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A Doctor Who Fan Fiction Archive

A Doctor Who Fan Fiction Archive

Blogtor Who Wraithbait :: Stargate: Atlantis Fanfiction HP recs : painless_j A fair warning: I’ve been out of HP fandom for quite a while by now. As I read HP fiction nearly not at all nowadays, please don’t expect these listings of mine to be kept up to date. If you report a broken link or suggest a new addition, I might fix/add it… in half a year. So please don’t use these lists as a proper gateway but rather as a general guidance for what to look in other places if you find a dead end here. For new stuff, check comments. What you’ll find here These are my recs of HP fiction. I should say it at once that of course no, it’s not everything that I liked. Fics are sorted by pairing, then by length within a pairing group, and further within - in alphabetical order. Rec ’stars’ mean only the extent of my love; there are no fics I didn’t like here. ## — love to bits# — like very much or consider very interesting[] — rather like AU stands for Alternate Universe (also for Alternate Reality ‘cos people use these terms as often interchangeable); WIP means ‘Work in progress’.

Life is a Cabaret - Remus/Sirius reclist, page one A few notes, first of all. Some fics are archived in more than one place, but I just took the urls from the first place I found them. Also, these fics are on this list because I personally liked them and wouldn't mind rereading them, meaning this list is completely subjective. If a fic (R/S, of course) you like is not on here, you're free to comment and tell me about it (no self-plugs, please), but the possibility exists that I may have already read the fic and not liked it enough to put it on here. An author may have written a lot of R/S stuff, but these will only be my favorites of that author's fiction, and if I think that you should check out the rest of that author's stuff, I'll put an asterisk by the author's name. I used LJ usernames if I knew them, and just pennames if I didn't. This list will also be periodically updated. THERE ARE TWO PAGES TO THIS LIST. Now with that all over we go! Current total: 300 Titles A-M 2/3 by ourmutualfiend, R. sheafrotherdon*, PG-13.
