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Web Design Blog by Smiley Cat Web Design

Web Design Blog by Smiley Cat Web Design

Perfectionner son Test Utilisateur de Site Le test de site Internet en ligne est la meilleure méthode pour avoir un réel aperçu de la façon dont les visiteurs et clients naviguent ; et pour comprendre ce que les clients pensent quand ils visitent un site. Pour obtenir le maximum de retour sur votre site, vous avez besoin de peaufiner vos techniques d’entrevue. Les bons questionneurs ont 5 grandes caractéristiques desquels il est possible d’apprendre. Test utilisateur : au-delà des bases, quelques approfondissements… Les tests utilisateurs en ligne sont spécifiques car ils permettent de mélanger l’observation et l’interview. 1. Rapporter est la capacité à d’être sur la même longueur d’onde que votre interlocuteur – pour établir une connexion mentale et émotionnelle. Dans le cas d’une interview en face-à-face, une façon efficace d’y parvenir est de faire correspondre votre interlocuteur à la fois sur une entente verbale et un niveau non-verbal. 2. «Entendre» et «Écouter» sont deux activités différentes. 3. 4. 5.

Social Media - What is it good for?Vanguard Visions Consulting Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the noise of people telling you to ‘get online’ and ‘be social’. Have you got Facebook? Are you on Twitter? Do you blog? But, what’s it all for? In the world of social media, it’s hard to find the one answer you’re looking for: What should you be doing? It’s better to think about these tools in terms of what you and your business actually need. Being free to sign-up, doesn’t mean they are cost-free for you. For a business, the implications of these tools don’t just stop at the unknown costs. And what’s the right tool for you? To realise the full potential of any of these social media tools, you need to be selective and you need to understand just what you might be getting in for. Before you jump in, you need to dig a little deeper into some of these tools. It’s good to connect, but it’s wonderful to connect successfully.

Mantz's Mission The Dilbert Blog LesDeuxPoetes The Australian Index Esther's Web Log Warning: contains spoilers for the plot of both the book and the movie. I have finally gotten around to reading the copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil that a friend lent me in 1997 just after we watched the film together (thanks Helen). The book is wonderful. The book gently weaves the author John Berendt’s observations of the people he meets in the US city of Savannah, their stories, their biases, their gossip, around the major story, the murder of a young man by an older and very important member of Savannah society. John Berendt is a writer and at the time he began writing Midnight, and had been writing for a number of New York magazines, including Esquire according to the cover notes on the book. Synopsis: Berendt begins visiting Savannah and starts to get to know some of the weird and colourful characters living there. The rest of the book concerns the ins and outs of the court cases that Williams has to endure to try and prove his innocence. Things You Really Need to Learn Guy Kawasaki last week wrote an item describing 'ten things you should learn this school year' in which readers were advised to learn how to write five sentence emails, create powerpoint slides, and survive boring meetings. It was, to my view, advice on how to be a business toady. My view is that people are worth more than that, that pleasing your boss should be the least of your concerns, and that genuine learning means something more than how to succeed in a business environment. But what should you learn? Here, then, is my list. 1. The most common utterance at the scene of a disaster is, "I never thought..." The prediction of consequences is part science, part mathematics, and part visualization. The danger in such situations is focusing on what you want to happen rather than what might happen instead. This is where the math and science come in. People don't think ahead. 2. The four major types of writing are: description, argument, explanation and definition. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

mercuryfern eezblog: art Marcus Hicks' Web Log The truth about Israel pt. 1 Well, I feel certain that what I am about to say will earn me the label ‘Anti-Semite’ by the Jewish Lobby and their fan-club (if I was Jewish, then I would be labelled as a ’self-hating Jew’ ) Much has been made-in light of recent events-about how Israel is an ‘innocent nation’ simply ‘defending itself’ from foes who want to destroy it. For those who want to know about the IR reforms Pt.2 OK, so I have pointed out how IR reforms won’t be good for us, but how will they be BAD for us? For those who want to know about the IR reforms Hiya guys. Marcus. Howard Sucks Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? Yours, Marcus. Hi Hi there world, this is my very first blogging effort.
