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School Library Association

School Library Association

Resources Blog ReadingZone is working with authors and The Phoenix comic to launch a range of creative projects for schools! Pupils can join in making a comic, creating a superhero's diary, or seeing how good they are at writing stories that are full of suspense! ReadingZone will launch the following projects in early March, ready to run during March / April, to complete before the Easter break. For now, we want to know which schools would like to get involved. Get in touch by emailing: with your schools' details, the age of the pupils and which project you'd like to take part in. All the projects are free for schools to enter, each one has a fabulous prize and, where possible, we will be encouraging schools to communicate and collaborate with each other. MAKE A COMIC - We are working with The Phoenix comic, inviting a group of schools (secondary or primary) to work together to make a comic over the course of a few weeks.

Home :: The Society of Indexers Hand Knitted Things Public Libraries News « What's happening to your library? Joey's Dream Garden The World Wide Web Library Directory Currently indexing over 8800 libraries and library-related Web sites in 130 countries. This site contains no ads, and is not built from a database that will only allow you to view one listing at a time. And while you're at it, check out the related site: The Great Library Card Collection Here's a blast from the past. The directory as it looked in 1995! Loading Countries Library Related Companies, Organizations, Publishers, Resources/Services/Publications, Cool Library of the Week, Other Lists Please submit/change a listing or leave a comment via this online submission form. 29 August 2013Despite any actual new having been posted here in years, I am actually updating the site whenever someone submits a new listing or correction. 24 June 2005 I added the first libraries in Mauritius today thanks to Ramesh Hauroo. 20 November 2004I've just added the ten libraries in the Maricopa County (AZ) Community College System thanks to Kathy Lynch. News Archive — Icon Legend

Classroom Displays and Bulletin Boards IAML(UK & Ireland) Homepage IAML(UK & Irl), the UK and Ireland Branch of the international organization (IAML), exists to represent and promote the interests of music librarians and libraries, music–related archives and music information providers throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. IAML membership, both individual and corporate, covers a wide range of institutions including public, academic and national libraries, professional orchestras, opera companies, broadcasting authorities and the music trade. At the 2012 IAML(UK & Irl) awards for Excellence in Music Libraries, Professor Jan Smaczny, Hamilton Harty Professor of Music at Queen's University, Belfast said "The roster of excellence before us shows, more powerfully than any words of mine, that the very musical infrastructure of the United Kingdom and Ireland depends fundamentally on the work of music librarians." Recent additions: Vacancies for Branch officers: Vacancy for Publications Officer The IAML(UK & Irl) blog can be read here. Further information:

Amigurumi Two amigurumi animals Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, lit. crocheted or knitted stuffed toy) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll.[1] Amigurumi are typically animals, but can include artistic renderings or inanimate objects endowed with anthropomorphic features,[2] as is typical in Japanese culture. Amigurumi first started appealing to the masses in 2003.[3] By 2006, amigurumi were reported to be the most popular items on Etsy, an online craft marketplace, where they typically sold for $10 to $100.[3] Since then popularity has continued to increase.[4] Aesthetic[edit] Technique[edit] Amigurumi are usually crocheted out of yarn using the single crochet stitch (double crochet in UK crochet terminology). External links[edit] Notes[edit]

IWR - Information world review Apex Players Careers with music - general information | Incorporated Society of Musicians Friday 15 July 2011 A career with music is challenging and worthwhile, and offers a high level of job satisfaction for anyone with a strong interest in music. Music offers a wide variety of opportunities. There are performers and composers, teachers in schools and at home, administrators, publishers, record companies, instrument manufacturers, librarians, broadcasters and journalists. A career with music? The skills and experience required for each activity are quite specific; but many people occupy more than one niche during their careers. When you embark on your musical career, ISM membership is the best way to equip yourself with legal and professional backing, technical advice and essential insurance schemes, as well as opportunities for professional development. To find out more, browse through the subjects listed below. And finally... Performing Many young musicians aspire to a solo career. Any performing career demands very high standards, simply because the competition is so intense.

Amateur Dramatics UK
