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Multiple Intelligences Apps for The iPad

Multiple Intelligences Apps for The iPad
Howard Gardner is an internationally recognized leader in the field of developmental psychology. He has prolifically authored several books and journal articles on the nature of intelligence. He is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice ). Gardner defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems in a given context. Consider a 12-year old Puluwat in the Caroline Islands, he says, who has been selected by his elders to learn how to become a master sailor " under the tutelage of master navigators he will learn how to combine knowledge of sailing stars and geography so as to find his way around hundreds of islands. Gardner argues that there are at least 6 kinds of intelligences : Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Musical, Linguistic, Mathematico Logical, Visual Spacial.

Project Based Learning and iPads/iPods Introducing an irresistible project at the beginning of a unit of study can give students a clear and meaningful reason for learning. Plus, they end up with a product or result that could possibility make a difference in the world! In project based learning students are driven to learn content and skills for an authentic purpose. PBL involves students in explaining their answers to real-life questions, problems, or challenges. It starts with a driving question that leads to inquiry and investigation. Students work to create a product or presentation as their response to the driving question. Technology can be helpful throughout a project, whether students use iPads, Chromebooks, Android tablets, laptops, or desktops.

Retail careers can be made by playing the numbers Ken Kuschei has always loved numbers. But when he took on a job in retail analytics with Longo's two years ago, he raised his skills to a whole new level. 'I'm the one who gets to go through all the data Longo's collects, then I analyze it, and pull out patterns and opportunities to serve customers,' says the director of consumer insights for the Vaughan, Ont.-based grocery retailer. Having previously worked as a business analyst and then with a loyalty program provider, he considers his jump to retail to be a lucky career break. 'I've always had a natural curiosity for numbers and reports and seeing how things are doing. But when Kuschei looks for new people to join his team, there's more on his wish list than an affinity for numbers. 'One of the beauties of this field is that there are a lot of different skills that add value. The Queen's School of Business in Kingston for example, is launching a 10-month master of management analytics program next summer.

Descubriendo las Inteligencias Múltiples El pasado 10 de mayo tuvimos el privilegio de asistir a la conferencia del Dr. Howard Gardner en el Palacio de Congresos de Cataluña, en Barcelona. La conferencia estaba enmarcada dentro de la jornada de Inauguración del nuevo espacio LEADERLAB del Col·legi Montserrat. Un centro de innovación y liderazgo educativo con vocación internacional que cuenta con el Dr. Howard Gardner como patrocinador. Rodeados de más de 3.000 docentes y familiares, pudimos escuchar la conferencia de unos de los 100 intelectuales más influyentes del momento y padre de la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples, con el título: Multiple Inteligencies: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. El Dr. Y, si nos preguntamos, quién fue más inteligente, Einstein o Picasso, Gardner opina que, seguramente, ninguno más que el otro, simplemente sus inteligencias eran diferentes. ¿Qué es la inteligencia? Capacidad de resolver problemas reales.Capacidad de crear productos efectivos.Potencial para encontrar o crear nuevos retos.

10 Surprising Features Of Finland’s Education System 5 Ways Schools Are Already Using 3D Printing 8.17K Views 0 Likes We've already looked at MOOCs, tablet computing, gamification, and learning analytics. 4 Free Ways To Start Your Own Blog 7.47K Views 0 Likes Blogging is a digital skill that every teacher and student should have.

PALETA DE INTELIGENCIAS MÚLTIPLES Desarrollada por nosotros A continuación os vamos a dejar este ejemplo de trabajo de Inteligencias múltiples mediante una paleta realizada por MI compañera Azucena Cepedello y Un servidor. Esta paleta puede ser trabajada en todos los niveles de secundaria y puede ser exportada fácilmente a primaria adaptandose a los temas que se tratan en esas etapa. PROYECTO paleta de inteligencias multiples Celula animal VS Celula vegetal CÉLULA ANIMAL vs CÉLULA VEGETAL Justificamos la paleta Dentro de nuestras escuelas nos enfrentamos a un gran reto en estos momentos y es dirigir el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos de forma que el estudiante desarrolle un pensamiento reflexivo ycrítico para que desarrollen estrategias para aprender porsí mismos. Es por ello que, para lograr el objetivo de transformar la educación tradicional en una de Inteligencias Múltiples, hay que partir de un trabajo en equipo en el que intervengan los profesores, alumnos y nuestra propia institución. Objetivos por inteligencias

10 Of The Best TEDTalks On Improving Education There have been some rumblings that TED Talks may have jumped the shark–a topic our own Nathan Jurgenson took on recently. Either way, there have been some worthwhile talks given on ideas for changing education, and the folks over at TED have done us all a solid by piling 10 of them together in a single post, starting with the ubiquitous Ken Robinson “Bring on the Learning Revolution,” then including Emily Pilloton’s ideas on design in learning, Dan Meyer’s ideas on a potential math makeover, and Diana Laufenberg on the importance of mistakes.. You may have caught most of them, but if you haven’t here’s your chance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10 Of The Best TEDTalks On Improving Education

