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How to Stand Out in an Interview

How to Stand Out in an Interview
Let's face it, some interviews are about whether the finer details of your skills match what the employer needs but for graduates there is some great advice out there, especially for the assessment day kind of stuff: 1. In any 'group' activities immediately volunteer to be the timekeeper and then be self-aware in terms of getting too caught up in the 'right answer' to the exercise (the idea is actually to see how you all interact), let others fall into that trap and then use it to practice a bit of mediation; 2. If you get asked to talk about yourself in an introduction or in a proper presentation try to actually just be yourself here, at least in the sense that you should just talk about something that makes you comfortable and genuine in the act of communicating. They usually give a broad topic and your choice might have nothing to do with the firm (were you in a band when you were younger? 3. 4. 5.

5 Secrets Revealed To Land Your Next Job Have you ever watched a particular performance and then wondered how that person became so popular? After all, you may have thought, there is nothing exceptionally astonishing about the way they sing, dance, act, play a musical instrument or tell a joke. You know for a fact that there are likely thousands of individuals who could perform at least at the level of what you are witnessing, yet none of them have achieved even a smattering of the acclaim this person has. One word can typically sum up the reasons for this: marketing! If you want to be a star, you must create buzz. Generate Buzz Through a Storyboard Resume. Following these few simple tricks of the marketing trade is sure to increase your “star power” and leave your audience in awe.

Must-Ask Interview Questions - Pongo Resume An interview is supposed to be a dialog, not an inquisition. If you don't have any questions prepared to ask the prospective employer, you’re missing a huge opportunity. At your next interview, be sure to present at least five questions to illustrate your preparedness, your enthusiasm for the job, and your desire to ensure a good fit. Both you and your interviewers should have a say in evaluating the potential match between the organization’s needs and your ability and desire to fulfill them. Job candidates who don’t ask questions may be perceived as unprepared, uninterested, overly nervous, or lacking communication skills. The Five Must-Ask Questions Here's a list of five must-ask interview questions, each followed by an explanation of why you must ask it, and what you want and don’t want to hear in reply. 1. Why it’s a must-ask: The answer will tell you whether it’s a vacated or newly created position, which can indicate whether the company is growing or holding steady. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Global Presentations :: Ranulph Fiennes Motivational, Teamwork and Achieving versus Adversity Presentations by Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE (with or without PowerPoint slides). Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been titled by the Guinness Book of Records as "The Worlds Greatest Living Explorer". Daily Telegraph 2000 listed Ranulph Fiennes as "One of the world's top ten speakers" "the entire room was spellbound by your words and adventures, they were truly inspired by you" (DE LA RUE MAY 2011) "the presentation was extremely entertaining, witty, inspiring, thought provoking and humbling, the best speaker we have every had and will find it difficult to follow next year" (PHILlPS - APRIL 2011) "Sir Ranulph went down a storm. "it was clear that everyone was hugely energised following your presentation which was both entertaining and thought-provoking on many levels" (E-ON NOVEMBER 2010) "the feedback we have received was immense and you are by far the best keynote speaker we have ever had" (COMPTlA OCTOBER 2010)

How Impressive Body Language at the Interview can Improve your Chances of Getting Hired digg According to Albert Mehrabian (Professor Emeritus of Psychology, UCLA), the three elements account differently for our liking for the person who puts forward a message concerning their feelings: words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the liking. They are often abbreviated as the “3 Vs” for Verbal, Vocal & Visual. (Source: Wikipedia) Are you making the mistake of focusing only on the technical expertise at your next interview? ALERT: During an interview you are being judged intensively on your body language; here are some dos and don’ts that will help you make a positive effective statement during your next interview or meeting. Handshakes This is your first impression or one of the first few – don’t start on the wrong foot by squeezing the interviewer’s hand too hard or appearing limp. What you should do: get some constructive feedback on your present handshake style from friends or family, what do they feel? Posture Eye Contact

The One Must Ask End of Job Interview Question In virtually every job interview you’ll ever have, after you have already been asked - and answered - numerous other questions, you can almost be guaranteed that the hiring manager will ask you a closing question that goes something like this: Almost unerringly the unprepared or ill-prepared job candidate will respond with something inane like this: “No, not really. You’ve pretty much answered all of my questions.” At first glance, you may conclude that there really doesn’t seem to be anything particularly “wrong” or ill-advised about such a response. To succeed in a job interview in today’s job market, you, as a candidate, must continually be engaged and thoroughly and actively be involved in the interview process from start to finish.

