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BBC Religion & Ethics - BBC Religion & Ethics

BBC Religion & Ethics - BBC Religion & Ethics

Religious Studies Online This website has grown out of the Arnewood School Religious Studies pages. We have a new Head of Department (or 'Lead Practitioner'), and new Schemes of Work for Year 7, 8 and 9. You can still get to the old Schemes of Work. We also have Studywiz as a Learning Platform, where most of our resources are made available to students. World Religions There is special information and activities contained within for teachers. Teachers please visit our Activities section. What is religion? What is a spiritual tradition? Religion is all or some of the attributes described below. Religion is different for different people and cultures.

Interfaith week Inter Faith Week in Higher and Further Education Inter Faith Week is a great opportunity to explore inter faith dialogue as well as forge ties with local community and faith groups. Higher and Further Education institutions have played an important role in marking Inter Faith Week in the past. Some of their contributions have included: The Tree of Philosophy Full Text ASCII Archive Copyright Stephen Palmquist, This archive created by Bruce Schuman, June 26, 1995 How to order a printed version CONTENTS A Note to the Student PART ONE: THE ROOTS Metaphysics and the Recognition of Ignorance 1. Religion There were a great many different religions followed in the ancient and medieval time periods. Some of them are still practiced today; others are not. It is hard even to know what religion is, but we see religion as any tendency to change your own behavior in accordance with supernatural forces. Most people in the ancient and medieval world believed that there were many unseen spirits affecting how things happened.

Psychology of Religion Tuesday, January 27, 2009 PrintEmailTweet This!Save to Favorites LUDWIG FEUERBACH Ludwig Feuerbach advocated one of the first psychological approaches to religion. [Regents Prep Global History] World Belief Systems: Introduction Humans have always expressed a need to understand natural phenomenon and to answer questions regarding their way of life and what happens once they die. These needs resulted in the development of a variety of religions and philosophies that can be found throughout the world today. This site is designed to aid students in reviewing nine of the world's major belief systems in preparation for the New York State Regents Exam in Global History and Geography.

Sociology of Religion Tuesday, January 27, 2009 PrintEmailTweet This!Save to Favorites KARL MARX Marx developed his ideas of sociology from Hegel and Feuerbach. Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Philosophy and Ethics  -  resour
