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How Real Estate Pros are Using Social Media for Real Results

How Real Estate Pros are Using Social Media for Real Results
In the real estate world, listings, open houses and tours are the main stepping stones towards making a sale, and the digital world has made those steps much easier. Corcoran, for example, recently created a Twitter account, strictly for new listings, to accommodate demand. Meanwhile, the main Corcoran Twitter account stays fresh with local and industry news. WellcomeMat, the largest community of real estate professionals, brokerages and filmmakers using full-motion real estate video tours to market themselves and properties, has made producing and sharing video property tours easier, as well. The service offers over 3,000 local production teams for those who don't have videographers on staff, and also allows for easy integration with your website and YouTube channel. Phil Thomas Di Giulio, Co-Founder of WellcomeMat, explained in depth how real estate pros are using the full-service video platform to make an impact on their bottom lines: Lending Expert Advice Series supported by Gist

The Content Economy by Oscar Berg: Facebook and Twitter are completely different creatures inShare0 Based on my personal experience from using both Facebook and Twitter since a few years back, I have come to the conclusion that Facebook and Twitter are completely different creatures. At least, it appears so to me as I use them for completely different purposes. Social networking Facebook is primarily a virtual home for my existing social network. Twitter is primarily an information sharing and networking platform. Sharing On Facebook, I keep in touch with people I have met several or many times in real life. On Twitter, I can meet new people which I later on might be fortunate to meet in real life. Openness On Facebook, openness is something which is closely related to privacy issues and creates a lot of concerns for the users. On Twitter, openness is the over-arching design paradigm and the basis upon which value is created.

Social Media For Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips Social Media For Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips Are you a real estate agent? Does social media scare you? Realtors are some of the best marketers in an offline person-to-person environment. You’re incredibly brilliant at getting to know your clients on a very personal level, getting involved in your community, and connecting with your local market. What you’re not very good at is applying this to your social media. You need to think of social online like you do social offline! Social media provides a way to further connect with your local clients and groups. But how do you do it? In this article I’ll give you an overview of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest (and a few more) and how real estate agents can use them for social media marketing. What you’ll learn from this article: (Click to tweet) Tweetable takeaways How to Use Social Media for Real Estate Agents #1: Facebook Facebook is where people go to to connect with friends and family online. Here’s a few simple tips. Set up a Facebook Page. 1. 2.

Utiliser le SEO et les médias sociaux, oui mais comment pour générer des prospects ? Ce rapport réalisé par MarketingSherpa et diffusé par InTouch nous fait constater que : -64% des structures interrogées ont intégré le SEO et les médias sociaux dans leurs stratégies marketing, - La majorité des entreprises reconnait l’efficacité de la technique SEO et de l’utilisation des médias sociaux, - Elle ont connu grâce au SEO une augmentation de leur trafic, des ventes et de leur taux de conversion – les médias sociaux ont de l’impact sur leur e-réputation et jouent un rôle fondamental dans leur marketing relationnel. Choisir comme stratégie de combiner SEO et médias sociaux ne peut que produire un effet de synergie et mener à bien la réalisation des objectifs. Pour cela, les entreprises doivent : - faire leur SEO en passant par l’optimisation de leur contenu social, - travailler sur le Link Building en générant des liens entrants à partir de réseaux sociaux, - veiller à leur image de marque online en utilisant des outils de surveillance,

101 topic ideas for your real estate blog I have been a real estate blogger for almost eight years. But how many months or years I have been at it is irrelevant. What really matters is that I have written thousands of blog posts over the years. I continue to write posts, which is even better than having had a blog a long time ago that I haven’t updated in a while because I started something new. Even though my business blog is mostly about real estate, the target audience is consumers — not real estate agents or the real estate industry in general. My goal is to attract readers who are looking for someone just like me to help them buy or sell real estate in a specific geographic area — and yes, there are consumers looking for someone exactly like me. The whole point of having the blog is to demonstrate to prospective clients that I am knowledgeable, and to build trust — which isn’t easy over the Internet. When the market is slow, I get less traffic. There is no shortcut or magic system for getting results from a blog.

