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YouTube - Broadcast Yourself

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
Related:  Design thinking

5 Great Icebreakers from Post-it® Notes Socializing, no matter how well intended, can be a little awkward. But no matter if you’re at a sales meeting or a block party, it’s nice to know to whom you are talking. Use one or a mix of these five games to break the ice and get to know each other a little better. Each person in the meeting gets 3 Post-it® Notes. He or she writes a truth on two of them and a lie on the third. Before the meeting, ask everyone to email you where they’re from. Have each participant write their name on a Post-it® Arrow Flag. The purpose of this icebreaker is two-fold: get people to reveal something about themselves you might never get to know and to marvel at their artistry, or lack thereof. Each participant gets a sheet from a Post-it® Big Pad to draw themselves doing something they love outside of work. Each member of the group picks a famous, well-known person and writes it on a Post-it® Note. Taking turns, everyone with a Post-it® Note asks the group questions to determine who they are. Am I male?

creating-invisible-experiences-c0556a0609a?ref=webdesignernews Imagine going into an office (pre-pandemic :P) where every door opens differently. Some push to open, some pull, some slide and some simply stay shut. Just imagine how frustrating that would be. When the goal is to make the experience thoughtless, the path to it lies in consistency. To make your users’ experience seamless, make your designs consistent. Allow the users to expect action buttons to be at a certain area on the page so that they can mindlessly click without needing to hunt for them. Social media cracked the code at making interactions mindless. A quote I read that I believe is explains the concept of invisible design from the end user’s point of view is — “Don’t make me notice what I’m doing. What a sad world would it be for designers if all everyone had to do was blend in, right? To answer this question, designers need to decide whether their website/application is functional or exploratory. Take this website for instance.

Quel « innovateur » êtes-vous ? Avant d’initier une démarche d’innovation, identifiez vos préférences ! Vous aimez définir la nature exacte d’un problème ? Vous êtes plus à l’aise dans la génération de concepts et d’idées ? Vous prenez le temps d’analyser et de comparer les solutions possibles ? Découvrez un outil puissant qui mettra en lumière votre mode de créativité : le Profil Foursight™ Foursight™: qu’est-ce que c’est ? Il s’agit d’un outil créé il y a plus de dix ans par Gérard Puccio, permettant de mesurer les préférences des individus parmi les étapes clés du processus d’innovation : clarification du challenge initial, génération d’idées, développement des idées en solutions et mise en œuvre. Les quatre « visages » de l’innovation Les Clarificateurs : « Un problème bien posé est aux ¾ résolu » (A. Méthodiques et ordonnés, les Clarificateurs prennent plaisir à explorer les contours d’un problème, à en examiner tous les détails et à faire de nombreuses recherches avant de s’aventurer dans l’émergence d’idées.

Top Tips on How to Design an Effective User Onboarding Design The first experience with the product is the most important. Suppose a person is initially confused, faces difficulties, cannot understand the interface, and does not understand why he needs a product or service. In that case, the user is unlikely to become your client. No matter how simple and intuitive your website, online store, or service may seem, this is always an uncharted territory for new users. When users enter an unfamiliar online space, they do not go straight to solve their problem; they gradually learn all the functions and then know how to complete their task. This mastering of an online resource is called onboarding. What is the user onboarding? Imagine a person who flies an airplane for the first time. The only difference with online onboarding is that the client is explained everything through virtual tools: interactive tips, email newsletters, video tutorials. Onboarding is an accelerated process of user adaptation to a digital product. How does user onboarding work?

Guide Processus et techniques de créativité et innovation Les caractéristiques de l'individu créatif Accueillir et rechercher de nouveaux défis, projets, nouvelles idées, façons de faire (ouverture à l’expérience) § Accueille les nouvelles idées et les situations y compris celles qui sont farfelues ou perturbatrices avec ouverture et curiosité § Accepte la critique constructive § Est en quête de projets, d’idées, de façons de faire nouvelles § Sort des sentiers battus : remets en question le cadre établi § Remet en question les méthodes, les produits, les services, les approches et les modes de fonctionnement en usage § Redéfini, réinterprète les idées, les situations et les problèmes § Concrétise ses inspirations et ses idées Faire preuve de fluidité et de flexibilité dans la production d’idées, de solutions et de stratégies § Joue avec les idées, les concepts et les images § Est prolifique au niveau de la production des idées en général, y compris les idées inusitées § Démontre un esprit ludique § Observe les problèmes sous différents angles

How to use design thinking to improve your daily workflow | Dribbble Design Blog Many designers are familiar with incorporating design thinking into their design projects. But how many have ever considered applying the design thinking model to their own daily workflows? An efficient, effective workflow can make designers faster and happier at work. Applying design thinking to your workflow to refine and improve it can make all of your projects smoother and more efficient to complete. What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is an iterative process that is excellent for tackling ill-defined design problems. By definition, design thinking is a human-centered design approach that consists of five parts, which can be tackled in a non-linear way. Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Test While design thinking is generally applied to specific design projects, it can be applied to virtually anything—including your workflow—to create a better end product that suits user needs and wants. 1. The first step in the design thinking process is to empathize with the user. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Design Thinking Tools — The Creative Matrix | by Dawid Naude | Dawid’s Blog Over the next few weeks I’m going to give layman descriptions of Design Thinking tools anyone can use in any business, at any time. These help generate ideas, create a shared understanding, encourages divergent thinking and are incredibly fun and engaging. Define problem statement as a questions “How might we make our fruit store a better place to visit”Draw a max 5x5 grid on a board or massive sheet of paperAt least 2 groups, ideally more. Now fill in each cell with a post it note that has a basic sketch of an idea. Now get together as a group and talk about each of the ideas… The more the merrier. This will help you come up with new ideas and can be used on simple and complex problems.

Prototype Faster & Easier With Justinmind 9 Justinmind 9 is revamped and ready to help you create website and app prototypes faster. The new release is packed with features that will make work life easier. (And that’s something we could all use right now.) Here’s a look at Justinmind 9 and all the features you’ll find with this tool. Whether you’re looking to take your UX design to the next level, save time with the array of tools you use, or start building fully interactive prototypes, Justinmind is a tool very much worth considering. What is Justimind 9? Justinmind 9 is a prototyping tool that puts the focus on user experience. Justinmind is a high-fidelity prototyping tool that web designers already trust and use. This prototyping tool can help you boost productivity and create amazing designs that you can’t wait to share with clients. The neat thing about this tool is that if you poke around the Justinmind website, everything there was created with their tools. It’s easy to use and has an intuitive interface. Benefits of the App

10 Best Persona Examples And How To Create Your Own In this guide, we’ll cover the following questions: What is a user persona?Why do you need to create a user persona?Ten best persona examples in various industriesHow to make your own user persona? Let’s dive deep into the user persona and tips to create your own profile. What Is A User Persona? Before creating a user persona profile, you need to understand the meaning of this term and why you need to create a buyer persona. Simply put, a user persona stands for a representation of your target customer. Note that your imagination is hardly involved in this process. The primary purpose of building personas is to define the most common needs, expectations, and limitations of your customers. During the research, you should analyze various factors: Life goalsEducation levelAgeCommon painsInterestsHow they spend free timeWhere the hang out on the Internet (Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and so on)LocationIncome level Why Are Buyer Personas Important? The buyer persona template allows you to: #1. #2.
