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The Global Sociology Blog

The Global Sociology Blog

Understanding Society Positive and Negative Networks: Lessons from Ecology? « Permutations Let me pose a puzzle. Mathematical sociologists like puzzles! Jordi Bascompte recently published an article in Science (vol. 329, 13 August, 2010, p. 765-6) titled “Structure and Dynamics of Ecological Networks.” The piece is in the “Perspectives” section — which are commentaries and explanations of the “real” articles (which are often a bit too discipline-specific to be accessible to the average reader). Basecompte’s article is an explanation and appreciation of the piece by Elisa Thebault and Colin Fontaine (also vol. 329, 13 August 2020 p. 853-6) titled “Stability of Ecological Communities and the Architecture of Mutualistic and Trophic Networks.” A thanks to Peter Burke of the SPYRL social psych lab, and Department of Sociology at UCR for passing these along to me. A very common use of graphs and networks in ecology is as a representation of web of relations among species. Ecologists also focus on “mutualistic” relations where two species interact, but both benefit. Like this:

econoclaste - Le blog d'econoclaste Le 9 janvier dernier, James Buchanan est décédé à l'âge de 93 ans. Il était le leader de l'école du Public choice. Récemment, Dani Rodrik a publié un article (version anglaise ici ) sur le site Project Syndicate, qui s'interroge sur ce que les économistes ont finalement fait des années de recherche en économie politique. Le 23 juin prochain, un concert de David Guetta, subventionné par la Mairie, est programmé à Marseille, dans le cadre des festivités de Marseille, capitale de la culture européenne 2013 . Ce billet est l'occasion de rendre hommage à Buchanan et, par la médiation de l'article de Rodrik, de faire du Public choice appliqué. La corrélation Catwoman Stéphane Ménia jeudi 21 février 2013 Lies, damn lies and statistics Je suis tombé sur cet article paru l'été dernier. On reprend nos vieux réflexes et on cherche la causalité possible dans la population des femmes : 1. Deux remarques : 1. aucun commentaire La corrélation NTM dimanche 17 février 2013 Comment taxer les multinationales? trading cards > Adorno, Theodor (#7) > Beauvoir, Simone (#20, bootleg) > Beck, Ulrich (#24, bootleg) > Benjamin, Walter (#31, bootleg) > Burchill, Julie (#29, bootleg) > Butler, Judith (#2) > Compte, Auguste (#26, bootleg) > Deleuze & Guattari (#16, bootleg) > DuBois, W.E.B. (#28, bootleg) > Duchamp, Marcel (#18, bootleg) > Emin, Tracey (#9) > Foucault, Michel (#3) > Giddens, Anthony (#1) > Gilbert & George (#10) > Girl Power (#15, bootleg) > Goffman, Erving (#6) > Greer, Germaine (#27, bootleg) > Hooks, bell (#11) > Jung, Carl (#19, bootleg) > Kohut, Heinz (#21, bootleg) > Lacan, Jacques (#17, bootleg) > Lefebvre, Henri (#12) > Luhmann, Niklas (#32, bootleg) > Marx, Karl (#25, bootleg) > Pierre et Gilles (#14, bootleg) > (#22, bootleg) > Postmodernity (#5) > Psychoanalysis (#8) > Psychologists (#4) > Said, Edward (#13, bootleg) > Walkerdine, Valerie (#23, bootleg) > Weber, Max (#30, bootleg) + > The Bowling Green Bootlegs (5 emerging theorists)

The few, the proud, the very rich Sylvia Allegretto, labor economist, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics | 12/5/11 | | Much of the current political and popular discourse has focused on inequalities that exist in the U.S. In particular the Occupy movement has brought the huge disparities in wealth to the forefront. Well, there is a plethora of statistics (e.g. here, here, & here) out there but here are two. But, let’s look a bit further. In 2007 (the most recent SCF) the cumulative wealth of the Forbes 400 was $1.54 trillion or roughly the same amount of wealth held by the entire bottom fifty percent of American families. Upon closer inspection, the Forbes list reveals that six Waltons — all children (one daughter-in-law) of Sam or James “Bud” Walton the founders of Wal-Mart — were on the list. BTW the new 2011 Forbes 400 has the inherited worth of these six Waltons at $93 billion. These revelations renewed my interest in the inheritance and estate tax debates.

Real-World Economics Review Blog scatterplot "La bande est un outil de compensation sociale Marwan Mohammed est sociologue, chargé de recherche au CNRS depuis 2009. Auteur de "La Formation des bandes" (1), il décrypte pour nous, à partir d’une étude menée pendant plusieurs années dans le quartier des Hautes-Noues à Villiers-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne), les interactions qui existent entre l’école, la famille et la rue dans la composition des bandes de jeunes. Son dernier ouvrage collectif vient de paraître : " Les sorties de délinquance", aux éditions La Découverte. Que signifie précisément le terme de «bandes» ? Marwan Mohammed. Ces jeunes se reconnaissent-ils dans ce terme ? Marwan Mohammed. Quelles sont ces compensations sociales ? Marwan Mohammed. Vous avez pu étudier les enjeux intrafamiliaux. Marwan Mohammed. Vous dites que la bande a aussi une fonction symbolique de reconnaissance… Marwan Mohammed. Ces jeunes sont-ils révoltés et ont-ils une conscience politique ? Marwan Mohammed. Votre ouvrage s’intéresse à ce moment crucial qui fait basculer les jeunes dans les bandes.

Table of Contents abduction (Igor Douven) Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King) Abhidharma (Noa Ronkin) abilities (John Maier) Abner of Burgos (Shalom Sadik) Abrabanel, Judah (Aaron Hughes) abstract objects (Gideon Rosen) accidental properties — see essential vs. accidental properties action (George Wilson and Samuel Shpall) action-based theories of perception (Robert Briscoe and Rick Grush) action at a distance — see quantum mechanics: action at a distance in actualism (Christopher Menzel) adaptationism (Steven Hecht Orzack and Patrick Forber) Addams, Jane (Maurice Hamington) Adorno, Theodor W. (Lambert Zuidervaart) advance directives (Agnieszka Jaworska) Aegidius Romanus — see Giles of Rome Aenesidemus — see skepticism: ancient aesthetic, concept of the (James Shelley) aesthetics aesthetics of the everyday (Yuriko Saito) affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider) Africana Philosophy (Lucius T. Outlaw Jr.) B [jump to top] C [jump to top] D [jump to top] Damian, Peter (Toivo J.

Three ways to dissimulate the conflict between the 1% and the 99% (#OccupyWallStreet update) Excerpted from Jodi Dean: ‘After the movement was impossible to ignore, after the protesters had demonstrated determination and the police had reacted with orange containment nets and pepper spray, other efforts to efface the fundamental division opened up by Occupy Wall Street emerged. All tried to reabsorb the movement into the familiar and thereby fill-in or occlude the gap the movement installs. Three ways stand out: democratization, moralization, and individualization. I use “democratization” to designate attempts to frame the movement in terms of American electoral politics. One of the most common democratizing moves has been to treat Occupy Wall Street as the Tea Party of the left. A related democratization suggests that the movement pursue any number of legislative paths, that it seek Constitutional Amendments denying corporations personhood, change campaign finance laws, abolish the electoral college and the Federal Reserve.
