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Facebook and Twitter users spend 1.5x more online than the average Internet user Brian Solis

Facebook and Twitter users spend 1.5x more online than the average Internet user Brian Solis
inShare13 If you want to get a glimpse of the economic future, focus on the emerging trends driven by those defining the evolution of the social Web. Social media is not only democratizing influence and upsetting the traditional media ecosystem, it is now an indicator for a potential economic resurgence. Leading metrics firm, comScore, released its Q1 U.S E-Commerce Spending Report recently, finding that online retail spending approached $34 billion in Q1 2010, which represents a 10 percent boost compared to last year. In its detailed report, comScore also revealed both interesting and promising insight into the social consumer and their spending habits. Consumers on Twitter According to the report, 23% of Twitter users follow businesses to find special deals, promotions, or sales. Consumers on Facebook The time consumers spend on social networks, especially Facebook, continues its steep rise. Online Spending #EngageorDie Please consider reading my new book, Engage!

Twitter accessible sur la Freebox Révolution Facebook, les réseaux sociaux et les consommateurs: je t'aime moi non plus! Au monde des réseaux sociaux, pour continuer de filer la métaphore artistique et en l’occurrence cinématographique, on pourrait croire avec Jean Yanne que " Tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil ". Seulement voilà, avec le consommateur et Audiard, " Faut pas prendre les enfants du bon dieu pour des canards sauvages ". Car le consommateur regarde de très près ce qu'il fait quand il achète, et sans être avare, toujours avec Jean Yanne " Moi y en a vouloir (pour mes) sous "! Le marketing des réseaux sociaux n'exclut pas l'humour (d'où cette petite introduction et son côté storytelling de circonstance qui ne vous aura pas échappé!). C'est néanmoins à une réflexion sérieuse et documentée sur les relations entre les consommateurs et les réseaux sociaux à laquelle nous nous sommes attelés. Des études, des réseaux sociaux et des consommateurs Tout en rappelant que les pratiques européennes ne sont pas exactement les pratiques américaines par exemple. Ensuite, les chiffres.

Where in the World Are Your Twitter Followers? TweepsMap Knows The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: TweepsMap Quick Pitch: TweepsMap provides a visual, interactive map of your Twitter followers by country, state or city. Genius Idea: Measures the effectiveness of Twitter campaigns by analyzing the locations of your followers. Knowing where your Twitter followers are located can not only feed your curiosity, but it can also help you measure the success of your social campaigns. Launched in October, the tool helps Twitter users learn if their campaign is successful in a targeted region. "One of the most important aspects of a campaign is to measure location to see where your followers are and if they are engaged or not," says Samir Al-Battran, founder of TweepsMap. Check out a TweepsMap of Mashable's 2.5+ million users: Mashable's TweepsMap Where are your Twitter followers located?

9 In 10 Moms Are Facebook Friends With Their Kids Pretty sneaky, mom: While 90 percent of mothers are friends with their children on Facebook, 46 percent of them restrict their kids’ access to their profiles, according to a study by the publisher of Parenting and Babytalk magazines. This percentage is significantly higher than what we’ve seen in a Kaplan survey of teens, about 65 percent of whom said they are Facebook friends with their parents. We wonder whether the moms have a more idealized view of things, but it’s possible that some of these mothers might have separate, made-up aliases for befriending their kids on Facebook. Meanwhile, other findings from the email survey of 1,146 mothers by The Parenting Group are: The Parenting Group Vice President and Group Publisher Mark Wildman said: We know that the smartphone is the modern mom’s lifeline, and that Facebook is her communication pipeline, but how and when she introduces her children to both worlds is still uncharted territory for most parents.

La publicité sur Twitter bientôt en self-service : pour qui et à quel prix ? Twitter a mis en place une plateforme de publicité en libre-service, actuellement en test sur un nombre limité d’annonceurs en vue de la déployer prochainement pour tous. Article rédigé par Florian Puisais, Webaddict, passionné d’actualité et webmarketer depuis plusieurs années, Florian s’intéresse notamment à l’économie et aux usages d’Internet dans le monde. Twitter a mis en place une plateforme de publicité en libre-service, actuellement en test sur un nombre limité d’annonceurs en vue de la déployer prochainement pour tous. Son PDG Dick Costolo avait annoncé en septembre 2010 la sortie de cet outil pour courant 2011, mais sa phase de test ayant commencé le mois dernier, il faudra surement attendre 2012 pour qu’il soit accessible à tous. Jusqu’à présent, seules 2400 marques ont eu accès à son programme de publicité selon le JDN, qui n’étaient sélectionnés qu’après en avoir fait la demande en ligne. Formats et tarifs de la publicité sur Twitter

How to Tell if You're Addicted to Facebook If your friends and family joke that you're addicted to Facebook, they may be right. Researchers in Norway have identified six signs that you may be addicted. They've used those signs to develop a test to help you figure out of your suffer from a social media addiction. The test, called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, is based on six basic criteria, where all items are scored on the following scale: (1) Very rarely (2) Rarely (3) Sometimes (4) Often and (5) Very often. The signs are: You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook. If you are, indeed, addicted, you're not alone, the researchers say. "The use of Facebook has increased rapidly. Andreassen heads the research project "Facebook Addiction" at the University of Bergen (UiB) in Norway. Andreassen said she sees some clear patterns in Facebook addiction. "It occurs more regularly among younger than older users. People who are organized and more ambitious tend to be less at risk from Facebook addiction.

