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CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!

CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!
Related:  9/11/01Building Collapse

Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda Photo WASHINGTON — In highly unusual testimony inside the federal supermax prison, a former operative for has described prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors to the terrorist network in the late 1990s and claimed that he discussed a plan to shoot down with a Stinger missile with a staff member at the Saudi Embassy in Washington. The Qaeda member, , wrote last year to Judge George B. Daniels of United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, who is presiding over a lawsuit filed against Saudi Arabia by relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He said he wanted to testify in the case, and after lengthy negotiations with Justice Department officials and the federal Bureau of Prisons, a team of lawyers was permitted to enter the prison and question him for two days last October. “Moussaoui is a deranged criminal whose own lawyers presented evidence that he was mentally incompetent,” the statement said. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

NY Firehouse Document Prove Government Version of 9/11 a Lie From Top View 3-31-2 On March 11, 6 months after the September 11 destruction of the World Trade Center, CBS aired a film consisting largely of documentary footage on the firefighters of the FDNY's Engine 7, Ladder 1. Engine 7's firehouse is just several blocks from the WTC. The footage was taken by a team of two French brothers, Jules and Gedeon Naudet, who'd begun their documentary on the life and times of these particular firemen some days before. The firefighters of Engine 7 -- all of whom ended up at ground zero on September 11 -- by incredible grace, and maybe luck, all survived and lived to see another day... ** First and foremost Right off the bat, we smell something fishy in the fact that on September 11 at 8:30 AM Engine 7 -- the fire station closest to the World Trade Center -- received what turned out to be a spurious report of an "odor of gas" about a half-mile AWAY from the WTC to the north. ** Second ** Third But it DIDN'T: it hit EIGHTY STORIES ABOVE.

Hufschmid at Italian 9/11 Conference Italians hold their first, international 9/11 conference 17 Sep 2006 This is my speech to the Italian 9/11 event in September 2006. The people involved with the event soon stopped contact with me. A transcript of my speech is below. If you can read Italian, here is the Italian Webster Tarpley and David Ray Griffin traveled to Italy to speak in person. Tarpley and Griffin were in the audience. Transcript of Hufschmid's speech The American government claims that the September 11 attack was conducted entirely by 19 Arabs. The government tells us that an Arab flew a hijacked passenger jet into the Pentagon. The government also tells us that another hijacked passenger jet crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers tried to fight the Arabs. However, during the past few years we have discovered that the American government has lied about many aspects of the September 11 attack. This second issue I want to tell you about is more important.

Mythos 'islamistischer Terrorismus' - Konferenz des Deutschen Freidenker-Verbands - NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung - - Tel.: +49 (0)221 22 20 246 - Fax.: +49 (0)221 22 20 247 - ein Projekt gegen den schleichenden Verlust der Meinungs- Druckversion Globales Konferenz des Deutschen Freidenker-Verbands Mythos "islamistischer Terrorismus" Von Elias Davidsson "Nützlicher Feind: Der Faktor Islam in den Weltmachtstrategien des Westens" – Das war das Thema einer Konferenz, die der Deutsche Freidenker-Verband am 12. September 2015 in Frankfurt am Main veranstaltet hat. Einer der Vortragenden war der Völkerrechts- und Terrorismus-Experte Elias Davidsson. Elias Davidsson Foto: Wie wir alle wissen, dient die angebliche Anfälligkeit von Muslimen für Terrorismus heute der Verbreitung eines allgemeinen Misstrauens gegenüber Muslimen. Zunächst möchte ich klarstellen, dass der Begriff “islamistischer Terrorismus”, wie ihn westliche Regierungen verwenden, tatsächlich ein politischer Mythos ist. Beschlüsse des UN-Sicherheitsrats entstehen nicht spontan. Der Sicherheitsrat begnügte sich nicht mit dieser Bezeichnung. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Die geduldige Aufbauarbeit des Mythos in den 90er Jahren bewährte sich. III. 1.

Smoking Gun Proof Holographic Planes Used on 9/11 - Left Wing Disappears Before Plane Hits Building! (Before It's News) Glenn Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my Facebook , Truth Warriors Page , VT Truth, Twitter , Tsu , Pinterest and LinkedIn! Watch the first video on to open a Doorway to God! Those who join Project Nsearch will discover ways to make extra income and get free ebooks on natural cures, free energy and spreading more truth! UAL Flight 175 in photo above – Note the dark blue paint on bottom versus the completely colorless appearance of the holographic plane melting through the building like butter! Proof They Used Holographic Planes To Hit the Towers on 9/11! Nosed Out! Fake holographic plane cockpit emerges out the other side of the building unscathed after going through all the steel beams in the building! Also the most important fact of all is that the 767 has a cabin that is 15 feet 6 inches wide and tall (cylindrical) and there is only 10 feet between the solid concrete and steel beam floors of the twin towers! Michael Jackson Hologram

Evidence of Explosives In The Twin Tower Collapses. Evidence of Explosives In The Twin Tower Collapses. The evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished is compelling. Photographs, and video, of explosives detonating during the collapse of both the north and south towers are widely available. The most remarkable aspect of the World Trade Center towers demolition, is that such obvious evidence of the use of explosives, has been completely ignored by the media. That such obvious evidence of explosives has remained "hidden in full view" approaches the unbelievable. The South Tower. The video evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished is indeed compelling. Frame 147 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 79th floor. The middle photos show the dust cloud from the explosions outlined in red. The end photos show the relative positions of the two lines of dust and debris. The dust due to the visible explosions is a whitish grey. The North Tower.

Cryptome Gegen Krieg, Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung 13 Jahre nach 9/11 Paul Craig Roberts Die Tragödie des 11. September 2001 reicht weit hinaus über den Tod derjenigen, die in den Türmen ums Leben kamen, und die Tode der Feuerwehrleute und Rettungsleute, die an Krankheiten starben, die durch das Einatmen giftigen Staubes verursacht wurden. Seit dreizehn Jahren wurde eine neue Generation von Amerikanern in den Mythos des 9/11 hineingeboren, der benutzt wurde, um den amerikanischen Kriegs-/Polizeistaat zu schaffen. Die korrupten Bush- und Obamaregimes benutzten 9/11, um Millionen von Moslems in sieben Ländern zu töten, zu verstümmeln, zu enteignen und zu vertreiben, von denen keiner auch nur das leiseste mit 9/11 zu tun hatte. Eine Generation von Amerikanern wurde hineingeboren in Missachtung von und Misstrauen gegenüber Moslems. Eine Generation von Amerikanern wurde hineingeboren in einen Polizeistaat, in dem Privatsphäre und verfassungsmäßiger Schutz nicht mehr existieren. Gemäß der offiziellen Geschichte wurde am 11.

Over 2200 Architects & Engineers Crush The ‘Official’ 9/11 Commission Report 9/11 Truth – A set of words that have become one of the most popular subjects of the past decade both on and off the internet. A subject that has become so popular and that has educated so many people that polls suggest more than 50% of the world doesn’t believe the official story put out by the American Government in the “9/11 Commission Report.” For a long time, people have been ridiculed for questioning the official story -being called conspiracy theorists, anti-American, crazy and many more derogatory names. But does it make sense to put these people into this category given all of the evidence that exists to suggest the official story isn’t true? Finally Some Mainstream Coverage For years no one in the mainstream media would touch the ‘9/11 truth’ story and present the facts they brought forward. Either way, we are now seeing mainstream news coverage of a subject that if finally exposed, could change everything in our world. More About AE911 Truth From My Perspective
