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Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1

Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1

How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters Anonymous (group) Anonymous (used as a mass noun) is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. A website nominally associated with the group describes it as "an internet gathering" with "a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives". The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on government, religious, and corporate websites. Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan, representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.[3][4] Anonymous members (known as "Anons") can be distinguished in public by the wearing of stylised Guy Fawkes masks.[5] In its early form, the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal, and primarily focused on entertainment, or "lulz".

Rīgas Laiks Jūnija sākumā plašu rezonansi Latvijā izraisīja televīzijas sižets par Vanšu tilta pilona galā uzkāpušo vīrieti, kura lēcienu nebūtībā uzfilmēja un parādīja televīzijā. Vēl pirms tam internetā parādījās video ar nosaukumu “1 vājprātis, 1 leduscirtnis”, kurā, kā vēlāk noskaidrojās, bija uzfilmēta Liņa Dzjuņa slepkavība, ko bija uzņēmis pats slepkava – kanādietis Luka Manjota. Drīz vien šis video tika izņemts no daudzām interneta vietnēm, tai skaitā no vietnes, kura specializējas asinis stindzinošu videoklipu un fotoattēlu publiskošanā un kurā pats Manjota savu amatierkino bija ievietojis. Gan pašnāvības, gan slepkavības gadījumā diskusiju izraisīja jautājums par mediju atbildību. Platona dialogā “Valsts” Sokrats atceras stāstu par Leontiju, kurš pie Atēnu ziemeļu mūra ierauga bendes pamestus līķus. Tad kāpēc kāds gribētu skatīties uz līķiem, pašnāvībām un slepkavībām? Taču, iespējams, būtiskāks kaitējums tiek nodarīts tieši skatītājam. Minētie piemēri atgādina par vēl vienu problēmu.

OK for police to search cellphone if no password, says court - Toronto The court says it's okay for police to look through someone's cellphone under certain conditions. (CBC) Ontario's highest court has signalled that the right of police officers to look through someone's phone depends on whether there's a password. The Court of Appeal for Ontario says it's all right for police to have a cursory look through the phone upon arrest if it's not password protected, but if it is, investigators should get a search warrant. The court's ruling comes in the case of a man who appealed his robbery conviction, arguing that police breached his charter rights by looking through his phone after his arrest. Kevin Fearon was arrested in July 2009, after a jewelry stall at a flea market in Toronto was robbed, and police found pictures of a gun and cash as well as a text message about jewelry on his phone. "Rather, because the phone was not password protected, the photos and the text message were readily available to other users."

Make a Guy Fawkes mask (V for Vendetta / Anonymous) Hello friends, I'll show you how to make a mask of Guy Fawkes, one that uses the character of V for Vendetta and also using cyberactivism group Anonymous. First a bit of information taken from wikipedia: Guy Fawkes (York, England, April 13, 1570 - London, January 31, 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, was a Catholic conspirator English, son of a notary of York, who served in the Spanish Army of the Netherlands. It belonged to a group of Catholic restoration in England that planned the "Gunpowder Plot", in order to blow up Parliament and assassinate King Jacobo I, his family and other members of the House of Lords by explosives at the base of the building, and that should Fawkes to blow up when parliamentarians were assembled. Arrested on November 5, 1605, said he wanted to blow up Parliament to end religious persecution. Since then, November 5th, is remembered in England the "Night of Guy Fawkes' (or Bonfire Night, the night of the fires) which simulates burning at the stake Guy Fawkes.

VISAS zāles Bipolārie traucējumi jeb maniakāli depresīvā slimība (MDI) ir viena no visizplatītākajām, smagākajām un ilgstošākajām psihiskajām saslimšanām. Bipolārajiem traucējumiem ir raksturīgi dziļi, ilgstoši un nopietni depresiju periodi, kas mijās ar pārmērīgi pacilāta un/vai uzbudināta garastāvokļa periodiem dēvētiem par māniju. Mānijai ir raksturīga samazināta vēlme gulēt, paātrināta runa, paaugstināts libido, neapdomīga rīcība, nerēķināšanās ar sekām, lielīgums un nopietni domāšanas traucējumi, kas var ietvert arī psihozi. Starp šiem pacēlumiem un kritumiem pacienti parasti piedzīvo augstākus funkcionalitātes periodus, kad iespējama produktīva dzīve. Bipolārie traucējumi ietver garastāvokļu traucējumu vienu polu spektru ieskaitot I bipolāro (BPI), II bipolāro (BPII), ciklofrēniju (svārstība starp pacilātu un nomāktu garastāvokli), un dziļu depresiju. Bipolāri afektīvo traucējumu simptomi: Bipolāri afektīvo traucējumu aktīvās vielas: Kategorijas:Bipolāri afektīvi traucējumi.

