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Business Legal Services On-Demand by Top Attorneys on UpCounsel

Business Legal Services On-Demand by Top Attorneys on UpCounsel

How to open new doors by closing your office Virtually no one who has leased office space has enjoyed writing that rent check every month. It might have been satisfying at first, when the firm or company was young and having an office was a sign of progress, but watching money go into a landlord’s pocket inevitably gets old. Still, the reality was that for most multiemployee businesses, the brick-and-mortar office was foundational to the organization’s existence. Physical presence announced reliability and permanence to current and prospective clients. A physical office also was deemed necessary for employee collaboration and client meetings. That mindset is beginning to change. In the public accounting space, many new practices start completely virtual, and many sole practitioners have operated out of their homes for years. Business Management Resource Group (BMRG) and Blumer & Associates are a pair of firms that closed brick-and-mortar offices last year and moved to fully virtual setups. Other challenges include: JofA article

Pricing | Hourly Pricing that Stretches with Your Needs Hourly Pricing Gives You Flexibility Your cost varies with the hours you use. You can use the recruiter for less of the process if you want to pay less. Or use them for more if you can stretch your budget. Be a Control Freak No minimum number of hours. Wicked Inexpensive If you use a recruiter for EVERYTHING (you know, like a 'normal' recruiter), you still save 80% over 'normal' fees. So Transparent We're See-Through No hidden costs. Get Free Proposals …from expert recruiters who bill by the hour. Arapyaú O Instituto Arapyaú é uma fundação privada que tem como proposta articular organizações e lideranças, conhecimentos e ações que promovem a transformação da sociedade. Fazemos isso por meio do aporte de recursos financeiros, de conhecimento e de relações a parceiros que trabalham na linha de frente da promoção da sustentabilidade. O Arapyaú atua em três áreas estratégicas – conhecimento, mobilização e lideranças – em nível local (sul da Bahia), nacional e global. Seu papel é construir pontes entre atores e experiências, no Brasil e no mundo, que resultem em iniciativas de alto impacto econômico e socioambiental. A palavra arapyaú (da tradição tupi-guarani) significa “tempo-espaço novo” e representa o mundo mais próspero e sustentável que buscamos construir. Visão Um Brasil próspero e responsável Missão Contribuir para articular a transição para uma sociedade mais justa, solidária e sustentável Valores Inovação e criatividade Empreendedorismo e ousadia Interdependência e solidariedade Equipe

Manifesto | Crew We are at the start of the most significant economic movement since the Industrial Revolution. With the tools available today, work is being redefined. We have more power than ever before to be our own bosses. Develop our own passions. And work is no longer a place. It can happen from any space, any place, anytime, anywhere. While there has been progress toward making it easier for people to work together in this new economy, there hasn't been the same amount of innovation directed toward connecting people who are looking for exceptional work with professionals who know how to deliver quality results. What's wrong with many of the current services is they tend to pit professionals against one another, ultimately landing on price as the determining factor. While it's now possible to work from anywhere in the world and make a living, we think there's room to do much better. At Crew, we're building a system that values the results of the work done, not just the dollar price.

WhatsApp vira 'arma' contra o crime nas mãos da PM de Guararema - notícias em Mogi das Cruzes e Suzano Polícia de Guararema consegue prender suspeitos com a ajuda de aplicativo (Foto: Reprodução/WhatsApp) Mensagens instantâneas, fotos e vídeos compartilhados por policiais militares por meio do WhatsApp se tornaram armas contra a criminalidade em Guararema (SP). Há cerca de três meses, o aplicativo para smartphones tem sido usado como aliado da segurança pública no município. De acordo com o comandante da 3ª Companhia da Polícia Militar do 17º Batalhão da PM, tenente Dirceu de Godoy Oliveira, pelo menos dez suspeitos foram detidos em três meses somente com o uso da ferramenta. Policial do grupo dá dica sobre suspeito de furto em Guararema, que "sempre dá pinote para o meio do mato" (Foto: Reprodução/WhatsApp) Dupla foi presa após imagem de circuito de monito- ramento de furto ter sido compartilhada (Foto: Reprodução/WhatsApp) "Nós compartilhamos informações e fotos de suspeitos. No começo deste mês, dois homens foram presos suspeitos de furtos no distrito de Luiz Carlos, em Guararema.

Mission : Contently: Tell Great Stories Why? Because we’ve seen how the ease of sharing high-quality information and stories in the digital age can have a positive impact on the world — and we’ve seen how lousy, unoriginal content can do just the opposite. Bad content pollutes the media ecosystem. It clogs search results, spams news articles with irrelevant suggested links, turns comment sections into war zones, and drapes the media landscape in spiderwebs of reposted listicles. When Contently launched in December 2010, we declared war on SEO "content farms" that exploited writers and created content for robots instead of people, stating in our original manifesto that "in two years the content farms will be dead, but good content will not." That's largely true today. Since the early days of Contently, we’ve believed that original content trumps all.

