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Reused trampoline into swinging bed

Reused trampoline into swinging bed
Related:  Récupérer Recycler Bricoler Créer

Making Paper Bricks in India At MAKE we have covered a type of paper brick before, but it was used simply as a fire starter. Professors Rahul Ralegaonkar and Sachin Mandavgane of the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology in India (VNIT) have come up with a process to make paper bricks designed for creation instead of destruction. It started when they visited a paper recycling plant in 2009. They learned that 15% of the material that went through the plant was piled up into an unsightly sludge and sent to a landfill. Raleganokar and Mandavgane decided to take some of that sludge back to their lab and play around with it along with students over the summer. The bricks have seen practical use so far in false ceilings and partition walls. Related

untitled Editors Note: Guest Post by Betsy & Warren Talbot Let’s face it: We all have too much stuff. Whether it is the things you no longer need, the items you never got around to using, or the “treasures” thrust on you by well-meaning people, you are probably shrinking your living space with all that clutter. It’s more than simply buying nothing new. It’s being critical of everything you already own. Does it fit your life or not? There are 3 steps you can take to finally let go of those items no longer working in your life. But before you start planning your next big holiday, let’s focus on 3 powerful strategies to let go of your possessions. Instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, Keep Up with Your Dream: This is the classic mistake many people make. It’s like high school all over again as you struggle to keep up with what other people’s families have and how they spend their free time. Remove Mental Clutter Before Physical Clutter: Are you holding on to outdated ideas about your life?

How To Make A Cloud - The Farm Chicks The Farm Chicks website has moved. To find the "How To Make A Cloud" post, click here. Telares en cajas Estos telares en cajas de cartón me han robado el corazón. Están en el Museum of Contemporary Craft en Portland pero estoy segura de que pronto tendrán una versión parecida en el colegio de mis hijos. Vidéoprojecteur DIY Un livre de Wikilivres. Avertissement électricité Ce document aborde la manipulation de matériel électrique. Avant toute manipulation : lisez attentivement l'avertissement électricité. Un vidéoprojecteur réalisé soi-même Un vidéoprojecteur DIY est un vidéoprojecteur réalisé soi-même (DIY, do it yourself pour fais-le toi-même en anglais). Présentation[modifier | modifier le wikicode] Pourquoi les VP DIY[modifier | modifier le wikicode] Pourquoi se fabriquer un vidéo projecteur DIY (’’Do It Yourself’’) alors qu’on peut en acheter un tout fait dans le commerce ? Prix : Tout d’abord un vidéo projecteur DIY revient bien moins cher, 300 € en moyenne. Les ampoules utilisées ne sont pas les mêmes, nous utilisons des ampoules qui coûtent entre 30 et 45 € et qui durent 10 000 heures. Celles des vidéo projecteurs du commerce coûtent environ 300 € pour 2000 heures. Qualité d’image : De plus nos dalles étant plus grandes, les pixels sont moins agrandis, il en résulte une meilleure qualité d’image. Entretien :

Easy and Unique DIY VasesInspiring Pretty Everyone loves vases, but it’s difficult to find one that is unique and not the same old run of the mill vase you’ve seen 1000 times before. As the most prominent centerpiece, you always want a vase to be special, just like the rest of your decor. Whether it is empty, holding flower, a candle pebbles or anything else, a vase can be boring or the perfect accent you’ve been looking for. And it’s only better when you can make it yourself flexing your craft skills and saving some money as well. This lovely vase is simple and its beauty is its simplicity. For this cozy yet stylish vase, pick up some clear craft glue and yearn and collect a few pop bottles, beer or wine bottles. For some true vintage charm, these are the way to go. courtesy of This is simple, whimsical and somehow elegant. For this ornate design, either buy punch paper or create your own with sturdy poster board paper, stock paper, card paper, construction paper or something else you know of.

Annuaire tutoriel, DIY, tutos, Cliquez sur la catégorie Bricolage pour voir tous les tutoriels.. Build a Food Storage Shelf Preparation Instructions: Fill all holes with wood filler and let dry. Apply additional coats of wood filler as needed. When wood filler is completely dry, sand the project in the direction of the wood grain with 120 grit sandpaper. Vacuum sanded project to remove sanding residue.
