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Adobe Museum of Digital Media

Bambou Grand Guignol Online Google TV is Taking Digital Advertising on a Wild Ride A revolution called Google TV is coming. Have you thought about what it means? Google's Global VP of Media & Platforms, Henrique De Castro, believes it will change digital content forever. He gave his two cents at this year's international ad fest in Cannes, offering tips on how to start thinking about advertising in a land without barriers. Video Boom Online video started out innocently enough— a YouTube video here, a YouTube video there. Because technology is an enabler, De Castro sees this fast-rising trend as a stepping stone toward the increase of TV campaign effectiveness. Think about it like this: Today we can watch a substantial amount of on-demand content online and maybe a few hundred channels on television, with one of the main differences being the way advertising works. Unbundling the Ad from the Content De Castro says internet-connected TV is "a reality that will change advertising forever because you're going to be able to unbundle the ad from the content." Changes to Expect

Plan du cours sur l'économie du document - Bloc-notes de Jean-Mi Par Jean-Michel Salaun le vendredi 04 janvier 2008, 11:50 - Cours - Lien permanent On trouvera ci-dessous la présentation générale du cours sur l'économie du document que j'espère proposer en ligne, comme cours au choix de la maîtrise en science de l'information à l'automne 2008. Je déclinerai dans des billets futurs mes questionnements sur chacune des séances. J'ai déjà plusieurs interrogations générales, sur la forme du cours et sur son contenu. Concernant la forme, ma conviction est qu'il n'est pas pertinent de réaliser un contenu trop élaboré en ligne. Concernant le contenu, la difficulté est de réaliser un cours d'initiation qui permette néanmoins d'orienter les choix stratégiques pour des responsables futurs de services documentaires dans un environnement particulièrement fluctuant. Cours sur l'économie du document Description Introduction à l’économie de l’information, des médias, des bibliothèques dans le cadre des transformations découlant du numérique. Objectif général 1. 2. 3.

Grant Museum of Zoology The Grant Museum of Zoology is the only remaining university zoological museum in London. It houses around 68,000 specimens, covering the whole Animal Kingdom. Founded in 1828 as a teaching collection, the Museum is packed full of skeletons, mounted animals and specimens preserved in fluid. What's on at the Grant Museum Explore the Grant Museum of Zoology Research The museum is involved in groundbreaking zoological and museum research Learning A range of exciting educational programmes take place in the museum Support Ways you can help the Grant Museum of Zoology Book your best trip, every trip TripAdvisor Traveller Rating Based on 262 traveller reviews Most Recent Traveller Reviews

Facebook Community Pages: What Your Business Needs to Know Facebook’s new community pages have created a lot of confusion for businesses. Many companies have been surprised (and many angry) to find their brands showing up in community pages that are fully outside of their control. The root of the anger: Businesses have invested in Facebook pages only to find community pages appearing that seem to compete with their pages. This article is designed to demystify Facebook community pages and provide you with important actions you can take. What Is a Facebook Community Page? Facebook first announced Community Pages as a feature designed to address all the fan pages set up around generic, non-business topics. Facebook wanted to differentiate between bona fide Official Facebook Pages (fan pages for businesses) and what they now call Community Pages. Community Pages are a new type of Facebook Page dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it. Facebook Business Pages Vs. Two Types of Community Pages

Strong Island Exhibition « Creative Portsmouth Come and see many of the creatives featured in the book at the Strong Island exhibition at The Round Tower, Old Portsmouth tomorrow. Launch night 15th April from 6-9pm. “The iconic Round Tower in Old Portsmouth is to open to the public as a contemporary art gallery exhibiting work by local people. The project was made possible with University and Portsmouth City Council support and is the first time the tower has been used for this kind of enterprise in its 500-year history.Over 30 local artists, designers, photographers etc from across the city are involved in using the tower’s extraordinary interior to showcase their work. The exhibition will display a range of creative work from photographs developed with fresh Southsea seawater to textiles woven with 100 year-old postcards.” The exhibition is being launched on Friday 15 April from 6-9pm and the public are welcome. The exhibition runs from 16 April – 1st May and is open from Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 3pm. Like this: Like Loading...

Facebook Goes After Google Strong Island | Portsmouth & Southsea Vintage Russian Animation: Top 5 by Maria Popova What dancing ballerinas and hungry kings have to do with the dawn of the digital age. While Walt Disney was building an animation empire in America, a thriving school of animation mastery was unfolding on the other side of the Iron Curtain. Russian art directors, illustrators, animators and video producers were experimenting with techniques often decades ahead of their time and creating beautifully crafted, visually stunning short films despite the technological limitations of the era. Today, we look at five of these gems, with many thanks to reader Sebastian Waack (@edutechnews) for bringing some of them to our attention. Based on a Russian folk tale, Hedgehog in the Fog, a 1975 gem by master-animator Yuri Norstein, utilized techniques like cutout-animation and stop-motion three decades before they reached creative buzzword status. Found on Volume 2. Director Fyodor Khitruk’s Story of a Crime is part Hanna-Barbera, part Hitchcock, part something else entirely.

Jonathan Jeremiah