Un condensé de chiffres sur les médias sociaux Samedi 31 juillet 2010 6 31 /07 /Juil /2010 17:50 Un condensé de 52 chiffres sur les médias sociaux dans une infographie réalisée par Blogoergosum et Ilonet. Voici une sélection de chiffres et faits intéressants que je retiens : Facebook (chiffres qui complètent le billet Qui sont les 500 millions d'utilisateurs de Facebook ?) Je profite de ce billet pour vous rappeler que vous pouvez retrouver et suivre le blog Marketing et Technologies sur : Merci à Blogoergosum et Ilonet pour ce condensé : Billets en relation : Partager l'article ! inShare Par Julien Bonnel - Publié dans : Web Social 1

Brandon Laam of Home Loan Solutions Anaheim, CA Covers: San Diego County, San Diego County, Riverside County, Riverside County, Los Angeles County. About: Brandon Laam is an integral member of the fast expanding team at Home Loan Solutions. Brandon holds responsibility within H.L.S. for the training, supervision and the professional development of the company. Brandon has been a top producer at H.L.S. with consistent pipelines and a high number of clo... About: Brandon Laam is an integral member of the fast expanding team at Home Loan Solutions. Specialities: Branch and loan officer development, strategic vision, peak performance refinancing/home purchase, mentoring/consulting borrowers, marketing, recruiting. See More

Statut porno sur Facebook : Coca Cola retire sa campagne virale | De la pub mais pas que Parfois, une campagne virale peut mal tourner. C’est le cas en ce moment pour Coca Cola et l’agence Lean Mean Fighting Machine. Explications Le groupe propriétaire de la marque de soda Dr Pepper a présenté ses excuses et a retiré une campagne digitale lancée en mai dernier après qu’un titre de film pornographique fut laissé sur la page Facebook d’une jeune fille de 14 ans participant à l’opération. Comment cela a t-il pu arriver ? L’idée créative de Lean Mean Fighting Machine était d’inciter les consommateurs à abandonner leur statut Facebook au profit de Dr Pepper. La marque se chargeant de mettre à jour le statut à partir d’une base de données composée de phrases très intelligentes comme : « J’ai perdu mon doudou chéri » ou « Est-ce que ça pose problème de faire pipi sous la douche ? Tous ces messages sont censés répondre au leitmotiv de la campagne : « Qu’est-ce qu’il pourrait t’arriver de pire »… 2 girls one cup Levée de boucliers chez les parents. Source Related posts:

10 Best Social Media Management Tools Social media is one of the most effective ways for you and your business to get more traffic and generate new leads. Having a presence on all the major networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a necessity these days for any business. But what tools are the social media gurus actually using to manage these multiple accounts? 1 Hootsuite HootSuite is the most popular social media management tool for people and businesses to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social networks like Facebook and Twitter from one web-based dashboard. 2 Buffer Buffer is a smart and easy way to schedule content across social media. What’s the difference between Hootsuite and Bufferapp? Hootsuite provides a more complete solution that allows you to schedule updates and monitor conversations, whereas Buffer isn’t a dashboard that shows you other people’s content. What’s the right solution for you? 3 SocialOomph 4 TweetDeck 5 Tweepi 6 SocialFlow 7 SproutSocial 8 SocialBro 9 CrowdBooster 10 ArgyleSocial

How Social Media Drives New Business: Six Case Studies Businesses both big and small are flocking to social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Foursquare. The fact is that a presence on these platforms not only allows companies to engage in conversations with consumers, but also serves as an outlet to drive sales through deals and coupons. And while major brands like Starbucks, Virgin, and Levi’s have been participating in the social web for some time now, the rate of adoption among small businesses is increasing too. According to a recent University of Maryland study, social media adoption by small businesses has doubled from 12% to 24% in the last year. But as these businesses look to Facebook and Twitter to connect with customers, many are finding that some strategies work and some do not produce results. We’ll be exploring these questions at a panel on Social Media and Businesses at our Social Currency CrunchUp on July 30. Kimball says he has no marketing budget and Twitter has been a great way to amass fans. Dr.

Étude Acxiom: forte sensibilité des internautes aux offres promo Acxiom France (groupe Acxiom Corporation), spécialiste des solutions interactives de marketing services, vient de sortir une étude on line (*) sur "Les foyers français et les médias sociaux". La popularité de ces derniers ne cessant de progresser en France, il est intéressant de se pencher sur les comportements des Français face à ces nouveaux médias. Sur 35 millions d’internautes, 16 millions ont créé en France leur profil sur un réseau social. Parmi eux, 95% sont inscrits sur Facebook et plus de 60% y sont connectés au minimum une fois par jour. (*) Enquête réalisée on line auprès de 470 000 internautes du 1er au 8 mai 2010.
