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Paper Art - Bovey Lee

Paper Art - Bovey Lee
Related:  lodauge

Peintures translucides pour représenter les vagues de l'océan - Lia Melia Cambridge-based visual artist Lia Melia creates strikingly energetic paintings where curling and crashing ocean waves splash and splatter across the canvas. Having grown up near the sea, that is where artist Lia Melia continues to find her inspiration. "The seas moods can always express my deepest feelings," she explains. Melia uses a technique that is unique to her work in which she bakes powder pigments and paints onto a sheet of aluminum or glass. Through this process, she can obtain translucent layers which she says "can glow with light." Lia Melia's website via [Ruines Humaines]

Made Not Manufactured - steve kenward photography Meeting the makers - highlighting some of the talented craftspeople that the UK has to offer. People that use traditional crafts to make something that still has relevance today. They are passionate about what they do and take care in everything they produce. Andy Doig - Neon Signs Link The Statistics - 46 Craftspeople (so far) - Over 6000 miles driven - 92 Coffees - 21 Teas - 26 Different beds - 14 Dogs - 3 Cats - 1 Cullen Skink (fish soup) Thanks to everyone involved in Made Not Manufactured. Des Pawson - Knotworker Link David A Smith - Glass Signwriter Link Gail McGarva - Boat Builder John Hagger - Leatherworker Link Stewart Hearn - Glass Blower Link Terry Davis - Saddle,Harness and Collar Maker Alan Water - Coppicer Louise Oppenheimer - Weaver Link Richard Bingham - Trugs Marsha Hall - Shoemaker Link Jim Steele - Windsor Chairs Link Mary Butcher - Basket maker Link Phill Gregson - Wheel wright Link Hilary Greenland - Bowyer and Fletcher Link Tony Mugridge - Brick and Tile Maker Link Grant Batchelor - Thatcher

Cloud Lamps by Yu Jordy Fu London-based designer Yu Jordy Fu has produced a range of hand-cut paper lampshades called Cloud Lamps. The designs are cut freehand from recycled paper, then folded around a light source. .Three Cloud Lamp chandeliers by Yu Jordy Fu are on display as part of festival In From the Cold at the Southbank Centre in London. More information on Yu Jordy Fu’s blog The Cloud Lamps are available to buy from the designer’s website.Here’s some more information from Yu Jordy Fu: In 201 AD the Chinese invented paper, a marvellous material with a complex character. These delicate lampshades are inspired by Jordy’s architectural design projects and scaled at 1:50. “As an architectural designer, I think three-dimensionally ; I don’t see the lampshade as an object but a space. Cloud Lampshade can be used as a pendant, with a desk or a floor lamp base and a milky white energy saving blub; alternatively simply put on your bedside table with some gentle LED fairy lights inside.

Brittney Lee Dessins et ses mains - Javier Perez Un dessin donne un coup de main à son créateur ou l’inverse. Après avoir astucieusement donné vie aux objets de son quotidien, l’illustrateur Javier Perez originaire d’Équateur, s’amuse ici à prolonger ses dessins avec des photos de sa main. Découvrez aussi sa très belle série sur les objets du quotidien : Posters Cool Paper Wigs | Design 2.0 Reader designers nikki salk and amy flurry collaborate together as paper cut project to produce elaborate hand made paper creations like these unusual wigs. the wigs were commissioned by a clothing store and are made using paper and nothing but paper. some designs try to mimic real hair styles like ‘pigtails’, while others take a more surreal approach, like ‘ice cream cone’. overall the project take a different approach to wigs, using an unusual material.

Personnages à partir d'objets - Gilbert Legrand Tout ce qui nous entoure peut être une source formidable d’inspiration lorsqu’on possède un esprit créatif. Preuve en est une nouvelle fois avec cet artiste hors normes qui transforme des objets de récup, destinés normalement aux poubelles, en de fabuleux personnages aussi absurdes que touchants. L’artiste à l’origine de ces splendides œuvres nous vient de France et plus précisément de Toulouse. Et son nom, c’est Gilbert LeGrand, un monsieur qui nous souhaite la « bienvenue dans un monde rêvé, peuplé d’objets du quotidien devenus stars d’un jour ». Et quel monde !

Jason Nemec on Behance
