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17 Homemade Soap Recipes & Tips - Snappy Living

17 Homemade Soap Recipes & Tips - Snappy Living
Related:  herbology and diet

How To Make Whipped Feta I don’t even know what to saaaay. This whipped feta is single-handedly changing my life. And I mean, like reallyreallyreally changing my life, in ways that include consuming (very small) portions of vegetables along with it because it’s that good. Not like in the when-I was-12-I-stood-outside-of-Limited-Too-in-a-mint-and-navy-flannel-pleated-plaid-skirt-being-a-“model” type of way. For weeks I was inflated with the idea of whipped feta. You know where I actually think the thought came from? Enter whipped feta. As you can clearly see, I slathered it on toast. I attempted the recipe three different ways: with regular cream cheese, whipped cream cheese and Greek yogurt. Perhaps my favorite thing about this whole mess is that you can flavor it any way you like. Okay. Ingredients: 8 ounces feta cheese, crumbled and at room temperature 3 ounces whipped cream cheese, at room temperature Directions: Add crumbled feta to a food processor and pulse until small crumbs remain. Whip it good.

Puffy Paint I can't believe I've never tried this project before. It was so easy and fun that I ended up doing it three times this week... first with my own kids, then as a project at my son's school, and then with our music class. I have a little bit of PTSD after working with lots and lots of squirrelly little 4 and 5 year olds. In particular my own kids, who tend to just dump out all the paint, smear it all over their bodies, and then run away screaming. Puffy Paint 1 c. salt 1 c. flour 1 c. water a healthy squirt of food coloring or tempera paint. Put in squeeze bottles for Puffy Paint Paradise.

Rosemary Mint Shaving Cream: Homemade Gift Ideas How to make homemade shaving cream with coconut oil and shea butter that smells of a delicious rosemary-mint pairing. Great for personalized Christmas gifts or just to pamper yourself. 44K+Around the same time that I started washing my face daily with the Ginger Coconut Oil Body Scrub I had concocted in the kitchen, I also had the revelation that post body scrubbing, you could shave your legs without using shaving cream. Shaving cream and I are lifelong enemies. I have to buy some pretty expensive slathering lotion for it to do its job without leaving me looking like I had a run-in with a barbed wire fence, and I, frankly, am complaining about it. While we use the shaving cream here, it would also make a great gift for that special someone in your life, be it your significant other, your dad, or anyone else in need of some pampering. Notes: I’ve found this works great for sensitive skin. Copyright © Food for My Family.

The 23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray | Top Food There is so many uses for the ice cube tray, athat you cannot just simply write it down. You never should use it just for ice, because, you are missing so much chances to make something new, and trilling. Since the summer is slowly coming, there are a lot way you can use ice tray and make the perfect snack maybe, or even a delicious desert. source Easy Soap, Scrubs and Lotion Recipes | Soap Recipes for Beginners Nothing’s more fun than sharing and swapping a good recipe. Here are a few of our favorites for making everything from skin nurturing soaps and scrubs, to solid perfume and more. Share your recipes by using the “comment box” at the bottom of this page. Gardener’s Soap Recipe 8 oz. Melt & Pour Base 2 T. Melt base and scent. Honey Bee CP Soap Olive Oil 32 oz. At trace, add fragrance and 1 Tablespoon of honey. Easy Shea Butter CP Soap Coconut Oil 16 oz. Easy Lip Balm Recipe – using Lanolin 1 oz. Skin Firming Gel – using CroThix CroThix has a secondary use as a skin firming agent. This makes (4) four ounce containers of gel-crème. Water 13 oz. Heat the water and Glycerin to 170 degrees and set aside. Lotion bars! Easy Lotion Bars 4 ounces Mango or Shea Butter 4 ounces Beeswax, Yellow or White 5 ounces Liquid Oil (Jojoba or Grapeseed are both excellent) 2 teaspoons of Essential Oil or Fragrance Oil Melt the beeswax in a separate container and the butter/oil in another container. Here’s what you need:

Diy Scalp Treatment One of the first things we learned in cosmetology school was how to do a scalp treatment, and for good reason. For all the benefits they provide, I think it’s crazy they aren’t a regular part of our “beauty” routines. We’ll scrub, rub, and moisturize every square inch of our body, but the scalp tends to be neglected. Of all the at home diy treatments you can do, a scalp treatment is of the easiest – and seriously one of the best. They feel amazing, get rid of flakes, and promote fast and healthy hair growth. Diy All Natural Scalp Treatment I have a friend from childhood that was my ever faithful guinea pig during beauty school. Before we talk about the how, let’s talk about the why. Why Scalp Treatments Are Important Here are just a few reasons that a scalp treatment should be a part of your regular beauty routine: Removes product build up (even shampoo and conditioner build up)Relieves dry, flaky, tight skin from winter monthsTreats dandruffStimulates the scalp to speed up hair growth

This Is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections In The Body This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. by HealthCareAboveAll The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics. This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This tonic has helped many people to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases and even plague! It can cure many chronic conditions and diseases. To sum up, this tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, successfully strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic medicine. Master tonic – Recipe You may want to wear gloves during the preparation, especially when handling hot peppers, because it is difficult to get the tingling off your hands! Ingredients: Preparation: Your master tonic is ready for use. Dosing: Health benefits

Crafting ideas from Sizzix UK: The Vintage Cabinet box I will be perfectly honest. As much as I love this die and its possibilities, this idea was originated by Patricia Villa Boas, the Portugal distributor of Sizzix and the organizer of Chocolate Quente, the event where I taught this project. But with her permission granted, I can share it with all here. Beware it is a picture heavy post.All measurements are in inches as it is easier for this project. the funny thing was that I originally did it all in inches, then thinking that in Portugal all would be in centimetres I translated the measurement, leaving in the UK the inches. First class, they wanted all measurements in inches so a quick change was needed. But of course, the next class was mostly in centimetres with a few inches people. Cut the 12 x 12" in to two 6 x 12". One of them trim 1 1/2" off the bottom -not including the white strip!) Then score it at 3 3/4" from the left edge. Score at 3" from the other score line - or at 6 3/4" from the left edge if it is any easier. Like this.

Simple Paint Updates for Everyday Home Accessories Oh, So Plain Let ceramics and glass stand in for canvas the next time you pick up a paintbrush with these ideas from DIY diva Jodi Mensing Harris. Frame with Color Layer colorful stripes in a float frame to bring a new dimension to a treasured family photo. Before you create this masterpiece, pay attention to how the transparent stripes will overlap in the finished projects. Clear Clogged Arteries & Eliminate Bad (LDL) Cholesterol From Your Bloodstream Using This Garlic Remedy A regular cleaning that can be performed in several ways is highly recommended for the release of toxins from the body, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. In this article we introduce you to this very effective healing procedure. Cleaning is generally carried out in various ways – from a particular diet, the consumption of folklore medications, plasmapheresis and cleaning the blood with laser. It is important to know that the cleaning of the blood vessels causes a lot of medication contraindications. Their application is the last step, and it should be done only if other means are not helping. That is why cleaning the blood vessels of the layers of bad cholesterol is safer and less dangerous using folklore medications. Garlic and lemon are considered to be excellent vessels cleaners, reducing bad cholesterol level, strengthening blood vessels’ walls and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases such as atherosclerosis. Ingredients needed: Method of preparation: Eddie (3253 Posts)

DIY in the Kitchen: Carve Your Own Wooden Spoons I have a beautiful wooden spoon, one of my favorite things in my kitchen. It was carved by hand and because of that, it was expensive. Totally worth it, in my view, but a once in a lifetime purchase for me. Every now and then I wish I could afford to give one as a gift but cost prohibits. Arten has never purchased wood for his spoons. The article in Mother Earth News might be too sparse for some people. The bottom line is that making a wooden spoon for your kitchen or as a gift is a relatively simple project that requires very few tools and is rewarding way to spend an afternoon. By the way, the spoon pictured above is the one I mentioned in the first paragraph and it's a far cry from what a beginner might accomplish. Related: Homemade Wooden Spoon Butter: For Buffing, Not Eating! (Image: Dana Velden)
