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Facebook to Twitter

Twitter to Facebook: 5 Ways to Post to Both There once was a time when our Facebook friends wanted nothing to do with our Twitter updates. Now that Twitter is growing at an astounding rate and rounding the mainstream bend, more of our Facebook friends have developed a fancy for Twitter themselves, and it's becoming commonplace to highlight our tweets on our Facebook walls. If you're new to Twitter, or just haven't followed the Twitter to Facebook trend in recent months, we've found a few quick and easy ways to turn your tweets into status updates. More Status Update Resources from Mashable

Las Aplicaciones de Facebook como herramienta de marketing | PASIÓN POR EL MARKETING Las aplicaciones de facebook se han convertido es una acción utilizada por muchos anunciantes y propuestas por las agencias interactivas y especializadas en marketing 2.0. El principal argumento suele girar en torno a la presencia multitudinaria de los usuarios en la red social facebook… “Todo el mundo está en Facebook”. Por otra parte, Facebook ofrece posibilidades enormes para este tipo de acciones. Muchos anunciantes están confiando en Facebook, como acción complementaria dentro de sus planes globales de campaña. Un último ejemplo, es Ford, que para el nuevo Ford Ka, ha creado una gynkana de 7 días constituida por 7 retos y que tiene su final en el programa de la Sexta, “Se lo que hicisteis…” La descarga de las aplicaciones suele constituirse como el KPI principal. A parte del regalar este utilitario, Ford regala a los participantes otra serie de incentivos. Para descargar la aplicación el Buskador, haz click aquí y para unirte al grupo aquí. Un saludo a los Apasionados del Marketing…

Hootsuite Was Down: 5 other Tools to Schedule Your Tweets With Hootsuite being down I saw myself and lots of other people in dire need to continue scheduling tweets. So here is a list of 5 other services, which will allow you to schedule your tweets. They are all up and running. 1.) Twuffer Twuffer lets you schedule tweets on a clean interface and is completely free for you to use. 2.) FutureTweets is very similar to Twuffer and a service that is dedicated to allowing you to schedule tweets. 3.) In case you were looking for a slightly easier method, Buffer might be interesting to you. 4.) This is another interesting tool allowing you to schedule your tweets in order to remind yourself about things you don’t want to forget. 5.) Twaitter is another tool which might take a bit of time to familiarize yourself with. Ok, that's it I hope the downtime of Hootsuite will end soon and if you are in desparate need for another scheduling tool, I hope the above ones help you with it! Connect: Authored by: Leo Widrich

Top Twitter Tools to Check Out in 2009 | : Social Media Blog You have probably heard something about the new micro blogging platform, Twitter, and how Twitter has taken the online marketing world by storm. The phenomenon has even spawned a new lingo, with your new tweeps (followers) tweeting (making posts) you and discussing the state of the Twitterverse. While Twitter is pretty easy to use, there’s an overwhelming amount of Twitter tools, plug-ins and applications being developed to support it. How can you determine which ones will best support you in your use of Twitter? TwitPic : TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter with your friends. Twellow : Twellow is an online directory of Twitter users that are arranged into various categories. Twitturly : Twitturly is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter. Twitter Counter : TwitterCounter allows you to show how many people are following you on Twitter. Twitter Grade : Twitter Grade measures the reach and authority of a Twitter user. Be-A-Magpie :

Facebook Empresas: Negocios En Facebook Usando Sus Páginas Facebook: Un Documento Libre Acerca De Las Páginas De Facebook por The Advance Guard Introducción A Esta Guía De Facebook En marzo de 2009, Facebook cambió sus páginas para marcas y empresas, con la introducción de un diseño mejorado y opciones de funcionalidad que más estrechamente hicieron eco en el formato de los perfiles personales. Hasta ahora, la presencia de las marcas en muchas páginas de Facebook han incluido el diseño y el layout en la parte superior de la misma, utilizando paneles gráficos estáticos o animaciones en Flash. Esta jerarquía hacía que el contenido destacado permaneciera aislado de la actividad social que ha conducido al compartimiento viral de contenido entre los usuarios regulares de Facebook. Con este lanzamiento, todo ha cambiado. Atrás han quedado las áreas fijas gráficas (o más bien - hacia otro lado, como veremos), sustituidas por un lifestream de la actividad normal que los usuarios de Facebook reconocerán por sus propios perfiles.