How to Build a More Meaningful Career The average person racks up at least 100,000 working hours over a lifetime. That means you spend more time in the office than you do in your own home and have more face time with your colleagues than your family or friends. Some of the most difficult decisions you’ll have to make will occur during business hours. If you don’t love what you’re doing in your work life, then 85% of your time is only defined by a pay check. Here are some guidelines to help you get more out of your hours in and out of the office: Be passionate about what you do. Successful people love what they do. First, know that you are making a difference for others. If you’re a manager then your work and leadership can help people build their careers and find meaning in their work. It doesn’t matter what your title is; the end result of your hard work isn’t just in a pay check. Another silver lining is that you will never know everything; you can always learn more. Don’t play games. Take nothing for granted.

Top 5 Reasons You’ll Be Rejected By Recruiters If you want to find a good job these days, you might have to work with a recruiter. Deal with it. That’s because today, many companies have dispensed with traditional human resources departments in favor of outside recruiters. It saves the companies beaucoup bucks—but it also means that you have a new set of barriers to deal with. Recruiters can be finicky (kind of like cats that turn up their noses at Fancy Feast) because their reputations are on the line with each candidate search. Recruiters scour social media and place advertisements looking for potential hires, and they also do much of the screening processes that HR employees used to do. Recruiters all look for different qualities in candidates, but while each recruiter has his own preferences, there are often similarities in what they don’t like. Here are five reasons a recruiter might pass you over for a different candidate: Not Following Instructions Performing Poorly Where a Recruiter Placed You Lack of Enthusiasm

4 Essential Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview “I am always surprised how some interviewees tend to trail off towards the end of an interview instead of finishing strong and leaving a lasting impression,” says Zachary Rose, CEO and founder of Green Education Services, a green jobs training firm in New York City. Whether you’re a senior preparing for campus recruiting or a recent graduate still hunting for a job, here are the top questions experts recommend asking at the end of a job interview to leave a great final impression on hiring managers and establish yourself as a top candidate. “Is There Any Reason Why You Wouldn’t Hire Me?” Kelsey Meyer, senior vice president of Digital Talent Agents in Columbia, Mo., says, “A recent candidate asked, ‘If you were to not offer the job to me, what would be the reason?’ This was extremely straightforward and a little blunt, but it allowed me to communicate any hesitations I had about the candidate before he left the interview, and he could address them right there.” Michael B. The Bottom Line

Beyond the Resume: 8 Nontraditional Approaches to Hiring inShare28 Hiring processes can be some of the most frustrating professional experiences for both candidates, who have to ensure their resumes stand out from the pack, and hiring managers, who have to comb through that pack. But every once in a while, a company takes a risk and adopts a creative approach to hiring. Here are eight instances where some part of the hiring process wasn’t completely standard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 37 Signals: When the web design company decided it was time to hire an office manager, it posted a rather atypical job description on its blog. 8. Tatiana Christian has had a lot of experience with job ads recently as she searches for a job. Brazen powers real-time, online events for leading organizations around the world.

The 10 Worst Interview Questions (and the 5 Best) Interviews can be stressful, but worry no more. LearnVest has shared a few questions to ask and a few questions to avoid in your next interview. “So, do you have any questions for me?” This common refrain toward the close of a job interview can make even the best of us stammer when the tables are turned. But with the national unemployment rate over 8%, sharp interview skills are more important than ever. Whether or not you’re currently looking for a job, try your knowledge: Do you have the right questions to ask your interviewer? RELATED: If You're Ready to Work From Home, Here's How to Ask The goal, of course, is to ask a few smart questions – thoughtful ones that show you’ve been paying attention and have done your homework when it comes to researching the company, and the specific job you’re after. Most employers agree that, “No, I have no questions,” is the worst possible response. Read on for more. Questions You Should Never Ask in a Job Interview 1. 2. Why? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1.

What makes a Candidate Qualified? While all recruitment marketing efforts are focused on hires, it’s qualified candidates that we really want or need. And the more, the better. I’ve talked before on how to measure qualified candidates in your recruitment funnel but that only works if you know what a qualified candidate is to your organization. Let’s take a look at what actually makes a candidate qualified for a position at your organization and how you can filter on these within your apply & interview process. 1. How to test this? 2. How to Test? 3. How to Test? There are a number of factors in determining if a candidate is qualified. And most important use the job distribution sources that bring in the most qualified candidates!

A Modest Proposal: Social Network Background Checks Still Concern Me | The Verifier So there I was on one knee with my hands cuffed behind my back in Little Italy on a beautiful day in May of 1996. Click. Someone took a picture. People started to gather around. More clicks and flashes. I’ve been thinking a lot about this moment for a few months now since I’ve been contemplating the role social networkings sites should or should not have in the employment background screening and hiring process. Why? So why am I telling you this story? What if it was real? There’s been a lot of talk for a couple years now about whether employers can and should use social networking sites are part of their employment screening processes. I’m sure we all have a story or two like this. P.S. P.P.S. Loading ...
