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Classic scones with jam & clotted cream

Classic scones with jam & clotted cream
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Irish Scones - Irish Scones Recipe Home made Irish scones for afternoon tea, sweet or savory are made quickly and easily as in this Irish scones recipe and delicious hot or cold. If you want to ensure your scones are light, fluffy and well risen have a look at these simple tips. How to Make Perfect, Light Scones Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Yield: 6 - 8 scones Ingredients: 1/2 stick/55g butter2 cups /225g self raising flour1 tsp baking powder1 oz/30g fine/caster sugar (optional)1/2 tsp salt1/4 pint / 150 ml milk1 egg beaten with a little milk Preparation: Basic Recipe Makes 12 sconesHeat the oven to 400F/205C/Gas 8 Grease and flour a baking sheet. Fruit Scones Add 1/4 cup/ 50g currants or sultanas or chopped dates to the dry ingredients in the basic recipes. Cheese Scones Add 1/2 cup /50g grated cheese and 1/2 tsp dry mustard powder to the mixture after rubbing in the fat and flour and continue with the basic recipe.

Les 100 outils les plus utilisés en formation Depuis 2007, le Center for Learning & Performance Technologies édite chaque année le classement des 100 outils les plus utilisés en formation (initiale ou continue) par le biais d’un sondage auprès de 500 professionnels dans 48 pays différents. Cette année encore, et pour la 5ème année consécutive, Twitter domine ce classement. Identifions pour cette année les coups de cœur par catégorie qui apportent une valeur ajoutée indéniable. Catégorie : créer, développer, partager vos présentations / documents de formation Google Drive : anciennement Google Docs, la suite Office de Google propose ces outils avec l’avantage du Cloud ; autrement dit, accéder à vos documents/présentations depuis le web depuis n’importe quel périphérique. Prezi : pour celles et ceux qui cherchent une alternative à Powerpoint et souhaitent concevoir des présentations dynamiques et attractives. Slideshare : pour partager simplement et rapidement vos présentations. Catégorie : améliorer votre productivité

Healthy Strawberry Oat Squares. - Sallys Baking Addiction This week I’m taking advantage of the abundance of fresh strawberries on sale at my local market. I made a couple new recipes for my cookbook (a cake! a pie!) and finished off my strawberry supply with a batch of these healthy treats. Strawberries are a nutritional power house and one of my favorite fruits to bake with. My latest strawberry obsession are these healthy oat-y almond squares. The strawberry filling inside? The oatmeal base of these bars is practically the same recipe I use for my Breakfast Cookies. It’s important to use quick oats in this recipe. The oatmeal base is all made in one bowl. Without the addition of almonds, you won’t have enough topping to cover the strawberry filling. The bars take about 25-30 minutes in the oven. There is an abundance of juicy strawberry filling in each bite. Follow me on Instagram and tag #sallysbakingaddiction so I can see all the SBA recipes you make Ingredients: Filling Oatmeal Base + Topping Directions: Recipe Notes: Did you make a recipe?

British Recipes: Easy British Scone Recipe Sweet or savoury home made scones for afternoon tea (or any time you fancy a treat) can be made both quickly and easily, as this classic scone recipe shows. The success of light, tasty scones depends on working as quickly and as lightly as possible, keeping all the ingredients as cool as possible and if you want to ensure yours are light, fluffy and well risen have a look at these simple tips to making the perfect scone. 5 Top Tips for Making Perfect, Light Classic Scones, Every Time. This recipe is for a plain scone but these can quickly be changed to fruit, cheese and or any other flavour you may want to add, (cherry, cranberry, lemon, orange and so on) check out the notes below. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Yield: 6 - 8 scones depending cutter Ingredients: 225g/2 cups self raising flour55g/ 2 oz cold butter1 level tsp baking powder½ tsp salt150 ml /¼ pint milk1 egg beaten with a little milk Preparation: Serve with butter, or lashings of jam and cream.

Infobourg - 10 applications en ligne essentielles dans le coffre à outils de l’enseignant Parmi les millions d’applications qui existent et apparaissent tous les jours, certaines semblent incontournables, peu importe le milieu. En voici 10 qui devraient, à terme, faire partie de vos outils réguliers. Fait intéressant, cette liste provient d’un article lu au fil du Web (The 10 Most Popular Teacher Tools Being Used This Year), qui a été publié sur un site technophile américain, Edudemic. La notion de « top » est en fait une image puisqu’aucun sondage n’a été mené pour obtenir des données scientifiques. Il est intéressant de constater que ces outils s’appliquent tous aussi bien chez nous. Notez que plusieurs sont offerts en français, mais certains demeurent unilingues anglais. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Et vous, quels sont vos incontournables? À propos de l'auteur Audrey Miller Audrey est rédactrice en chef d' et s'occupe de l'organisme l'École branchée, en plus de s'impliquer bénévolement dans l'AQUOPS et dans l'organisation d'EdCamp Québec.

