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Du chômage vers le plus splendide des jardins en permaculture « Citoyens en transition

Food Matters - Creating sustainable and fair food systems | Building local food systems The Building Local Food Systems Handbook has been produced to inspire, encourage, and enthuse you to explore, discover and act. The idea of the Handbook is to unpick some the key global food issues: climate change, GMO, peak oil, meat consumption and present some of the very practical actions that are happening around the country to mitigate these problems at a very local level and how you can get involved – as an individual, as a community or perhaps as part of a wider national campaign. The Handbook has been thoroughly researched, written and designed by Food Matters with support from the Local Food Fund. You can preview some pages of the toolkit here. Food Radar wins Social Innovation Camp June 2011 | Social Innovation Camp Social Innovation Camp June 2011 kicked off in Edinburgh on Friday – and what a weekend it was. 48 hours, several Skype calls to South Korea, user-testing in the city centre, one team all-nighter and countless cups of coffee later, the Show and Tell winners were: Overall winner: Food Radar ‘At the end of the day, it’s a good deal’, Food Radar is a site for shops to post last-minute deals for food they’d otherwise have to throw away at the end of the day. The idea started out life as Foodini and the team have won up to £5,000 worth of funding from Firstport to take their idea forward, along with support from The Melting Pot, Snook, Optimise Web, the Leith Agency and three months of 1-1 support from the Social Innovation Camp team. Follow them @foodradar Runner up: Room for Tea Room for Tea began the weekend as Homeshare. As runners up, Room for Tea have won support from the Melting Pot, as well as 1-1 guidance from the Social Innovation Camp team. Follow them @roomfortea

J'habite par là, j'ai eu la chance de visiter le jardin, c'est grand ! by treepalium Nov 19

by treepalium Nov 19
