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How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To

How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To
Related:  Personal Growth

Bottom line: aerobic activity burns fat best - Technology & Science Researchers discovered that aerobic training, such as jogging or swimming, is best at both burning fat and helping people lose weight. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press) Aerobic exercise is the best form of activity to burn fat when compared to resistance training and a combination of the two, according to researchers at Duke University. Their study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, is the largest randomized trial to monitor changes in body composition from the three modes of exercise in obese and overweight adults without diabetes. "We want to offer clear, evidence-based exercise recommendations that will truly help people lose weight and body fat," said lead author Leslie Willis, an exercise physiologist at Duke Medicine in Durham, N.C. Researchers were concerned with recent exercise guidelines recommending resistance training such as weightlifting as a means of helping people lose weight by increasing their resting metabolic rate.

June Cohen: What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices TED and The Huffington Post are excited to bring you TEDWeekends, a curated weekend program that introduces a powerful "idea worth spreading" every Friday, anchored in an exceptional TEDTalk. This week's TEDTalk is accompanied by an original blog post, along with new op-eds, thoughts and responses from the HuffPost community. Watch the talk above, read the blog post and tell us your thoughts below. Become part of the conversation! Few of us come face-to-face with death in such a clear and present way as Ric Elias, who was on board Flight 1549 when it crash-landed on New York's Hudson River four years ago. The days between Thanksgiving and the New Year are always a time for reflection: On what's been accomplished, on what remains ahead of us, and -- most importantly -- what matters most. - June Cohen Ric's TEDTalk has proven so compelling because he answers the question so many of us have: When my life draws to a close, will I look back with regret? Ideas are not set in stone.

Scientific 7 Minute Workout Makes Your Android Phone an Exercise Guide Exercise: 7 Most Effective Exercises - Exercise and Fitness Tips with Workout Routines, and Mind - Body Fitness on MedicineNet So you want to lose weight, define your abs, don't want to buy or use those expensive machines AND want to do this at home! So, what can you do to accomplish this? Oh, and because your significant other wants to accomplish the same, are there different plans or ways for men and women? Of course, you both have busy lives so you cannot devote hours every day to reach these goals. Obviously, any exercise program depends on the underlying health status of the participant. Interval training: This refers to doing almost any type of exercise at a variable pace.

The Integral Movement: Past, Present, and Future In this exhilarating dialogue, Roger Walsh offers one of the finest overviews of the integral movement that we have ever seen—where we're at, where we've been, and where we're going. Now more than ever, the integral movement is poised to make a tremendous impact upon the world. Listen as Roger describes the current status of the movement, identifies some potential traps that we may fall into, and suggests some of the key ideas that the integral approach has to offer the rest of the world. Total running time: 2 hours 35 minutes written by Corey W. deVos This dialogue explores Roger Walsh’s keynote address at the 2008 Integral Theory Conference. Read the full articles here: Part I: Current Status and Potential Traps Part II: Key Ideas for a World at Risk One of the extraordinary qualities of integral consciousness is the ability to simultaneously challenge yourself to be something greater than who you are, while loving yourself exactly as you are.

How to Make the Most Of Your Fitness Tracker (Without Falling Off the Wagon) Exercising 10 minutes a day can boost life expectancy - Health Even as little as 75 minutes a week of physical activity can extend your life by nearly two years, according to U.S. researchers who found some benefits regardless of body weight. The study by Steven Moore of the U.S. National Cancer Institute and his co-authors also suggests that regular activity would boost life expectancy even more. The researchers pooled data on 650,000 men and women aged 40 and older in Sweden and the U.S. who reported their activity levels. The findings show that 75 minutes a week — or just over 10 minutes a day — was associated with 1.8 years of added life expectancy, compared to getting no leisure-time activity. As well, brisk walking for 450 minutes a week, just over an hour a day, was associated with living 4.5 years longer. The researchers in the study in PLOS Medicine hope the findings convince sedentary people that even a modest physical activity program can boost health. Investigators also considered weight categories: Intensity rule of thumb

Andrew Z. Cohen: The Meaning of Your Life Watch the TEDTalk that inspired this post. Ric Elias is a very lucky man. And it's not only because he survived a near-death experience when his plane (U.S. Airways Flight 1549) crashed into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. It's because he allowed this experience to deeply and profoundly change his relationship to life. Interestingly, it works the same way with mystical experiences... I remember the very first time I took LSD, at the age of 16, in 1971. I always marveled in those days at how, shortly after the hallucinogenic effects of the powerful drug wore off, most people seemed to forget what they knew in the midst of the trip. I became a pretty much full-time spiritual seeker in my early twenties because of a non-drug-induced glimpse of mystical insight that I had that same year. What happened? In the end, really, it was nothing more than one distraction or another. In my new role, the biggest part of my job was trying to get people to take the gift of their own life seriously.

UF Study uncovers potential “ideal anti-obesity drug” « Florida Biotechnology News by +Mike Poller – University of Florida researchers and colleagues have identified a protein, the absence of which helps the body burn fat, prevents insulin resistance and obesity. Ablation of TRIP-Br2, a regulator of fat lipolysis, thermogenesis and oxidative metabolism, prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance is published in the journal Nature Medicine. The discovery could aid development of drugs that not only prevent obesity, but also spur weight loss in people who are already overweight, said Dr. Stephen Hsu, one of the study’s corresponding authors and a principal investigator with the UF Sid Martin Biotechnology Development Institute. One-third of adults and about 17 percent of children in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. First identified by Hsu, TRIP-Br2 helps regulate how fat is stored in and released from cells. When functioning normally, TRIP-Br2 restricts the amount of fat that cells burn as energy.
