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High dose Vitamin C to treat infections

High dose Vitamin C to treat infections

Lugol's Iodine Solution | Buy Lugols Iodine UK | Iodine Benefits | Benefits Of Lugols Iodine| Fourni par Traduction Click here to jump to our full range of Iodine products or scroll down to learn more. » Lugol's Iodine Solution Background In 1880, a French physician named Jacques Lugol originated a solution which contains 5 percent of elemental Iodine in a 10 percent solution of Potassium Iodide. » Iodine Health Benefits A function of Iodine in the human body relates to clear thinking. Not only does Iodine play an important role in the brain, it also contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function. It is well established that the Iodine content of the thyroid gland is dependent upon the Iodine available in the food and water intake of the individual. If you are having problems with your thyroid, contact your healthcare professional. » Other Iodine Benefits » Iodine in the Human Body The human body does not produce Iodine so it is an important part of your diet. » Iodine Displacement

Magnesium-Deficiency Catastrophe: The Magnesium Web Site Iodine Iodine is found in the earth's crust in sparse amounts and is in the form of iodide. Since iodide is soluble, soils will be lowest in iodine in areas where there is much rainfall or where glaciers have melted and leached the iodine out of the soil. The most important iodine deficient areas in the world include the Himalayas and the Andes, but our own soil in the great Lakes Basin is also iodine deficient. However, in Canada we have iodized the salt and thus have completely rid our population of iodine deficiency. Based on the most recent evaluation, iodine deficiency currently represents a significant public health problem for 1575 million people (almost 30% of the world's population) in 110 countries. 655 million are affected by goitre, 20 million are believed to be significantly mentally handicapped as a result of iodine deficiency which is therefore the most prevalent preventable cause of impaired intellectual development in the world today. How to Self-Test for an Iodine Deficiency 1.

Dr Archie Kalokerinos Dr Archie Kalokerinos MBBS PhD FAPM.Nutritional medical doctors Vaccine critics [Better than Wikipedia, as it's free of Allopath suppression, eg [1] [2] [3] [4] Dr. Archie Kalokerinos took his medical degree from Sydney University in 1951 and then spent six years in England. On his return to Australia he was appointed Medical Superintendent of Collarenebri Hospital where he served until 1975. He is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for Health, a Fellow of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, Fellow of the Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, Fellow of the Hong Kong Medical Technology Association, and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was awarded the A.M.M. RMB 218ZA Bournes Lane Tamworth, NSW, 2340, Australia Ph. 011 61 2 67608166 Fax. 015 61 2 67608344 Email: Archie Kalokerinos - This is your Life. QuotesBanner quotes InterviewsDr Kalokerinos interview-------International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995 Articles

Health Benefits of Honey Honey is a sweet, sticky, and sumptuous food that can be consumed alone or as an additive, sweetener or topping for other foods. Bees produce honey as their main food source. By collecting sugar rich flower nectar bees can create honey through a long refining and regurgitation process. Although, the original discovery of honey is unknown, the use of honey by humans dates back over 10000 years ago. As a food source honey is mainly made up of fructose and glucose, both of which are easily used and broken down by the body. For the last 3,000 years honey has been used in medicinal treatments, treating ailments and maintaining a healthy body. Eastern cultures and religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Ayurveda use honey throughout their daily living.

Dr. Rath Research Institute WARNING: IODINE IN LUGOL'S SOLUTION by Walter Last After MMS (acidified sodium chlorite) I regard Lugol's solution as the most effective broad-spectrum microbicide, and being specific for Candida and other fungi. I am not aware of a medical drug with equal effectiveness. Therefore health authorities in most or all developed countries are presently trying to make it unavailable for natural therapists and self-healing under the pretext that it might be used to produce illegal drugs. In , for instance, a product is being sold as 4% Lugol's solution with 250 mcg of total iodine per drop (from iodine and potassium iodine). I suspect that similar tactics are also being used in other countries, especially in the EU. In the regular Lugol's solution with 10% total iodine (from 10% potassium iodide and 5% iodine in water) is now outlawed. Therefore, when buying Lugol's solution, always compare the stated iodine values on the bottle with standard or regular Lugol's solution. Here are some iodine-related links.

