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The Sims zamierili na Facebook Vydavateľ hier Electronic Arts ešte v júni tohto roka na konferencii E3 oznámil, že chystá novú verziu populárnej hry The Sims - The Sims Social, určenú špeciálne pre Facebook. Jej uvedenie na spomínanej poprednej sociálnej sieti sa stalo realitou, upozornil napríklad Venture Beat. Nadšenci, ktorí dosiaľ hrali The Sims osamote na PC alebo mobile, ju tak odteraz môžu hrať so svojimi priateľmi na Facebooku. Umožnených je viacero interakcií ako vyčistenie cudzieho domu, darovanie kvetov alebo nadviazanie romantického vzťahu. Chýbať nebude flirtovanie, lichotenie a dokonca ani bozkávanie. Ľudí si môžete taktiež znepriateliť - napr. hacknutím niečieho počítača alebo fackou. Downloading Dropbox - Dropbox Keep your files safe, synced, and easy to share. Install the appropriate package if you want to use Dropbox on your Linux Desktop.If your distribution is not listed then choose "Compile from Source". Note: These packages install an open-source helper application. The version of this application does not change as frequently as the main Dropbox application. These packages will always install the latest version of Dropbox for Linux.View release notes

Pencil versus Camera by Ben Heine Belgian painter Ben Heine has been taking photos and drawing almost since he was 10 years old. This “Pencil Vs Camera” series is nothing but the result of several years of graphic exploration and a logic consequence of his artistic evolution, says Ben. But the real idea came while he was watching television and writing a letter at the same time a few weeks ago. Reading my letter before putting it in the envelope, I saw in transparency the television behind the paper. I then realized it would be great to make something similar in a single image showing 2 different actions.I went outside and Drew “Pencil Vs Camera 1″ which is very simple and shows 2 chairs with a small table. About ¼ of the scene is represented on the paper, the other ¾ happens on the photo.

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