Twitter Joins Facebook, Google+ and Foursquare With New Brand Pages Today Twitter rolled out a new user interface that radically changes the @ messages, hashtags, profiles and the homescreen. In addition to these user-focused updates, Twitter also launched its own form of brand pages. Google+ introduced brand pages in November, positioning itself as a competitor to the more established Facebook Pages. A few months ago, Foursquare changed its brand pages so that the user only needed a Twitter account in order to authorize it. After that, Foursquare's brand pages employed a more Twitter-esque, one-way-follow type mechanism. This one-way follow technique makes sense for Twitter's new brand pages. Unlike Facebook Pages, which users have to "Like" if they want to see all of the information, Twitter brand pages are completely public. Twitter also hasn't gotten into the sort of privacy skirmishes that plague Facebook. Twitter brand pages include an 835x90 header image, which can include an image, tagline or other visual branding.

People Are Facebook’ing-and-Buying More Than Ever, Even If They Don’t Realize It A thin Reuters survey says 34% of people THINK they’re using Facebook less than six months ago, but Nielsen DATA shows usage is up 18 minutes to seven hours nine minutes per month per user in that time span. Meanwhile, Reuters says four out of five people THINK they’ve never bought something based on social network ads or friend recommendations, but that means a full 20% believe they have, and the rest were likely subtly influenced to prefer one brand over another. In the end, deducing facts about 900 million people based on the self-reported survey results of 800 people is shortsighted, and Reuters’ framing to signal Facebook’s demise is sensational. There are plenty of questions for Facebook’s business model, especially how it will make more money on smaller mobile screens. Not everything is not peachy-keen in Facebook world. However, NASDAQ is partly to blame. Self-reported surveys don’t work so well when you’re asking people what they did, not what they think, though.

Pinned Posts, The Twitter Brand Page Feature Facebook and Google+ Should Steal Overall, the new Twitter brand Pages are pretty underwhelming. But one great feature they offer is pinned posts — the ability to semi-permanently feature an expanded rich media tweet at the top of the Page. This help brands customize their Page to drive traffic to a specific link, photo, or video, promote a contest or important news, and make sure first time visitors always see a high quality piece of content. Oh hey, you know who else could benefits from pinned post? Facebook, because its custom Page app platform is too complicated for some businesses, and Google+, because it doesn’t even have an app platform. Don’t expect Facebook or Google’s morals to stop them from copying this indefensible feature. The feature could solve a big problem for each social network’s brand Pages. A native pinned posts feature could help. For Google+, pinned posts would give brands their first taste of customization beyond photos. [Image Credit: Shutterstock]

The Mysterious Words You Can’t Tweet The legend goes something like this: as a child, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey’s father would relentlessly hound him to “Get better”, so Jack eventually banned the phrase from being tweeted. Go ahead and try it, the tweet won’t go through. But the legend? See, way back when, Twitter wasn’t a popular smart phone app, it was a way to publish up to 140 characters to the Internet via text message. So now when you tweet “get better”, “get [any single word]“, and several other phrases Twitter interprets them as SMS commands. If you want more to try, there’s “Fav [username]” to favorite someone’s last tweet, and “Suggest” to receive recommendations of who to follow. There’s also no evidence Dorsey’s father ever told him to “get better” or aggressively pushed him to succeed.

5 outils pour faire votre pub sur Twitter Twitter a six ans et plus de 140 millions d’utilisateurs actifs. Soit plus d’1 milliard de tweets tous les 3 jours. De plus en plus d’experts considèrent aujourd’hui que Twitter est une plateforme beaucoup plus efficace pour le marketing que ne peut l’être Facebook. Les articles se sont multipliés ces derniers jours qui expliquent que quasiment personne ne clique sur les publicités dans Facebook. Quand on ne prédit pas tout simplement la fin de Facebook. Cet article n’a qu’un but informatif. Twitter s’impose donc progressivement comme un élément-clé de toute campagne de marketing avec les réseaux sociaux. Comment gagner de l’argent avec Twitter? Comme avec un blog : en vendant de la publicité, des liens sponsorisés ou via l’affiliation. Quels outils utiliser? 1) Sponsored Tweets C’est un service assez connu pour faire de la pub sur Twitter. 2) MyLikes MyLikes est une plateforme globale puisque Tumblr, YouTube, ou Facebook sont proposés en plus de Twitter. 3) 4) Rev Twt 5) Twittad
