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Sick Beard - Internet PVR for your TV Shows Scrollitelling : quel outil pour vos récits multimédias immersifs ? Un an après Snow Fall, les formats multimédias immersifs (parfois baptisés « scrollitelling ») se multiplient sur les sites de presse, et des outils commencent à apparaître pour épauler les journalistes. Plateformes wysiwyg, extensions WordPress, scripts open source à coder : voici un panorama des solutions disponibles à ce jour. ↑1 » Les plateformes en ligne Pas besoin de mettre les mains dans le code… ou si peu. Scrollkit C’est actuellement la plateforme gratuite la plus aboutie. La fonctionnalité la plus puissante de Scrollkit est son module Skrollr, qui gère les effets de parralaxe de façon plutôt intuitive (à condition de connaître un peu de CSS). La plateforme gère de façon imparfaite le responsive design pour l’affichage mobile, mais ce problème est réglable : le grand point fort de Scrollkit est en effet la possibilité d’exporter le projet en fichier HTML, et de le personnaliser à l’envie – sans aucune dépendance aux serveurs du service. Shorthand Creatavist Racontr Mais aussi… sStory

Let's Build an Automated Media Server! Part 2/3 - Transmission, Sonarr, Radarr and the Crew So Part 2. Exciting stuff. Here we'll be installing and setting up the 'Downloading' side of things. If you've jump on here wondering 'What the fuck is this?', check out Part 1 here. The first container we're going to setup is Transmission. docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -d \ -v /your/storage/path/:/data \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e CREATE_TUN_DEVICE=true \ -e OPENVPN_PROVIDER=PIA \ -e OPENVPN_CONFIG=CA\ Toronto \ -e OPENVPN_USERNAME=user \ -e OPENVPN_PASSWORD=pass \ -e WEBPROXY_ENABLED=false \ -e LOCAL_NETWORK= \ -e TRANSMISSION_UMASK=0 \ --log-driver json-file \ --log-opt max-size=10m \ --dns \ --dns \ -p 9091:9091 \ haugene/transmission-openvpn You'll need to edit the following lines along the lines of: -v /home/swakes/docker/transmission:/data \ -e OPENVPN_PROVIDER=TORGUARD \ -e OPENVPN_CONFIG=Netherlands \ -e OPENVPN_USERNAME=user \ -e OPENVPN_PASSWORD=pass \ -e LOCAL_NETWORK= \ -e TRANSMISSION_WEB_UI=combustion \ Jackett Boom!

▶ How to pick the best PC power supply Power supplies are a frequently misunderstood—and overlooked—PC component. Many users choose a power supply based on total wattage alone, assuming that higher is always synonymous with better. Others pay no attention to their PSU selection at all, and settle for whatever abomination arrived with their machine. But considering how important a good power supply is to a system's stability and long-term reliability, it’s a shame that PSUs get so little attention in comparison to sexier components like graphics cards and SSDs. It doesn’t help that the power-supply market is awash with products from unscrupulous manufacturers that use substandard components and overstate the hardware’s capabilities. Choosing a power supply There is no single, universal rule for selecting a high-quality power supply. First, always buy a power supply from a reputable manufacturer, and look for reviews of it before you buy. Larger, heavier units are preferable to puny, lightweight models. Silverstone Corsair : Home of SABnzbd+, the Full-Auto Newsreader OpenStreetMap Il existe plusieurs manières de fournir des cartes OpenStreetMap sur votre site web. La façon la plus simple est d'utiliser une bibliothèque JavaScript appelée OpenLayers qui fournit une carte glissante que vous pouvez intégrer dans n'importe quelle page web. C'est similaire à l'onglet « Export » sur tel que décrit dans une précédente section. Dans ce chapitre, nous irons plus loin en expliquant comment mettre en place son propre serveur avec un style de carte personnalisé à partir des données OSM. Cela vous intéressera particulièrement si vous cherchez à mettre en valeur une caractéristique particulière des données OSM, comme les voies cyclables ou les lignes ferroviaires, ou tout simplement si vous n'êtes pas satisfait des styles des cartes existants. Besoins système La génération et la mise à disposition de votre propre carte est une tâche plutôt intensive pour un ordinateur actuel. Les tuiles Utiliser OpenLayers La chaîne de production Configuration logicielle

Essays How to stop TWC ISPs sucking at Youtube I’ve had TWC for over a year and have been frustrated at the shockingly crap Youtube performance. I never had issues with other web browsing, downloads, or Netflix, so I simply shrugged it off and continued with life. A few days ago I came across this video and some discussions on Reddit which prompted me to explore further. A few terminal commands later to reject certain IP addresses and I was back to blazingly fast Youtube streaming (and Open up your terminal and run these commands (you will be prompted for the admin password): sudo ipfw add reject src-ip insudo ipfw add reject src-ip in You can check the rules were added by using this command: sudo ipfw list Need to delete these rules? sudo ipfw delete X Why do these commands create a better streaming experience? If you’re not using a Mac, here’s some tips to make this work: Did this trick work for you?

Binsearch -- Usenet search engine Log-in Requests for Issue Crawler accounts require approval by the Foundation. Please fill in the fields above. The intended audience for the Issue Crawler is advocates, activists, academics, artists, researchers and journalists in both new and old media senses. Personal use is also very welcome. Users receive three emails: a log-in details message, an approval message, and a separate welcome message from the Foundation, providing further information about the software and announcements. Should the user exceed ten crawls, the user will receive an email suggesting a subscription, and providing details. Subscribing users receive support in the form of answers to email queries sent to See also terms of use. Privacy notice: stores username, first and last name, and email address for the purposes of contacting users, under the terms of use policy. is a non-profit foundation, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Every bookmark manager ever made | A Bootstrapped Journey Updated June 18th, 2021 The following is an attempt to categorize every bookmark manager ever made into the following categories: visual-based, list-based, start pages, search-based, tag-based, tab management, read it later, image bookmarking, privacy focused, sync-based, offline downloadable solutions, and other. 👀 Visual-based Bookmark Bookmark OS is like Mac and Windows for bookmarks. A collaborative bookmark and content manager, because browser bookmarks just aren't good enough. T Save your bookmarks in a visual card-based fashion similar to Pinterest. C Clipix is like a cross between a start page and Pinterest. D Deskyo lets you save, import, classify, manage, access and find your bookmarks very quickly. Chann ChannelKit is a way to organize your bookmarks, notes, images, and contacts in a visual card-like layout. 📝 List-based

Как ломаются беспроводные сети 2006 г. За последние несколько лет беспроводные сети (WLAN) получили широкое распространение во всём мире. И если ранее речь шла преимущественно об использовании беспроводных сетей в офисах и хот-спотах, то теперь они широко используются и в домашних условиях, и для развертывания мобильных офисов (в условиях командировок). «Да сколько можно об одном и том же! В этой статье мы расскажем о том, как за несколько минут можно взломать «защищённую» беспроводную сеть и стать её несанкционированным, но полноправным пользователем. Кратко о средствах безопасности беспроводных сетей Любая беспроводная сеть состоит как минимум из двух базовых компонентов – точки беспроводного доступа и клиента беспроводной сети (режим ad-hoc, при котором клиенты беспроводной сети общаются друг с другом напрямую без участия точки доступа, мы рассматривать не будем). Протокол WEP Протокол WEP позволяет шифровать поток передаваемых данных на основе алгоритма RC 4 с ключом размером 64 или 128 бит. Протокол WPA