Dr.Klenner Klenner MD The Vitamin C Conspiracy Significance of high daily intake of ascorbic acid in preventive medicine. Journal of the of Preventive Medicine l (l):45-69. Spring 1974 Vol 1 No 1 Frederick R. Private Practice, Reidsville, N.C. INTRODUCTIONTHE VIRUS STORYTHE CHOLESTEROL STORYTHE HEAVY METAL STORYOTHER APPLICATIONSTHE CANCER STORYOTHER APPLICATIONS schizophrenics tooth decay tuberculosiscancer of the lung Chronic myelocytic leukaemiaPancreatitis Virus pancarditisSUMMARY American Medical Association burn cases snake bite Frederick Robert Klenner, B.S., M.S., M.D., F.C.C.P., A.A.F.P., after graduating Duke University School of Medicine, March 1936, took three years of hospital training and then entered the private practice of medicine at Reidsville, N.C. He has published 28 scientific papers on these observations and has given numerous lectures to civic and other groups. Laryngismus stridulous will be present in this condition and the child will sound as if it has a cold.

Dallas Oxygen Bar | Where Its OK To InhaleDallas Oxygen Bar | Where Its OK To Inhale Weston Price Our Health Topics section includes hundreds of articles on nutrition, diet, and health. The menu at left groups related articles into convenient categories, or you can use the search engine to quickly zero in on a topic of interest. ABC's of Nutrition: Fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and more. Ask the Doctor: Holistic advice for treating various ailments Beginner Videos: Sarah Pope, Florida Chapter Leader, offers basic video tutorials on a number of subjects. Book Reviews: Thumbs Up reviews of books that give sound nutritional advice, and Thumbs Down reviews of those that give dangerous or ineffective advice Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon and Mary G. Children's Health: How to raise happy, healthy children Cod Liver Oil: Critical information on our number one superfood Dentistry: Articles on holistic dentistry DVD/Media Reviews: Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down reviews of DVD and other media from Tim Boyd and others Environmental Toxins: Pesticides, pollution, and industrial poisons

James Howenstine -- Iodine is Vital For Good Health How Can Iodine Deficiency Be Detected? An accurate test for diagnosing iodine deficiency exists. Dr. Jay Abrahams has developed a loading test to settle this issue. However, when a patient takes iodine for several months and has shown no improvement this test can be used to exclude a problem with absorption of iodine. To correct iodine deficiency by taking iodized salt is not feasible. Dr. Prominent thyroid researcher, Dr. A third solution that works well in correcting iodine deficiency is Triodide made by Scientific Botanicals of Seattle, Washington. Dr. Another valuable iodine preparation is saturated solution of potassium iodide. Endocrine Cancers And Iodine Stores Iodine deficiency is a recognized risk factor in the development of cancer of the breast, prostate, and probably the ovary and endometrium. Japanese women, who are eating lots of seaweed, have the highest iodine intake (13.8 mg. daily) of women anywhere in the world. Patient Studies.With Iodine Therapy A patient of Dr.

Dr. F. R. Klenner and Vitamin C HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Pioneering Work of by Andrew W. Saul Assistant Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Reprinted with permission from J Orthomolecular Med, 2007. “Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin.” The sound barrier was broken in 1947. Claus W. “From 1943 through 1947,” writes Robert Landwehr (3), “Dr. “When I first came across Klenner’s work on polio patients,” writes Thomas Levy, “I was absolutely amazed and even a bit overwhelmed at what I read. . . ‘It might be interesting to learn how poliomyelitis was treated in , during the 1948 epidemic. “How then,” asks Landwehr, “could a Dr. Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. This is indeed a large amount of vitamin C. In a 1950 letter, Klenner wrote: “Since my last communication, I have seen four new cases of poliomyelitis. Although he never would publish a book on vitamin therapy, Dr. “Dr. 1.

Alternative Medicine – Alternative for the Conventional Medicine | Bio Medical Center Alternative Medicine – Alternative for the Conventional Medicine 5.00/5 (100.00%) 6 votes The concept of alternative medicine is getting more and more popularity day by day. It is due to the great benefits they offer without any side effects. Alternative medicine is the treatment of the medical condition without using any medicines. It involves the treatment by acupuncture, self-awareness, yoga and using other herbal medicines. This process helps the patient to understand the working of the body, listen to their body and live accordingly. The alternative medicine is a very old method of treatment and it is entirely different from that of the western style of treatment. The people who use alternative medicines are advised to do physical exercises like yoga, taichi, meditation etc. to get physical, mental and emotional benefits. Laughter therapy is another alternative medicine which is gaining popularity among youngsters as well as old people. alternative medicine

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