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PaintStrap - Generate Bootstrap themes using the color scheme

PaintStrap - Generate Bootstrap themes using the color scheme

Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) First, monkey with the sliders on the left. Use your arrow keys for extra precision. Second, copy the CSS in the box below. You should be able to just pop it into your CSS file.

Introduction to Sass for New WordPress Theme Designers As a new WordPress theme designer, you would quickly learn the challenges of maintaining long CSS files while keeping them organized, scalable, and readable. You will also learn that many designers and front-end developers recommend using a CSS preprocessor language like Sass or LESS. But what are these things? What is Sass? The CSS that we use was designed to be an easy to use stylesheet language. It is very much like PHP which is a preprocessor language that executes a script on the server and generates an HTML output. Since version 3.8, WordPress admin area styles were ported to utilize Sass for development. Getting Started With Sass for WordPress Theme Development Most theme designers use local development environment to work on their themes before deploying it to a staging environment or a live server. First thing you need to do is to install Sass. For the sake of this article, you will need to create a blank theme. Right click on your Sass file and select Set Output Path option. How to use Twitter Bootstrap to Create a Responsive Website Design "Welcome to the responsive web!" In the last year or so this term has been thrown around everywhere, so often that even a lot of my clients are asking for a responsive design from the get go. This, to me, is really interesting because they never asked for a mobile or tablet version back in the day. One would argue that mobile wasn't so mainstream and everybody was trying to imitate the IOS interface on the web, and I agree, it was bad, but that's not the only reason why clients are asking for responsive!? How to use Twitter Bootstrap to Create a Responsive Website Design Responsive web design is an approach, I often call it a mindset, because you have to change the way you think when you're going responsive. The idea of responsive design relies on CSS3 media queries that target specific screen resolutions and sizes. Fun fact: today you can even write a media query for devices that weigh let's say 3KG. Two things are sure if you’ll start creating responsive designs: Bootstrap Basics Misc

Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development USB-Keyboard with Arduino and V-USB library, an example | petRockBlog This is another short example of a demo application that makes use of the V-USB library together with an Arduino. I show, how an USB keyboard functionality can be implemented. The motivation: The V-USB library provides a quite simple possibility to realize USB devices with arbitrary USB descriptors. This is useful, for example, if the device that you want to connect to can only handle certain types of USB devices. This exemplary project is a summary from various sources. This example makes use of the Arduino 1.0 IDE and the fifth alpha release of the V-USB library. 1 Arduino board. For the button: 1x switch/push button etc.1x 10K resistor For the assembling, we need a breadboard and some jumper wires. To ease the connection to the USB socket, I prepared the following image, which indicates the pin out of a USB-B female socket: For connecting the USB socket, I used this schematic: To give you an idea about how everything could look after assembling, here is my circuit: Like this:

Grok - A Smashing Web Framework — Grok Less Framework 4 I called Less Framework "a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites". It was basically a fixed-width grid that adapted to a couple of then popular screen widths by shedding some of its columns. It also had matching typographic presets to go with it, built with a modular scale based on the golden ratio. Contrary to how most CSS frameworks work, Less Framework simply provided a set of code comments and visual templates, instead of having predefined classes to control the layout with. /* Default Layout: 992px. Less Framework was popular in the early days of responsive design. Eventually, I moved on from fixed-width grid systems and worked on a fully fluid-width one, in the form of Golden Grid System. Less Framework's popularity was helped by the following contributions and the lovely people behind them (dead links crossed off):

MontageJS - HTML5 framework Avantages et inconvénients du Responsive Web Design (RWD) Crème Graphique, création sites Web et outils communication, Poitiers Si le RWD présente certains avantages au premier abord, la mise en place d’un projet n’est pourtant pas aussi simple et évidente qu’il n’y parait. Il implique une restructuration de la phase de développement. Pour Marcotte, il est évident que l’on ne peut pas faire du RWD dans l’environnement de production web actuel, tel qu’on le constate généralement en agence. En effet, les phases de conception et de développement en cascade ne sont pas possibles pour un projet RWD efficace et rentable. Pour Ethan Marcotte, le RWD implique donc une restructuration de la phase de développement. Les Points forts du RWD Par rapport aux solutions actuelles, le RWD présente certains avantages au premier abord, que ce soit par rapport à un site web fixe et à un site web dédié au mobile, ou plus simplement à un site web fixe seul. Les points forts du RWD selon l’utilisateur Penchons nous maintenant sur l’utilisateur. Les inconvénients identifiés

User Interface UI Kit | Gumby Framework Introduction Gumby v2 is here. You haven't a moment to waste! So many new, amazing features await you! But first a quick crash course on the latest and greatest Gumby Framework. Some things you will need with you on this journey are: A code editor of your choice (we recommend Sublime Text 2+)A decent knowledge of HTML/CSSA willingness to learnGoogle or comparable search engine. Some optional things that we recommend include: A web server (Apache or similar) Some basic knowledge of programming (variables, functions)General knowledge of the terminal Things that are NOT required are: Any specific web framework such as Rails, Codeigniter, etc. Browser Compatibility Gumby is developed following the latest standards and specs. ChromeFirefoxOperaInternet Explorer 8 – 10 We also support some of our elderly community of browsers down to IE 8. Options There are many ways you can work with Gumby. GUIs There are several GUIs out there that take the fear/mystery/fun out of using the terminal. Vanilla CSS Mac
