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Fresh Basil Pesto Recipe

Fresh Basil Pesto Recipe

Crispy Roasted Potatoes with Lemon, Garlic and Sage There are roasted potatoes. And then there are crispy roasted potatoes. So when I discovered a new way to perk up some tubers, I was only to thrilled to try it out. In addition to this method of treating the potatoes, the lemon-sage is something I’m pretty happy to discover (and use more often). I had a big bagful of baby potatoes that I wanted to use up so I flipped through my favourite books for inspiration. While making these potatoes, I tried something new that would give me an even crispier outside. Another thing that I like to do is to keep the potatoes in the oven for a slightly longer time than prescribed in the recipes. Go make them, you’re going to love it. Crispy Roasted Potatoes with Lemon, Garlic and Sage Inspired from: Ottolenghi Cookbook (USA | UK | India) and Nigella Lawson (USA | UK | India) Yield: 4-6 servings Ingredients: Method: Boil the potatoes in plenty of salted water. Tagged as: crispy potato, garlic, potato, sage, sides

Recetas típicas de la Gastronomía Canaria - Gran Canaria - Canarias. Ropa Vieja Ingredientes: 1/2 Kg. de garbanzos, ½ Kg. de carne de vaca, ½ Kg. de carne de pollo, 1 Kg. de papas, 3 dientes de ajos, 1 pimiento, 1 cebolla, 1 tomate, 1 tacita de vino blanco, 1 tacita de agua o caldo, pimentón, pimienta, tomillo, laurel, clavos, sal y aceite. Elaboración: 1. Se ponen los garbanzos de remojo la noche anterior para que se ablanden. 2. 3. Luego se fríen la carne y los garbanzos hasta que queden crujientes, y se reserva. 4. 5. 6. 7. A este plato también se le pueden poner verduras como las zanahorias o habichuelas. Para la elaboración de este plato se suelen utilizar los garbanzos y la carne sobrante del puchero.
