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Deep Sky Colors - Astrophotography by Rogelio Bernal Andreo Anexo:Objetos Messier Los objetos Messier son un grupo de objetos astronómicos catalogados por el astrónomo francés Charles Messier en su Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d'Étoiles (Catálogo de Nebulosas y Cúmulos Estelares), que se publicó originalmente en 1771 y cuya última edición, basada en observaciones de Messier, se realizó en 1966.[1] Messier centraba su interés en encontrar cometas por lo que creó una lista de objetos descubiertos por él mismo que parecían ser cometas pero que no lo eran. La compilación de esa lista, en colaboración con su asistente Pierre Méchain, se conoce como «catálogo Messier». Es una de las listas más famosas de objetos astronómicos, y muchos de los objetos incluidos en ella siguen siendo referenciados por su número Messier.[2] La primera edición del catálogo incluyó 45 objetos; luego Messier completó la lista totalizando 103 objetos. No obstante, otros astrónomos usaron las notas de Messier para terminar la lista con 110 objetos. Objetos Messier[editar] Véase también[editar]

Chapter 56 Did some pumpkin carving with friends this weekend. First pic is mine. Happy Halloween everyone! from left to right Nico, Nadine, Rachael, Me The Scale of the Universe Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales? On large scales? Tomorrow's picture: dust before galaxies Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech.

A video map of motions in the nearby universe ( —An international team of researchers, including University of Hawaii at Manoa astronomer Brent Tully, has mapped the motions of structures of the nearby universe in greater detail than ever before. The maps are presented as a video, which provides a dynamic three-dimensional representation of the universe through the use of rotation, panning, and zooming. The video was announced last week at the conference "Cosmic Flows: Observations and Simulations" in Marseille, France, that honored the career and 70th birthday of Tully. The Cosmic Flows project has mapped visible and dark matter densities around our Milky Way galaxy up to a distance of 300 million light-years. The large-scale structure of the universe is a complex web of clusters, filaments, and voids. Just as the movement of tectonic plates reveals the properties of Earth's interior, the movements of the galaxies reveal information about the main constituents of the Universe: dark energy and dark matter.

Grupo Local Mapa 3D del Grupo Local. Otro mapa 3D del Grupo Local. Se denomina Grupo Local al grupo de galaxias en el que se encuentra la nuestra, la Vía Láctea. Está dominado por tres galaxias espirales gigantes, Andrómeda, la Vía Láctea y la Galaxia del Triángulo. El resto de galaxias, unas 30, son más pequeñas; muchas de ellas son galaxias satélite de una de las mayores. Las galaxias libres giran en torno al centro de masas del grupo, situado entre Andrómeda y la Vía Láctea. Dentro del Grupo Local, se conocen tres sistemas dominados por galaxias masivas actuando como centros de gravedad, y varias galaxias actuando como satélites: El futuro del Grupo Local[editar] Se ha observado que Andrómeda y nuestra galaxia se acercan rápidamente a una velocidad de unos 500.000 km/h, lo que plantea que pueda producirse una colisión entre ambas dentro de unos 3.000 a 5.000 millones de años, según la masa que tengan estas galaxias. Galaxias del Grupo Local[editar] Mapa[editar] Diagrama[editar]

Library - Matt Lipps LIBRARY The series takes its starting point from a 17-volume book set, Library of Photography, published in 1970-1972 by Time-Life Books. Matt Lipps has selected, cut out and assembled almost 500 figures, unfolding a visual roadmap of 40 years of American picture taking. Using collage strategies, sculptural tropes, theater staging and complex still-life, Library pays tribute to and requiem for the analog medium while posing new questions about the future of digital media and imaging. For each cut out image, Lipps builds an individual cardboard structure so each can stand on its own and become an autonomous, moveable ‘actor.’ The inspiration, Library of Photography, is a multi-authored publication issued in the US and abroad.

