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Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese)

Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese)

Genki – Home Go to Genki-Online [3rd Edition] Check out this new collection of video skits presenting sentence patterns studied in GENKI! The skits cover one pattern each and last just a minute or two, making them a handy tool for introducing, practicing, and reviewing key patterns. GENKI is a highly acclaimed series of integrated resources for learning elementary Japanese through a well-balanced approach to all four language skill areas—speaking, listening, reading, and writing. More 【App】GENKI Vocab Cards GENKI Vocab Cards is a digital vocabulary card app that enables users to learn approximately 1,200 words essential for beginners along with the native pronunciations at their own pace. 【App】GENKI Kanji Cards GENKI Kanji Cards is a digital card app that helps users become able to recognize 317 basic kanji by studying more than 1,100 kanji words at their own pace. 【App】GENKI Conjugation Cards Bookstores in Japan GENKI materials can be purchased through any bookstore in Japan.

Romaji to Hiragana and Katakana converter Japanese Numbers 100 – 900 | Japanese Language Blog Posted on 17. Mar, 2009 by Ginny in Uncategorized Unlike numbers 20 to 99, the number 100 has no relation to any previous single digit number. This is a number you’ll just have to memorize. Luckily for numbers 200 to 900, they look a lot like the numbers 2 – 9. 100 – hyaku (ひゃく) 200 – nihyaku (にひゃく) 300 – sanbyaku (さんびゃく) 400 – yonhyaku (よんひゃく) 500 – gohyaku (ごひゃく) 600 – roppyaku (ろっぴゃく) 700 – nanahyaku (ななひゃく) 800 – happyaku (はっぴゃく) 900 – kyuuhyaku (きゅうひゃく) There are a couple of numbers in particular that I want you to pay attention to. Another slight pronunciation change is the number for 600 and 800. Hopefully you’re finding a pattern. Tags: Japanese numbers Share this Post!

地球人ネットワークを創るアルク:スペースアルク 音速語言學習(日語) NIHONGO-JUKU どらま・のーと Home: Japan Society 絵本の世界 Nippon VoiceBlog We offer Kagamimochi to God from Ganjitsu, the first day of New Year, to January 11th. We wish happiness for New Year and decorate it. Kagamimochi is , so to speak, means something for people to open correspondence with gods. <日本語文>晴れの日のおもち、祝いのおもち、ねぎらいのおもち、力づけのおもちというように、おもちは何かにつけて日本人の心を表す食べ物として昔から扱われています。 鏡餅は、様と人を仲介するものであり、1年間の幸せを願う「晴れの日」に神前に捧げた餅をみんなで分け合って食べることで、神様からの祝福を受けようという信仰・文化の名残りなのです。 さて、1月11日は鏡餅を食べる「鏡開き」の日です。 おもちは、焼く、煮る、炒める、揚げるなど、たくさんの食べ方があります。 みなさんも、今年はいろんなおもちを作ってみてはいかがでしょう? 今回は日本の「鏡餅」をご紹介しました

Genki – Self-study Room Self-study Room offers a variety of online materials to support your learning with Genki textbooks. *external links (Notice)If your computer is experiencing difficulties reading the scripts on this site, change the text code to “Japanese (Shift_JIS)” or “Automatic”. Culture Note Video Clips for Culture Note Video clips related to “Culture Note” columns in the Dialogue & Grammar section of Genki. Hiragana & Katakana Basic Charts By clicking each hiragana or katakana in the charts, you can see its stroke order and hear how it is pronounced. Hiragana Chart Katakana Chart Flash Cards In each set of exercises, 15 hiragana/katakana are shown one by one. Hiragana 1(a-so) Katakana 1(a-so) Hiragana 2(ta-ho) Katakana 2(ta-ho) Hiragana 3(ma-n) Katakana 3(ma-n) Listening Quiz Choose the character from the three options that represents the sound of hiragana/katakana you listen to. Hiragana Listening Quiz Katakana Listening Quiz Concentration Game Usagi-Chan’s Genki Resource Page Kanji Kanji Reading Practice KanjiAlive

Hiragana Katakana Let's learn Japanese characters, Hiragana Katakana online. Japanese language uses three characters, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.Kanji came from China in the 5th to the 6th centuries. Then later Hiragana and Katakana evolved to represent "readings" in Japanese. Kanji represent forms of something or situation and each of them represent meaning. Let's review Hiragana Katakana with sentences 2014/April/14 For those who have finished Hiragana Katakana First Step, we provided the short sentencs including the essential words in Hiragana Katakana. Hiragana Katakana self-learning materials Let's start learning Hiragana Katakata. If you are new to learning Japanese characters, go Hiragana first. This series is available for "Building Up Conversation" as a supplementary material. Let's Read Sentences in Hiragana Katakana(Sample) Both Hiranaka Katakana inluding Hiragana Katakana writing practice sheets, 26 pages, B5 Hiragana Katakana - Overview The long vowels are written in the following ways. Hiragana

Numbers In Japanese it is very easy to construct numers from single digits. The procedure is very straight forward. Unfortunately, it gets more complicated when counting objects, because certain qualifiers must be used. Let's start with digits, the easy part. To build larger numbers, the following building blocks may also be needed: Building numbers The above tables contain the essential building blocks. The above examples show that the Japanese number building makes perfect mathematical sense.