15 Frequently Asked Questions About Facebook Pages Facebook provides a comprehensive Help Center with its own range of FAQs along with helpful content from a vast number of users. [There's even a handy Leaderboard - Top Contributor - with points system to see which users have been most helpful. Links just go to the user's personal Profile, though. It would be great to see all their answers in one place, similar to user profiles on Quora.] The Help Center can be difficult to navigate and zero in on the exact solution for the issue you’re having on Facebook. Then, there’s Facebook Questions which I have yet to find useful, quite frankly. You could certainly search for answers to your Facebook questions on Quora – in many ways, this platform is easier and more helpful than Facebook’s Help Center and Questions. There’s also Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn Answers,, Get Satisfaction… but you could keep digging and still not find what you’re looking for! 1. You first need to get a minimum of 25 fans. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Using Twitter to Amplify Connective Learning and Sharing at ICEL 2010 If the picture above makes no sense, then perhaps you can find some time to watch this 5-minute video tutorial: Besides this, I would like to highlight that if you are an active Twitter user, Monitter might not be the ideal tool to monitor/track a word, phrase or hashtag (e.g. #icel5). Another tool you might want to consider (among several) is TweetDeck, which provides you a host of excellent features to track whatever you want, and also enables conveniently to update your own Twitter world. Alright, so did the #icel5 learning stream idea work? THANK YOU! Also, I would like to give a special thanks to Prof. In addition, Frashad Shah deserves a big thank you for picking me up from the airport and making my trip to the hotel smooth and easy. Besides this, Sue Nugus (Organizer), Issham Ismail (Programme Chair), David M. There were around 100 participants from 19 countries that attended, and that certainly made it more exciting. Click here to view the ICEL 2010 Photo Gallery... Not, bad!

10 aplicaciones imprescindibles para Facebook Probablemente el crecimiento que ha vivido Facebook durante este año, en el que ha alcanzado más de 350 millones de usuarios, continue a lo largo del que está a punto de comenzar. Cada vez son más las marcas, empresas, grupos de música, ONG’s, etc., que crean sus páginas, perfiles, eventos, grupos o causas en esta red social que se ha convertido en la más importante del mundo. Pero sí queremos diferenciar nuestros perfiles o fan pages debemos conocer algunas aplicaciones imprescindibles para ello. Os dejo una selección de las que me han parecido más útiles (añado alguna nueva, pero recogen dos de los posts que han tenido más éxito durante este año en el blog): Networked Blogs: se trata de una aplicación que cuenta ya con cerca de 400.000 usuarios y a la que se suman 500 blogs cada día, según Read Write Web. Más información y recursos:

9 Companies Doing Social Media Right and Why Is your business experiencing the social media success you had hoped for? Are you curious what successful companies are actually doing to gain social media success? You’ve come to the right place. This article highlights nine companies (big and small) that have transformed their online presence by implementing innovative social media marketing. You’re sure to find inspiration for your social media efforts here. Look at the tactics these companies employ and don’t concentrate too much on the target audience. #1: Martell Home Builders Martell Home Builders is an Atlantic Canadian custom homebuilder. Martell started a content creation and blogging strategy to focus on their homebuyers’ needs. Notice in the image below the placement of their email capture box as well as their social media channel buttons. Note: Studies show that more people subscribe to blogs by email than RSS feed readers. In the image above, Martell's customers can track their contractor's location when they're on the job.

5 Real Examples of Using #Twitter for #Education One of the best reasons to set up a Twitter account is because you have a real reason to share timely information with a real audience. For me, I have a Twitter account because I want to share with others when I have new blog posts and I want to read about when those I follow have new information to share. I also enjoy Twitter because my Twitter network always has lots of great ideas and advice to share and I also find that I have a lot of ideas and advice to contribute about educating innovatively with my Twitter network. Additionally, I find it to be a terrific tool for connecting with folks at conferences. Once the tag is set I can Tweet ideas with the tags and have others respond resulting in terrific conversations and deeper, more connected learning. However many innovative educators want more than ideas. 1) Tweet Shout Outs to Students and TeachersAt the Kurt Hahn Expeditionary Learning School Mr. 4) Tweet During LessonsI love incorporating Twitter into my lessons for teachers.

Matrix: How Facebook’s ‘Community Pages’ and Privacy Changes Impact Brands This is one of those important posts to forward to your marketing team, agency partners, and to Facebook themselves. While there’s been plenty of coverage about user privacy concerns, attention on Facebook’s changes on brands hasn’t been adequately covered, this analysis is intended to unravel what’s at stake –and what brands should do. I’ve spoken to a handful of brands and their representatives to learn what’s eating at them. Summary: Facebook has quietly launched ‘Community Pages’ Hampering Brands Facebook has launched several new policies and features since the F8 Conference ‘Crusade of Colonization’ which has resulted in a large backlash from media around user privacy. It’s not clear if beyond the vocal media if users will leave the site in droves. Motives: Facebook Must Go Open To Increase Monetization Inventory Facebook continues to leap ahead of their competitors in terms of innovation, however that often comes with risks to their community. Work as a Collective.

5 Easy Steps to a Winning Social Media Plan So you’ve set up your social media empire using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and you’re blogging too. But how do you make it all work together? You want to reach potential clients and establish your authority online, but what’s your plan? This article delivers five foolproof steps to get you on your way to finding, formulating and distributing content that will get you noticed. #1: Find Your Target Audience. The first step in social media planning is largely the first step in identifying your brand—determine who you are and who your customers are. What unique aspect of your product or service attracts your target population? Are you a veteran business coach who works with small entrepreneurs? You’ll need to determine what your readers want to know from you, what their likes and dislikes are and where they congregate. You’ll also need to find the right tone. Write out a basic profile for your most common type of client or customer. #2: Solve Readers’ Most Important Problems. Mind-mapping Whew!
