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Explosion de couleurs - Hua Tunan

Hua Tunan is a rising artist in China. Combining the traditional elements of Chinese art and culture with a modern twist, Hua brings about beautiful explosions on the canvas. Based out of Foshan, Hua (also known as 画图男) does performance and street art in addition to his paintings. His work has gathered the attention of companies such as Volvo, who flew him out to Zurich to do graffiti art on one of their blank cars for a performance. As his art continues to stimulate viewers, we at Visual News will keep an eye on him and his work at Chinese creative agency NeochaEDGE. To see more of Hua Tunan’s works click here. ↬ neochaEDGE Related:  support exquisitesupport exquisitestock à sasser (réf.)-1stock à sasser (réf.)-1

Effets de Miroir - Daniel Kukla Daniel Kukla is a photographer who had formal training in biological and anthropological sciences. His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect. In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. We love how the photos look like they’re of paintings of the desert placed within the desert. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series over on Kukla’s website. The Edge Effect by Daniel Kukla (via Junkculture) P.S. Image credits: Photographs by Daniel Kukla

Compositions culinaires - Lauren Lauren est une artiste qui réalise d’impressionnantes créations culinaires à base de légumes et de fruits. Elle transforme ainsi nos assiettes parfois bien fades en de réelles compositions colorées et esthétiques. Un travail de food art à la fois ludique, gourmand et créatif ! Lauren Purnell est une artiste canadienne qui se passionne pour l’art et la nourriture. Tout cela nous a mis l’eau à la bouche, plus particulièrement le bateau fait de tranches de pastèque et la corbeille de fruits composée d’une multitude de légumes qui ont l’air vraiment délicieux.

Dessins Miniatures - Lorraine Loots Une peinture miniature par jour pendant un an, voici le projet de l’artiste sud-africaine Lorraine Loots intitulé « 365 Postcards for Ants » DIY Bohemian Side Braid Hairstyle I love Bohemian style, thanks Emily for this side braid hairstyle that I would like to try this Summer, so sweet for party and daily use, everyone will want to ask you how to do this, I am sure. You can check the full tutorial from the wonder forest.

Beard Art - Isaiah Webb Time to get your beard on! This is Isaiah Webb, also known as Incredibeard. Along with his wife, Webb creates a new 'beardo' every week and posts an image or video on social media. Webb began growing facial hair at the age of 11, but it wasn’t until recently that he delved into beard experimentation. As a result of his creations, he has garnered internet fame and opened an online marketplace where bearded gentlemen can purchase beardly products, such as specialized combs, shampoo, waxes, and oils. Check out the photos below to see some of his beardly creations.

Jardins miniatures Robes sublimes créées à partir de pétales de fleurs - Grace Ciao Grace Ciao is a young business student and freelance designer that creates gorgeous sketches and prints from flower petals. An alternative to pencils, the petals bring the sketches to life and give the dresses unique style, Ciao even claiming that "they help [her] create prints which [she] otherwise couldn't have thought of." The 22-year-old first started using petals in her sketches when a flower she was given began to wilt. In attempt to preserve its beauty, she unknowingly created her signature flower-sketch process; for which her beautiful designs have gone viral.

Chefs d'Oeuvre miniatures -Dina Brodsky Is it possible to create a 2-inch masterpiece? New York City artist Dina Brodsky has proven it's possible, creating stunning miniature works of art on 2" diameter plexiglass circles. The series entitled "Cycling a Guide to Lilliput", combine her two passions: cycling and miniature painting. See more of Dina's brilliant online portfolio on Instagram. There are also prints available of Dina's work on Hahnemuhle etching paper available on Etsy. Are you an artist, designer, filmmaker or photographer who'd like to have your creative talent or work featured on StudioVox? More Creativity: Flowers Blossoming into Fashion Mind-boggling Miniature Sculptures

Dessins Miniatures - Lorraine Loots Une peinture miniature par jour pendant un an, voici le projet de l’artiste sud-africaine Lorraine Loots intitulé « 365 Postcards for Ants » Maquillage autour des yeux - Tal Peleg On peut se demander quel qualificatif va le mieux à Tal Peleg : maquilleuse ou peintre, tellement ses créations autour des yeux sont des oeuvres à part entière. Des heures et des heures de travail pour un résultat qui dépasse l’imaginaire et qui pourtant est bien réel. Remarquable. Vincent a ecrit 9001 articles