The Rapid Rise of 'Sneak and Peak' Searches, and the Fourth Amendment 'Rule Requiring Notice' by Jonathan Witmer-Rich This article documents the rapid rise of covert searching, through delayed notice search warrants, and argues that covert searching in its current form presumptively violates the Fourth Amendment’s “rule requiring notice.” Congress authorized these “sneak and peek” warrants in the USA Patriot Act, in 2001, and soon after added a reporting requirement to monitor this invasive search technique. Since 2001, the use of delayed notice search warrants has risen dramatically, from around 25 in 2002 to 5,601 in 2012, suggesting that “sneak and peek” searches are becoming alarmingly common. To date, most courts have concluded that delayed notice search warrants raise no Fourth Amendment concerns.

Guy Fawkes: The history behind the mask, and tits… From an ill-fated conspiracy of 400 years ago, to the graphic novel V for Vendetta wrote in the 80s by Alan Moore, what is now arguably the most powerful internet meme stayed alive through the centuries, morphing in synch with changes in the political and cultural consciousness. The British state must have thought it had safely contained and reframed the act of defiance of a handful of conspirators by turning their demise into a national holiday. But while they could kill the men, they could never truly erase their ideas. And in their latest symbolic incarnation, the Guy Fawkes mask, these ideas have taken to the streets. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, ‘Twas his intent. The story behind the mask began on the night of November 5, 1605. Throughout the following 400 years, November 5 was celebrated in England as a day to remember the thwarted plot. Then, in 2008, came Anonymous against the Church of Scientology Epic Battle.

Latvija atdos daļu zelta eirozonai 06.02.2013 Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze Latvijai Nosūtīt rakstu Aizvērt * - Atzīmētie lauki ir jāaizpilda obligāti Līdz ar iestāšanos eirozonā Latvijai piederošā zelta ģeogrāfiskā izkliede kļūs vēl plašāka, jo 4,4% no Latvijas Bankas kopējām ārējām rezervēm nāksies atdot Eiropas Centrālajai bankai Frankfurtē – gan ārvalstu valūtu, gan cēlmetāla lietņus, kas šobrīd tiek uzglabāti Lielbritānijā. Kā skaidro finansisti, zelts uzskatāms par svarīgu psiholoģisku rezervi, tāpēc ziņa, ka eirozona ne vien simboliski atņems latu, bet arī praktiski pieķersies Latvijas zeltam, ir raisījusi zināmu nemieru. Jo vairāk tādēļ, ka Latvijas gadījumā zeltam ir īpaša emocionāla vērtība. 1918. gadā, lai palīdzētu jaundibinātajai Latvijas valstij nostāties uz kājām, iedzīvotāji ziedoja savas dārglietas – dažādas rotas, ķēdītes, gredzenus un pat zelta zobus. Zelta investīciju kompānijas Goldinvest asset management vadītājs Pēteris Avotiņš Latvijas ekonomikas krīzes dziļākajā brīdī pus pa jokam, pus pa nopietnam teica – mums nevajag eiro, mums vajag zelta latu.

Masks banned in Canadian riots, just in time for Anonymous day of action | Monday November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day. Expect masks. The Anonymous-affiliated are planning worldwide protests against government surveillance, as the following video declares: As always, Anonymous supporters are likely to don masks with the image of their patron saint. But for the first time, the smiling black and white masks that shield the identity of those protesters will be illegal in Canada (if the protest stops being peaceful). It's not only the Anonymous-affiliated whose masks will be banned. The bill, Bill C-309, was championed by Alberta Conservative Blake Richards, who said it was a response to last year's Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver , during which often-masked vandals smashed and lit fire to the city after their team lost to the Boston Bruins. Violators will be facing up to 10 years in prison if convicted of covering their face during a riot or other "unlawful assembly." The bill, which doesn't apply to protesters at peaceful demonstrations, passed 153-126. To wit:
