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eMotion Tech - Reprap-France - Reprap-France - eMotion Tech

legobot 3D printer made entirely out of LEGO jul 16, 2013 legobot 3D printer made entirely out of LEGO legobot 3D printer made entirely out of LEGOall images courtesy matstermind similar to the cardboard computer and plotter designed by niklas roy in the past, american engineer student known as matstermind on instructables has developed a fully working 3D printer made entirely out of LEGO bricks. entitled the ‘legobot’, the CNC device works on 3 axis, and prints ( for now at least ) with hot glue. based roughly on the first version of the makerbot 3D printer, the prototype runs on four power supplies: a 3V extruder, 7.2v for the NXT, 12V fan, and 115V for the hot glue gun. LEGObot 3D printervideo courtesy matstermind the device is a fully working 3D printer made entirely out of LEGO bricks the CNC machine works on 3 axis, and prints ( for now at least ) with hot glue the prototype runs on four power supplies; a 3V extruder, 7.2v for the NXT, 12V fan, and 115V for the hot glue gun rodrigo caula I designboom

Imprimante 3D Prusa i3 Rework 650 euros Le kit comprend toutes les pièces dont vous avez besoin pour construire la dernière version de l'imprimante 3D conçue par Josef Prusa modifié par eMotion Tech.Le Prusa i3 est actuellement la dernière version des imprimantes 3D Reprap. Elle se compose d'un cadre en aluminium d'épaisseur de 6 mm ainsi que d'un chariot Y pouvant accueillir une plate-forme d'impression de 200 mm d’arrêté. Le Hotend Hexagon entièrement usiné en métal peut accueillir plusieurs buses de diamètre allant de 0.3mm à 0.7mm. Le contrôleur RAMPS 1.4 permet de gérer jusqu'à deux buses. - Motorisation Nema 17 - Tous les accessoires non cités mais nécessaires ;-) Précision Résolution mécanique nominale X : 0.015 mm Résolution mécanique nominale Y : 0.015 mm Résolution mécanique nominale Z : 0.781μm Épaisseur de la couche (Z) : 0.10 à 0.50 mm (selon buse) Il est possible de mettre à jour le kit avec un écran contrôleur LCD pour l'impression autonome (impression sans ordinateur connecté). Pourquoi choisir eMotion Tech

Votre design 3D devient réalité avec l'impression 3D 3D printed bionic ear - electronics and biology converge aug 10, 2013 3D printed bionic ear - electronics and biology converge 3D printed bionic ear – electronics and biology converge earlier this year, we reported on a group of scientists and physicians at cornell university who engineered a 3D printed ear to treat children born with a congenital deformity called microtia. read more about that on designboom here. andrea chin I designboom L'imprimante 3D, c'est la révolution ! Je cherche une imprimante 3D ShareThis Copy and Paste RepRapWiki TEDxEWB Talk: Adrian Bowyer at Imperial College, London, introduces RepRap RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017. RepRap state-of-the-art is well represented by John Mulac's Mulbot and Mike Jeffs' ReprapMJ.

makerbot digitizer desktop 3D scanner shipping mid-october aug 23, 2013 makerbot digitizer desktop 3D scanner shipping mid-october makerbot digitizer desktop 3D scanner shipping mid-octoberall images courtesy makerbot with just two clicks, the makerbot digitizer desktop 3D scanner’s simple yet sophisticated software creates clean, watertight 3D models that are ready to 3d print. the new york-based company optimized the whole system to work seamlessly with the 3D printer of your choice. the desktop scanner outputs standard three-dimensional CAD file formats so that one can animate, and transform objects in a third-party modeling program. makerware for digitizer contains an algorithm that connects hundreds of thousands of points into a seamless digital mesh in just seconds. there’s no patching, or repairing required, so one can skip straight to the creative process. with just two clicks, the makerbot digitizer desktop 3D scanner creates clean, watertight 3D models the system is optimized to work seamlessly with the 3D printer of your choice

HYREL 3D: Professional, Industrial-grade, Out-of-the-Box ready, Highly Reliable, High-Value 3D Printer. FoldaRap, The Folding RepRap La collecte est terminée pour cette fois, merci aux 52 contributeurs du monde entier ! Suite à une deuxième campagne s'étant déroulée avec succès, vous pouvez à présent retrouver la FoldaRap sur le site :) La FoldaRap est une imprimante 3D open-source, facile à assembler, et surtout pliante pour pouvoir l'emporter partout ! Imprimante 3D, RepRap, kesako ? L'impression 3D est une technique de fabrication additive : on ajoute successivement des couches de matière pour produire des objets. Cela permet de faire des pièces difficilement réalisables avec les procédés classiques (usinage, injection), et contrairement au moulage il n'y a pas d'outillage à modifier. Ce qui fait que l'on compare souvent ces machines aux imprimantes classiques : avec un fichier numérique et une matière première on réalise un produit à la demande (le plastique fondu remplacant l'encre et le papier). Une sorte d'ancêtre du Réplicateur de Star Trek, en quelque sorte... FoldaRap, The Folding RepRap Bonjour !

ZEUS: world's first 3D printer / scanner / copy machine sep 06, 2013 ZEUS: world's first 3D printer / scanner / copy machine ZEUS: world’s first 3D printer / scanner / copy machine wouldn’t it be great to buy a 3D printer, take it out of the box, plug it in, and be able to use it right away, the same way you would with any other piece of consumer electronics such as computers and TV’s? engineers at AIO robotics have developed a solution that will now allow users to 3D scan, 3D print, 3D copy, and 3D fax objects from one device. entitled ‘ZEUS’, the all-in-one electronic device is constructed out of aluminum, powder-coated in a moonstone white, with black anodized side panels. the inclusion of a 7-inch touchscreen gives the machine a welcoming ‘consumer ready’ look. instead of usin plastic or wood, all linear components are also built using CNC-machined aluminum, including the XYZ-carrier, turntable and external shell. the structure of the 3D copy machine dramatically increases the quality of the prints, preventing deformation and heat soaking.
