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Content Marketing: 10 Thought Leaders Share Thoughts on Curating Content

Content Marketing: 10 Thought Leaders Share Thoughts on Curating Content
Companies are realizing the value in “brands as publishers” and are making real commitments to the creation of content in their online marketing mix. It’s no longer enough to provide fundamental features and benefits information about products and services to succeed competitively online. Consumers and of course, business buyers, seek additional information, resources and others to connect with on the topics of interest to them. Some companies choose a pure creation strategy and find it to be a formidable undertaking, especially creating unique and valuable content over a long period of time. Within the field of content marketing, curation is becoming a popular topic of discussion. Blending a mix of new content with the filtering and management of other useful information streams is a productive and manageable solution for providing prospective customers a steady stream of high quality and relevant content. As an editor, journalist and marketer….what a great question!

Digital curation The term curation in the past commonly referred to museum and library professionals. It has since been applied to interaction with social media including compiling digital images, web links and movie files. Approaches to digital curation[edit] The Digital Curation Centre is a "world leading centre of expertise in digital information curation"[5] that assists higher education research institutions. The following is a general outline of their approach to digital curation: Conceptualize: Consider what digital material you will be creating and develop storage options. Sheer curation[edit] Sheer curation is an approach to digital curation where curation activities are quietly integrated into the normal work flow of those creating and managing data and other digital assets. A similar idea is curation at source used in the context of Laboratory Information Management Systems LIMS. Channelisation[edit] Challenges of digital curation[edit] Response to digital curation challenges[edit] See also[edit]

Welcome To MySyndicaat :: NewsMastering that Works! Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ? Every hour thousands of new videos are uploaded online. Blog posts are written and published. Millions of tweets and other short messages are shared. To say there is a flood of content being created online now seems like a serious understatement. Until now, the interesting thing is that there are relatively few technologies or tools that have been adopted in a widespread way to manage this deluge. The real question is whether solutions like these will be enough. What if you were to ask about the person that makes sense of it all? The name I would give it is Content Curator. In an attempt to offer more of a vision for someone who might fill this role, here is my crack at a short manifesto for someone who might take on this job: In the near future, experts predict that content on the web will double every 72 hours. After writing this, I can't help but wonder if there might already be people out there with this title. Link to original post Connect: Authored by: Rohit Bhargava

Content Curation: It's Going to Be HUGE It's counter-intuitive--especially to Americans. But often less is more. When Erin Scime wrote a blog titled: "Content Strategist as Digital Curator", it's pretty clear that she didn't expect to stir up a whole lot of emotions and anger. Yet, that's what she did--at least in part. "I feel like there are a lot of bitter librarians out there," Scime told me. It's ironic, in part, because all her early training was in library sciences. But the buzz around curation threatens more than librarians--there's a posse of PhD's with pitchforks and torches that didn't much like what Scime had to say. What heresy did Scime actual dare to blog about? Scime today is the Content Strategy Lead at HUGE in Brooklyn--whose clients include CNN IKEA, Pepsi, Jet Blue, IVillage, and Penton Media. For a former student of Curatorial studies and information sciences to embrace the democratization of the word "curation" rattled some cages. One example Scime points to is the relaunch of iVilliage.

Content Curation Tools: How To Pick The Right Venue? | Real-Time News Curation | I’m seeing more Scoopit links in my Twitter stream and I’m not crazy about it. Sure it’s quick and easy to share with Scoopit. But it not quick and easy to consume. For me it's all about the econ... Marty Note (here is comment I wrote on Dr. Appreciate Bryan’s and Joseph’s comment, but I rarely use as a pass through. Rich snippets are “blog” posts that fall between Twitter and the 500 to 1,000 words I would write in Scenttrail Marketing. I was taught NOT to pass through links on early on by the great curator @Robin Good . Bryan is correct that some curators new to haven’t learned the Robin Good lesson yet. For my part I always identify my links, probably about half the content I Tweet and about a quarter of my G+ shares. When you follow or consistently share content from a great curator on you begin to understand HOW they shape the subjects they curate. So, sorry you are sad to see links and understand your frustration. Marty

Steve Rosenbaum: Google: At a Critical Crossroads There's no doubt that companies in hyper growth mode find that they can only do so many things well at one time. And for many of us, our interactions with Google exist as a series of 'siloed' experiences. - We need directions; we use Google maps -- an extraordinary product. - We want to check our mail; we read our Gmail. - We want to upload and share a video; we post on YouTube. - And of course, if we want to search the web; we use Google search. I love Google. Now, it appears I'm not the only one who's been feeling some anxiety about Google's future. That may be harder than it seems. And as Page reaches to be more social, partners privately can only describe their interactions with AdSense as anti-social, or worse. Google AdWords is the self-serve service that is used by millions of customers to purchase those ubiquitous text ads that now appear it seems on almost every page on the web. AdSense is in trouble. But first, some history. Sites with Google ads may not include or link to:

How to Grow a Following With Other People’s Popular Content There’s an obvious catch-22 in social media marketing. In order to grow your audience, you need good content. Good content takes time – to research, write, and promote. But, without an audience, you can’t justify spending the time. You’re trapped. That’s where content curation gives you an edge. What Is Content Curation? Content curation is the process of reviewing and filtering articles and blog posts from across the web. It is NOT stealing other people’s blog posts and placing them on your site. Every time you look at Twitter for interesting links from your network or share an important article on Facebook, you’re curating content. Carrying the burden of content creation? Content curation helps shift the burden of blogging, and even tweeting, to someone else. The most basic form of content curation is the retweet. Here are five ways that curation helps you create more content in less time: #1: Curation Allows You To Easily Do “Roundups” And “Recaps” Speed has its own momentum.

Brain Traffic Blog The Egypt list: Sulia curates content by curating expertise One of the biggest challenges in covering the unrest in Egypt — or, for that matter, in covering any event that’s in some way “foreign” — is determining who can provide relevant and accurate news about the event. To curate content is in large part to curate expertise; faced with a frenzy of news updates — some of them true, some of them false, some of them in-between — how do you know which updates, and whose updates, to listen to? How do you know whom to trust? Sulia, a NYC-based startup, has made it a point to figure that out. Using a combination of crowdsourcing, human editorial insight, and machine learning, Sulia creates topic channels, somewhat akin to news verticals, whose content is curated from experts in particular subjects — both broad (tech and science) and narrow (Ruby and Ruby on Rails), both of historical import (the protests in Egypt) and not so much (bacon). They’re also, to an extent, doing Sulia’s work for it. Sulia combats that.
