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Travel the World

Travel the World

Year In Review: The 11 Best Short Films of 2011 Over the course of the year, curating the Short Film of the Day feature has given me a deep and affecting appreciation of the art form. Before, I hadn’t given much thought to the little bastards, but the truth is that they are incredibly versatile and representative of the boundaries that film can break. They can be jokes told well or human dramas driven home. They can be a perfect bite or demand to be expanded into a full meal. They can feel classic or break out into the long, strange realm of experimentation. They are so much more than movies with short runtimes. There’s one difficulty in judging them, though. The other (small) problem is that sometimes short films spend a long time touring festivals and otherwise being unavailable online. 11. In this sweetly dark comedy from writer/director Bradley Jackson features Ralph Winston (Keir O’Donnell) as a children’s party clown who has never cried in his entire life. 10. 9. 8. Absurdity lives. 7. 6. Spike Jonze.

Rare sand cat kittens born in Israel Rotem, the zoo’s female sand cat that arrived from Germany in 2010, gave birth to the kittens about three weeks ago. “In the beginning of August, we were very happy to find two tiny kittens in the depth of the den with Rotem. On the next day the keepers already saw three and on the next one they were surprised to find a fourth one,” says Sagit Horowitz, a spokeswoman for the zoo. Rotem was paired with Sela, a male cat from Poland, as part of a European breeding program for sand cats, a species listed as “near threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Sand cats typically give birth to an average of three kittens, and at first zoo workers were concerned that four might be a bit of an undertaking for Rotem. “We were very worried in the beginning if she could deal with four kittens. Now that the kittens are a few weeks old, they’re leaving the den and exploring their exhibit, much to the delight of visitors. Sand cats are native to both Asia and Africa.

Newsletter - Backpacking - Backpacking This week, my travel advice covers: Backpacking Accommodation Hostels aren’t the smelly dorm rooms they used to be. Pre-Planning Travel planning can help or hurt you, depending how far you take it. Try not to make the mistake of setting a strict timeline; instead, focus on a loose plan to help you get the most out of your trip. Extreme flexibility beats extreme preparation any day! The only two things that you have to know for sure to begin your trip: what country you want to start with and when you want to go. When choosing your destinations, keep these things in mind: Seasonal Weather: Many tropical areas can have months of continuous rain. 1: Travel light; even on short holidays you’ll probably find you don’t wear half of the clothes you’ve packed and this is the same when backpacking around Asia. 2: Purchase travel insurance; you don’t want to have to call off your whole trip because you’ve lost your spending money or suffered from an injury. How to Pack Your Backpack

Ten Anime Series You Should See Before You Die First off I’d just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that read my list of ten anime films you should see before you die—the response has been phenomenal—not just the number of people who read it, but also those who took the time out to get involved in the following discussion. Some people loved my selections, some people thought I was well off the mark, but it was clear that there was no way I was going to be able to avoid putting together another list, this time of TV series. It has been a far harder list to compile. Not only because of the vast selection to choose from, but also because I knew from the start that I would be leaving out some shows that a lot of people hold very dear. As such, I hope that at least some of you will read the next paragraph first before scrolling down the list to see what is missing and getting upset. Cowboy Bebop (1998) - 26 episodes Paranoia Agent (2004) - 13 episodes Gunslinger Girl (2003) - 13 episodes Future Boy Conan (1978) - 26 episodes

Once, the future was spaceflight. Now it's cat videos and status updates It’s an immensely strange thing, the end of the space age. Imagine telling the vast audience who, in 1969, watched a live broadcast of Neil Armstrong stepping onto the moon that they would lose interest in the endeavour within three years. Spaceflight was the very embodiment of the future, yet the moon program came to a quiet end. Over the decades, manned spaceflight went from a defining human achievement to a very expensive niche interest. The future ain’t what it used to be. A generation ago, humans were sending ambassadors into the sky. We’re worrying about our attention spans and wondering if smartphones are addling our teenagers’ brains. The Internet is, in a not entirely appealing way, a victory of mind over matter. Information technology was envisioned in the space age, and it was meant to be yet another modern convenience. These visions of the digital future saw computers as enhanced libraries: dispassionate stores of data, content to be left in the corner when not needed.

No Cost Volunteering - Volunteer In Cambodia First things first: We never charge volunteers to participate in our program. Compared to other volunteer programs, both in Cambodia and elsewhere which require thousands in fees per week or month just to participate, you’ll find this is a pretty good deal. Our mission is to raise funds for CRDT, not make a profit off our volunteers. We do not charge a participation fee. Are you sure I don’t have to pay anything to you? If you volunteer with us and live independently, you don’t pay us a cent. What will it cost me to come to Cambodia? You will need to pay for airfares, travel and health insurance, Business (E-Type) visa and renewals, day to day expenses, travel, and personal expenses. So what should I budget for? Everyone has different needs, so we can’t give everyone a precise amount they should budget. Visas & Orientation Upon acceptance, we will send you a confirmation letter that will assist you to obtain a Cambodian Business (E-Type) visa. Our Volunteer House Our Volunteer House

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The Backpacking Site Backpacking is increasingly a popular way to travel. It allows you an almost unlimited level of flexibility with your itinerary and keeps you costs down much more than booking into expensive hotels. Within this section you will find tips for backpacking wherever you are going from what to take with you to useful tips and tricks. Packing :: Clothing :: Essentials :: Useful Items :: Backpack What not to take :: Caveat Emptor :: Useful Links Packing One of the key issues when embarking on a backpacking trip is what to take with you. It is essential to pack as lightly as possible, your backpack will need to be carried with you everywhere and having a large bulky pack can hamper you boarding buses and trains and will also tire you out to carry around all day. Clothing You will need to cut down to the bare minimum when packing clothes, you will need to get used to wearing the same clothes for long periods of time although you will normally be able to wash and dry clothes overnight in most places.