How To Make Challah Bread - Recipe Here is a bread that is as much a pleasure to look at as it is to eat. Check out that braiding! And the way it practically glows on the table! Slice yourself a piece and cherish the pillow-soft interior, simultaneously rich and slightly sweet. Challah is a bread that should be in everyone's repertoire. For celebrating everything from Hanukkah to Sunday supper, challah is the just the bread for the job. Challah = Enriched Yeast Dough At its root, challah is a very straightforward bread to make. Braiding Challah The real magic comes in braiding the loaf. What to Do with Leftover Challah We all know that leftover challah should go directly into a frying pan to make French toast. For celebrations big and small, there is nothing better. Previous image Next image Makes 1 loaf (about 20 slices) What You Need Ingredients Equipment Standing mixer (optional) Large mixing bowl Bench scraper or sharp knife Baking sheet Parchment paper Instructions Making a 6-Stranded Challah Braid Additional Notes:

English Tea Party Recipes *Tested Recipes* "Tea is much more than a mere drink in Britain. It is a solace, a mystique, an art, a way of life, almost a religion. It is more deeply traditional than the roast beef of old England....This khaki-colored concoction, brewed through an accident of history from an exotic plant grown thousands of miles from fog, cricket and left-handed driving, has become the life-blood of the nation." - Cecil Porter of Gemini News Service In the past whether you took "afternoon tea" or "high tea" was a peek into your social standing. 'Afternoon Tea' did not exist before the 19th century. Continued from above. As times and lifestyles changed the popularity of the formal afternoon tea waned, but has seen a revival in recent years as people once again enjoy its elegance. Although we tend to associate dainty cucumber sandwiches and scones with afternoon tea, there is no set menu and it really depends on the time of year, the setting, and personal tastes. Taking center stage, of course, is the tea.

10 Great New Web Tools for Teachers It just about time I provide you with another list of awesome educational web tools I have being bookmarking for the last couple of weeks. The purpose is to update you with the latest and new web tools that have been recently released online and which you can use either in your teaching or for your own professional development as an educator. Enjoy 1- Vivoom Vivoom is a video enhancer that allows users to add amazing looks to their videos 2- Noteshares NoteShares is a social document sharing platform that makes it insanely easy to share documents with friends and family. 3- ShowDrive ShadowDrive is a social cloud drive that securely drives, controls and delivers a unique way to back up and share files with your friends 4- Instant Google Street View Simply start typing an address, place name or location, to be instantly taken there via Google Street View.If no Street View exists at the location, or if your search is too broad (e.g. 5- MyLinkCloud

Napoleonshatte – Napoleon Hats | My Danish Kitchen May 5, 2010 by mydanishkitchen Danish Napoleonshat These delicious little Danish cookies are called Napoleon Hats (remember Napoleon Bonaparte, the French dude with the funny hat). Napoleon Hats were some of my favorite cookies growing up, still is. Napoleonshat dipped in chocolate Ingredients: 7 oz Marzipan (Odense) 1 3/4 cup flour 1 stick + 1 tbsp. butter 3/4 cup powdered sugar 1 1/2 egg yolk 1/2 stick vanilla bean 5 oz. semi-sweet chocolate Directions: Break up butter into flour and place in a food processor. Melt 5 oz. semi-sweet chocolate over a water bath. Making Napoleonshat Source: My Danish Kitchen Like this: Like Loading... Related Citronmåne - Lemon Moon Cake First of all, I want to say Thank You to everyone for your well wishes to my husband. In "Cake" 12 Days of Christmas - Vaniljekranse (Vanilla Wreaths) Vaniljekranse is a traditional Danish cookie made in the weeks leading up to Christmas. In "12 Days of Christmas" Fresh Fruit Tart with Vanilla Pastry Cream In "Dessert"

Light Fruit Cake Recipe Although not a proper British Fruit Cake, this Light Fruit Cake should not be ignored. It has lots of what I consider the best part of a fruit cake, candied fruit. I love this cake's delicate almond flavor and you don't have to wait weeks to enjoy this tea bread, as it can be eaten the same day it's baked. Of course, for those who like their fruit cakes to have a boozy flavor, you can mix the candied fruit and raisins with a little alcohol and let it macerate for a day or two. This is one cake that is so good that it begs to be made all year, not just during the Christmas season. So stock up on candied fruit. For this Light Fruit Cake I like to use a combination of candied mixed peel and candied cherries (can use either red or green). A few things about this recipe are worth mentioning.

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