Executivo corta salário de US$ 1 milhão para dar aumento para empregados | RedeTV! Em rede com você. - Atualizado em Redação RedeTV! Dan fundou a empresa quando tinha 19 anos (Foto: Reprodução/Flickr) O CEO e fundador da empresa de processamento de compras com cartão de crédito Gravity Payments, Dan Price, propôs uma solução para acabar com a desigualdade de salários entre seus funcionários. Price quer dar um salário mínimo de US$ 70 mil por ano (algo em torno de R$ 18 mil por mês) para todos os seus empregados, cortando o seu próprio pagamento em 90% para financiar isso. OS funcionários ganhavam em média US$ 48 mil por ano, e quem vai arcar com os custos é o próprio Price. Price disse que o mais importante é o bem estar de seus empregados. A Gravity Payments foi fundada quando o executivo tinha apenas 19 anos e era estudante na Universidade de Seattle.

Work. Now. Locally. Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism Transcript Slavoj Zizek: Of course I have nothing against the fact that your boss treats you in a nice way and so on. The problem is if this not only covers up the actual relationship of power, but makes it even more impenetrable. You know, if you have a boss who is up there, the old-fashioned boss shouting at you, exerting full brutal authority. In a way it’s much easier to rebel than to have a friendly boss who embraces you or how was the last night with your girlfriend, blah, blah, all that buddy stuff. But what would the so-called post-modern non-authoritarian father do? For example, one example that I like and let’s not have a misunderstanding here. I mean I find this a clear example of how a certain ethics, which is not just neutral ethics of health, but basically I think it’s ethics of don’t fall into it; don’t have a too passionate engagement. And I have another proof here. It remains this cold respect and so on, you know.

Freelance Job Sites – Freelancers Union Hives I have been a player on the freelance sites for several years. My background is in data recovery, computer forensic and cybercrime investigations. I have had mixed successes - an email investigation in Nigeria, a data recovery in UAE and a video analysis for a murder investigation in Belize. I believe that my niche is, perhaps, too narrow - and my profile may turn off too many. The other side of this coin is that security people need to add another thing to their ever-growing TO-DO list. The New Dodge City (previously published on LinkedIn One of the fundamental laws of the Universe is that IT Security professionals wear a multitude of hats. Allow me to add to your workload. The threat to IT security that is present in these sites is two-fold and was the inspiration of the title for this article. So, what should you do? Good hunting. Who am I and why should you listen to me?

34 San Francisco Startups That Will Need Office Space Soon 34 San Francisco Startups That Will Need Office Space Soon Be the first broker to find growing startups in your city with help from Mattermark Mattermark saves commercial real estate brokers time finding companies, so they can focus on building relationships and closing deals. This Free Report Includes: Employee Count, Employee 6 Month Growth Rate, Funding Stage, Total Funding, and Date of Last Funding. Get The FREE Report Terms / Privacy © 2015 MATTERMARK564 Pacific Ave.San Francisco, CA 94133

Five Years @ 500 Startups — Oops, More Like One Thousand Startups! | 500 Startups After five years of busting our butts at 500 Startups, we recently invested in our 1,000th company (actually, we think it happened sometime in March). That’s over 1,000 investments in amazing startups around the world by our team of 50+ badasses who reside in 12 countries and speak 20+ languages (and spit fire sometimes while doing it). We should note that the # of companies in our portfolio is a bit of a vanity metric, and our focus is more often on results and returns (which are doing alright, thank you). Nevertheless, we believe investing in 1,000 companies is still an important milestone, and a testament to the hard work of many people striving to achieve a common goal. That goal of course, is to find, fund, and help grow the best entrepreneurs and startups from around the globe. These entrepreneurs inspire us daily — not just because they’re awesome (they are!) So what’s next? Giddy up. Recent Press Coverage: TechCrunch, CNN Money

6 tipos de startups: Qual é a sua? Não há maior frustração para um empreendedor que descobrir que a empresa que criou nada tem a ver com aquilo que ele esperava. Por falta de informação, eu já cometi o equívoco de tocar um negócio sem uma visão clara do que ele era. Já construí um software que não fazia ideia de como distribuir e já tive empresas de prestação de serviços que não tinha capacidade para atender mais clientes. Só depois de muito aperto, comecei a colocar os pingos nos “is” e pensar mais antes de executar. Aliás, você já percebeu que empreendedor tem uma mania de se movimentar pensando que está agindo? “Estar em movimento nem sempre significa que se está agindo.” Steve Blank, empreendedor serial americano e autor dos livros Four Steps to the Epiphany e The Startup Owner’s Manual, categorizou as empresas iniciantes ou startups, em seis tipos para nos ajudar a compreender onde estamos enquanto donos do nosso negócio na sua fase mais embrionária. Vamos às definições. 6 tipos de empresas iniciantes ou startups
