pins, staplers, backing paper etc and the wall spaces were labelled with pupil names. E-safety Maintaining that the pupils stay safe online is paramount. The Digital Leaders at the school used an app called Videoscribe HD to explain the blogging rules. Posterous The pupils each have the Posterous app on their iPods. QR Codes

How I'm Using My iPad in a Classroom of 30 Students - Mr. Guymon's Classroom The versatility of an iPad for education is endless. I am no expert, nor even a veteran in curating apps for the classroom, but I am off to a great start for this next school year. Here is how I have discovered using an iPad in the classroom. No, I'm not referring to a 1:1 iPad scenario. Skype for the iPad is invaluable for connecting with classrooms around the world. Green Screen Movie FX is an iPhone app that I use on my iPad to create movies in front of a green screen in my classroom. I intend to use Green Screen Movie FX a lot for social studies. Cinch is also an iPhone app that I use on my iPad 2 to create classroom podcasts. Finally, Weebly ! I looked into other websites that many educators use to host thier classroom blogs and webpages, but Weebly had more to offer me. Also, Weebly allows you to create multiple pages. Here are a few iPad accessories that I have for my classroom. I found this iPad tripod on for around $22 (about 50% off). Also, found this VGA adapter .

Spriting Guide | The Cave of Dragonflies I care about the truth, and I strive to keep the information on this website accurate and up-to-date. For instance, where possible, I have taken pains to personally test claims about the video games before making them. However, doing so is not always feasible, occasionally I manage to be wrong even when I think I've confirmed something, and with a website of this size, it's difficult to keep track of every single piece of information anywhere on it that might need to be changed or updated. Pokémon, Pikachu and all other Pokémon characters © 1995-2015 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures, Inc.

iPad a Solid Education Tool, Study Reports | Gadget Lab More and more schools are jumping on the digital bandwagon and adopting iPads for daily use in the classroom. Apple’s education-related announcements yesterday will no doubt bolster the trend, making faculty tools and student textbooks more engaging and accessible. But today another data point emerged, demonstrating that the iPad can be a valuable asset in education. In a partnership with Apple, textbook publishers Houghton Mifflin Harcourt performed a pilot study using an iPad text for Algebra 1 courses, and found that 20 percent more students (78 percent compared to 59 percent) scored ‘Proficient’ or ‘Advanced’ in subject comprehension when using tablets rather than paper textbook counterparts. The study was conducted at a Riverside, California, middle school from Spring 2010 to Spring 2011 using HMH’s Fuse: Algebra I app. The iPad seems to help students better connect with the content at hand. “Students’ interaction with the device was more personal. Go Back to Top.

Learning with iPads