Inteligencia múltiples y iPad: guía completa Inteligencia múltiples y iPad: guía completa Las últimas semanas hemos publicado una serie de posts sobre las inteligencias múltiples vinculadas al iPad, como dispositivo que puede ayudar a desarrollar, consolidar y potenciar las distintas inteligencias de los niños y niñas. Tal y como hemos expuesto anteriormente, el iPad por sí solo difícilmente podrá un catalizador de las inteligencias, pero sus múltiples funcionalidades posibilitan y amplían contextos que enriquecen las inteligencias de los niños y niñas y las aproximan un poco más a un talento significativo. En este sentido, presentamos una guía que recopila de todos los artículos que hemos publicado en relación al iPad y las inteligencias múltiples, para ofrecer una visión completa de la cuestión. 1) Contexto IM y iPad 2) IM y iPad: Visual – Espacial 3) IM y iPad: Interpesonal 4) IM y iPad: Musical 5) IM y iPad: Lingüística 6) IM y iPad: Intrapersonal 7) IM y iPad: Naturalista 8) IM y iPad: Corporal – Cinestésica

Apps for multiple intelligences What makes the iPad brilliant is that it caters to all different intelligences. In fact most apps touch upon all different types of intelligences. I’ve tried to match all of my favorite educational apps with their corresponding intelligences. For those apps that matched with more than one, I’ve used equivalents. For example, Showme and Educreations are interactive whiteboard apps that have got the same functions and both fit in the Visual and Aural box. Just like I don’t believe all students fit only in one intelligence box either. Students can use whichever app they chose to study. Take the brilliant app “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. The debate whether Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences really excist or not has been contested quite a few times. Children do differ in their abilities with different modalities, but teaching the child in his best modality doesn‘t affect his educational achievement. Click on the app icons to see the app in the App Store. Related posts:

Is Your Leadership Innovative? Are your leadership actions impeding innovation? Are your change initiatives successfully implemented and delivering the benefits you expected? How is YOUR behavior impacting their ability to delivery results? Innovative Leadership – Critical to Create a Culture of Successful Innovation Many traditional leaders spend more time perfecting their golf swings than they do updating their ability to lead in this interconnected and dynamic business environment. Innovative leadership is the type of leadership that allows already successful leaders to raise the bar on their performance and the performance of their organizations. An innovative leader is defined as someone who consistently delivers results using the following: While others differentiate leadership from management this definition includes both because, to fully implement innovative change, the organizational leaders need to both set the strategy and be sufficiently involved in the tactics to ensure innovation and changes happen.

(Almost) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Creativity 1Share Synopsis To be creative can be as simple as seeing something everyone else sees, but thinking what no one else thinks about it. What does it mean to be creative? Creativity is effective novelty. How do creative people think? Creative people tend to utilize a wide range of thinking skills. We have another book in the works that will describe additional strategies for thinking that are common to creative people. In fact, a by-product of having many creative avocations is that creative people have a wider range of knowledge, experience, skills, and techniques to mix and match in novel, interesting and unexpectedly useful ways. Do creative people think differently from ordinary people? Not really. Are creativity and intelligence the same thing? Intelligence and creativity are not the same thing. So high test scores and great grades do not necessarily set creative people apart, especially when young. What can people do to improve their creative potential?

Jonah Lehrer on How to Be Creative The Steve Jobs Way: Seven lessons in business leadership Having spent a couple of days of my holidays reading the Steve Jobs biography I couldn't help but reflect on the remarkable accomplishments of the man and the lessons applicable for business owners everywhere, big or small. This could have been a very long list, but here are the seven things that are most strongly front of mind for me (text is paraphrased and quoted from the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, (Simon & Schuster, 2011). 1) Focus: When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 he walked back into a company with low morale, stagnant sales and little sense of purpose. He found a business with ‘tons of products most of them crap, done by deluded teams'. In trying to work out what they were all for Jobs resorted to asking a simple question 'Which one do I tell my friends to buy?' Jobs further simplified the issue by classifying the customer as either Consumer or Pro and the product as either Desktop or Portable. You need to have a collaborative hiring process. Was he smart?

Stereomood - Tuning my emotions for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store How to Motivate the Unmotivated Pressure and coercion don’t work for long. Successful leaders ignite and inspire, they don’t pressure. They were motivated. Coercion, pressure, or rewards may work momentarily. Pressure and coercion are like water to fire. The need to pressures or coerce indicates they’re not interested. “Get past this notion that motivation is something that one person does to another…,” Daniel Pink, author of, Drive, referring to a conversation with Edward Deci. De-motivation and control: Feeling controlled de-motivates. How do you feel when someone tries to control you? Make people feel powerless and they’ll act like they’re powerless. Five ways to motivate the unmotivated: Reject the notion that motivation is something you do to others.Give power don’t take it. Bonus: Four minutes of my conversation with Daniel Pink. Article on motivation by Ryan and Deci. Pink’s new book: “To Sell is Human.” How do you inspire others? Like this: Like Loading...