Hubble Telescope Reveals Deepest View of Universe Ever The Hubble Space Telescope has captured the farthest-ever view into the universe, a photo that reveals thousands of galaxies billions of light-years away. The picture, called eXtreme Deep Field, or XDF, combines 10 years of Hubble telescope views of one patch of sky. Only the accumulated light gathered over so many observation sessions can reveal such distant objects, some of which are one ten-billionth the brightness that the human eye can see. The photo is a sequel to the original "Hubble Ultra Deep Field," a picture the Hubble Space Telescope took in 2003 and 2004 that collected light over many hours to reveal thousands of distant galaxies in what was the deepest view of the universe so far. This image compares the angular size of the Hubble Extreme Deep Field survey to the angular size of the full Moon. The photo reveals a wide range of galaxies, from spirals that are Milky Way-lookalikes, to hazy reddish blobs that are the result of collisions between galaxies.

¿Por qué E=mc2?: ¿y por qué debería importarnos? - Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw ¿Qué significa en realidad E = mc2? Brian Cox y Jeff Forshaw emprenden un viaje hasta las fronteras de la ciencia del siglo xxi para descubrir qué se esconde detrás de la secuencia de símbolos que conforman la ecuación más famosa de Einstein. Explicando y simplificando las nociones de energía, masa y luz, demuestran que esta ecuación contiene la estructura misma de la naturaleza. «Si no eres físico y quieres comprendera Einstein y su teoría de la relatividad, deberías leer este libro.» «Un libro que nos muestra lo hermoso y complejo que es nuestro universo.»

Hubble zooms in on a space oddity | Press Releases A strange, glowing green cloud of gas that has mystified astronomers since its discovery in 2007 has been studied by Hubble. The cloud of gas is lit up by the bright light of a nearby quasar, and shows signs of ongoing star formation. One of the strangest space objects ever seen is being scrutinised by the penetrating vision of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. A mysterious, glowing green blob of gas is floating in space near a spiral galaxy. The Hubble revelations are the latest finds in an ongoing probe of Hanny’s Voorwerp (Hanny’s Object in Dutch). In the sharpest view yet of Hanny’s Voorwerp, Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys have uncovered star birth in a region of the green object that faces the spiral galaxy IC 2497, located about 650 million light-years from Earth. The greenish Voorwerp is visible because a searchlight beam of light from the galaxy’s core has illuminated it. Notes Links Contacts

Astrophysics Astrophysics People have gazed at the stars, given them names, and observed their changes for thousands of years. NASA joined the ancient pursuit of knowledge of our universe comparatively recently. Goals The science goals of Astrophysics are breathtaking: we seek to understand the universe and our place in it. NASA’s goal in Astrophysics is to “Discover how the universe works, explore how the universe began and developed into its present form, and search for Earth-like planets.” Current Programs Astrophysics comprises of three focused and two cross-cutting programs. Physics of the Cosmos Cosmic Origins Exoplanet Exploration Astrophysics Explorer Program Astrophysics Research Current Missions The Astrophysics current missions include three of the Great Observatories originally planned in the 1980’s and launched over the past 24 years. Near Future The near future will be dominated by several missions.

Total Solar Eclipse 2012 photos, near Mount Carbine, Queensland, Australia November 14, Queensland, Australia Homepage Astrophotos Australia 2012 photos Purchase Photos! Total Solar Eclipse of November 14, 2012, as seen from a hilltop about 20 miles west of the Outback town of Mount Carbine, Queensland, along the Mulligan Highway (Peninsula Development Road), a road only paved in recent years. Heading inland to get away from coastal showers and clouds which were promising to interfere with the viewing, we drove some 150 miles into the outback to find a good spot the day before and settled upon a remote hillside, up along a dirt track that pulled away from the main road. The location was about 40 miles inland, and 67 miles from Cairns, as the crow flies. About 20 other cars camped out here as well under very dark skies. Astronomy Picture of the Day!

Great Attractor Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky. The location of the Great Attractor is shown following the long blue arrow at bottom-right. The Hubble Telescope turned its lens to the region of the sky where the Great Attractor is located. The Great Attractor is a gravity anomaly in intergalactic space within the range of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster that reveals the existence of a localized concentration of mass equivalent to tens of thousands of galaxies, each of which represents the mass of the Milky Way; this mass is observable by its effect on the motion of galaxies and their associated clusters over a region hundreds of millions of light-years across. These galaxies are all redshifted, in accordance with the Hubble Flow, indicating that they are receding relative to us and to each other, but the variations in their redshift are sufficient to reveal the existence of the anomaly. Location[edit] Debate over apparent mass[edit] The dark flow[edit] In fiction[edit] [citation needed]
