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Dompdf - HTML to PDF converter (PHP5)

Object-Oriented PHP: Working with Inheritance Home : Articles : Object-Oriented PHP: Working with Inheritance Tutorial by Matt Doyle | Level: Intermediate | Published on 26 May 2011 Categories: Learn how inheritance works in PHP. This tutorial explores the concept of parent and child classes; overriding methods; final classes; abstract classes, and interfaces. Welcome to my third object-oriented PHP tutorial! In this article we're going to explore the idea of inheritance in object-oriented programming, and how inheritance works in PHP. We'll look at the following topics in this article: The concept of inheritance, and why it's so useful How one PHP class can inherit from another How a child class can override some of the functionality of its parent Working with final classes and methods Using abstract classes, and Working with interfaces. Ready? How inheritance works Inheritance is based around the concept of parent classes and child classes . Parent classes are also known as base classes or superclasses . derived classes subclasses By overriding

Mentor - How do I know when the right time is to launch my start-up? This article first appeared January 19th, 2012. I want 2012 to (finally) be the year that I quit my job and start-up. But I’m a bit scared of making the leap. How do I know when the right time is to launch my start-up? Should I just get on with it? Leaving the shelter of having a boss requires a combination of good preparation before you make that leap, as well as a disciplined capacity to stick to your plans during the transition to being the only person to blame (or praise). When you have answered these six questions you will be best placed to make that leap: Have you sat down with your accountant and worked out whether you should operate as a contractor during the transition to your own business operations?

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Phar – PHP archiving practice Phar – PHP archiving practice Today we will continue PHP lessons. I guess you noticed that due your project become larger – the more and more files it contain. Phar extension appear in PHP since version 5.2. Make attention, by default, the PHAR archives have read-only access (so you will unable to create it). In our lesson, I will tell you how you can create own libraries and use it. download in package Ok, download the example files and lets start coding ! Step 1. Firstly, lets prepare 2 sample classes for us: classes/SampleClass.php classes/SampleClass2.php Very easy, isn`t it? classes/index.php My goal will wrap whole folder ‘classes’ into single library file. Now, lets prepare ‘lib’ folder (with access to writing) in your root folder. index.php Here you can see result of our page: In beginning, I check, are compiled library (lib/SampleLibrary.phar) already exists or not. You can use different ways (functions) to add files into library, this is possible via: Conclusion

Best Online Generators for Designers & Developers | Wordpress ArenaWordpress Arena Online generator do a tremendous job for designers and developers if they want to solve some problem quickly and efficiently. As well, on the other hand web-generators make their life easier and save precious time. I have compile a list of the most useful online-generators for web-development and listed them below. ColorBlender is developed by Kim Jensen and It is a free online color matching toolbox. The is an interactive color wheel that helps designers select HTML , RGB, or CMYK colors, and identifies color harmonies and schemes. Web colour combinations tool and library, on this website you can Color Tester, Combo maker and very useful articles on ColorCombo’s Blog . This colorpicker from Color Mixers - , , . A color swatch generator which was inspired directly by the excellent Creating Color Palettes article by Andy Clarke. This is image base color generator, just enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. It has two purposes: CSS Formatter and Optimiser

Avoid the Original MySQL Extension, Part 1 Experienced developers eschew the original MySQL extension because of its abandoned status in PHP. Nascent web developers, however, may be completely oblivious to its dormant past and dying future. Introductory tutorials for connecting to MySQL from PHP are certainly abundant, as is evident from a simple “php and mysql tutorial” Google search. It’s just unfortunate that many of them teach only how to use the original MySQL extension. This has channelled new developers who would like to learn how to interact with their database to only one of three potential extensions, giving them a skill that will soon become useless in an upcoming major version of PHP. In turn, this has increased the amount of people who rely upon the extension and will, in some cases, use it as their one-and-only database access method. What’s Wrong with the MySQL Extension? Aside from the fact that it’s currently in the process of being deprecated, there may seem to be nothing wrong with the original MySQL extension.

Les flashcodes, comment les générer automatiquement et facilement avec PHP Posté le 21 mars 2011 dans Développement web , par Abdelhak - Caroline nous expliquait dans un précédent article ce qu’est un flashcode, comment ces codes sont utilisés, etc. Nous, on fait beaucoup de PHP, tout les jours, et on aime bien se sentir rassuré de temps en temps en se disant avec PHP on peut tout faire ! Alors, peut-on faire des flashcodes avec php ? c’est le sujet de ce billet, générer un flashcode (ou plus exactement un Qrcode) avec php. La librairie en question est PHP QrCode (très original ^^). Pour la télécharger c’est ici : Exemple d’utilisation : Et pour finir voici un petit snippet complet qui permet d’afficher sur n’importe quelle page d’un site, un Qrcode renvoyant vers cette même page, en insérant une balise image quelque part sur la page : <? Voici le résultat : Ingénieur développeur web à X-PRIME, c'est mon blog, est ma boite à snippets…

Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage TBS Manual TinyButStrong (TBS) is a PHP class useful to develop an application in a clean way, separating PHP scripts and XML/HTML/Text files. With TBS, the files are generated dynamically by merging a template with data. It is called a Template Engine. The name TBS comes from the fact that this tool contains only 8 functions and yet, it is very powerful. It allows you to merge templates with your PHP variables or your MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. TBS has been engineered so that you can develop your templates with ease using any visual editors (like Dreamweaver or FrontPage). As the name of it tells, TBS is easy to use, strong and fast. On the HTML side (or other file type): You design a page which does not necessarily contain any PHP scripts, nor any programming. On the PHP side: You use an object TBS variable to manage the merge of your template with the data. TinyButStrong is a library written in PHP, it's a component to be referenced in your own PHP programs. Examples: Versioning: Example: • Text

Adaptive Images - Des images adaptées auto aux résolutions écran Adaptive images est un kit Javascript et PHP permettant d'optimiser l'affichage de vos images en fonction de la résolution de votre navigateur. Toujours à la quête de l'optimisation frontend des sites web, Adaptive Images vous permettra de gagner énormément en ressources en proposant une version de vos images adaptée à la taille de votre navigateur. Imaginons que vous proposiez une image de 242kb sur votre site web, adaptée pour les grosses résolutions... les navigateurs mobiles vont télécharger la même image, mais souvent sur un réseau mobile ! Lent, très lent ! Grâce à Adaptive Images, vous n'avez rien à modifier dans votre code, simplement intégrer le fichier .htaccess, le script et fichier PHP pour redimensionner à la volée (si image non présente en cache) pour la version miniature. On passe donc de 242kb à 39kb pour notre smartphone. Site Officiel

Clue – A fun and easy way to test what people remember on your website. Tools OpenTBS Dedicated page. TbsZip TbsZip is a simple PHP class that helps to work with zip archives. You can create a new archive, or virtually read and modify an existing one. It needs no exe file and makes no temporary files. Documentation Code example Download last version 2.16 Old versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 , 2.9, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15 TbsSQL TbsSQL makes it pleasant and easy to use your databases with your PHP applications. Documentation Download last version 3.2 Old versions: 2.5 , 2.6 , 3.0 , 3.1 tinyDoc This tools is developped by "Olivier L.". tinyDoc website (doc, examples and downloads) last update on May 2009 Previous version is named tbsOOo 0.7.9 and it works with TBS 2.05 only. Documentation and examples Download version 1.03
