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The Century Of The Self

Brent Scowcroft Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Carrière militaire[modifier | modifier le code] Diplômé de Académie militaire de West Point, il fut pilote de l'USAAF lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Dans sa carrière militaire, Scowcroft va occuper plusieurs fonctions au sein du Comité des chefs d’États-majors interarmes (Joint Chiefs of Staff), du quartier-général de l'US Air Force et au bureau du Secrétaire-Adjoint à la Défense pour les Affaires internationales de sécurité. Il sera attaché militaire adjoint à l'ambassade américaine à Belgrade. Il termina sa carrière militaire au grade de Lieutenant General. Fonctions gouvernementales[modifier | modifier le code] En 1970, il entra pour la première fois dans le gouvernement américain à la demande du Président Richard Nixon comme conseiller militaire à la présidence. Il redevient conseiller à la Sécurité nationale sous la présidence de George H. Activités de conseil[modifier | modifier le code]

I Am Fishead: Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths? It is a well-known fact that our society is structured like a pyramid. The very few people at the top create conditions for the majority below. Who are these people? Can we blame them for the problems our society faces today? Guided by the saying "A fish rots from the head" we set out to follow that fishy odor. What we found out is that people at the top are more likely to be psychopaths than the rest of us. Who, or what, is a psychopath? The medical definition is simple: A psychopath is a person who lacks empathy and conscience, the quality which guides us when we choose between good and evil, moral or not. Watch the full documentary now

Timothy Noah: Why Do Rockefeller Republicans Always Run The Dirtiest Campaigns? A specter is haunting the GOP--the specter of Nelson Rockefeller. It's a curious paradox. The Republican party is more captive to its wingnuts than at any time since 1964. Yet three of the party's four most important figures right now--Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Mitch McConnell--began life as Rockefeller Republicans. (The fourth, House Speaker John Boehner, was always a wingnut.) Nelson Rockefeller, you will recall, was vice-president under Gerald Ford and governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. Romney is the son of George Romney, a liberal, Rockefeller-style Republican and Michigan governor who in 1968 posed a serious threat to Richard Nixon's quest for the Republican presidential nomination until Romney famously said that the reason he'd initially supported the war in Vietnam (by then he opposed it) was that he'd allowed American generals to "brainwash" him. What do we know about how onetime Rockefeller Republicans survive in the post-Reagan era?

Are You Good or Evil? What makes us good or evil? It's a simple but deeply unsettling question. One that scientists are now starting to answer. Horizon meets the researchers who have studied some of the most terrifying people behind bars - psychopathic killers. But there was a shock in store for one of these scientists, Professor Jim Fallon, when he discovered that he had the profile of a psychopath. We meet the scientist who believes he has found the moral molecule and the man who is using this new understanding to rewrite our ideas of crime and punishment. This documentary is available for preview only.

Ron Paul's Faithful Continue To Make Noise; Floor Fight Tuesday? : It's All Politics hide captionRon Paul supporters pose with posters on the floor of the RNC on Monday in Tampa. They put "Ron Paul" over the word "We" on a GOP sign that says "We Can Do Better." Liz Halloran/NPR Ron Paul supporters pose with posters on the floor of the RNC on Monday in Tampa. They put "Ron Paul" over the word "We" on a GOP sign that says "We Can Do Better." Oh, Isaac. With 24 hours of nothing officially happening at the GOP convention in Tampa because of Tropical Storm Isaac, Ron Paul supporters for the second time in as many days made themselves the center of attention at Mitt Romney's big nomination party. Sunday night close to 10,000 loyalists made a ruckus in the Sun Dome; on Monday, Paul's delegates were the ones gobbling up media attention - this time, on the floor of the Republican National Convention. Though there was no official business Monday, the convention was briefly gaveled open as a formality. And they were fully embracing their opportunities. "We are a big party," he said.

The Century of the Self This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly. His influence on the 20th century is widely regarded as massive. The documentary describes the impact of Freud's theories on the perception of the human mind, and the ways public relations agencies and politicians have used this during the last 100 years for their engineering of consent. Among the main characters are Freud himself and his nephew Edward Bernays, who was the first to use psychological techniques in advertising. Freud's daughter Anna Freud, a pioneer of child psychology, is mentioned in the second part, as well as Wilhelm Reich, one of the main opponents of Freud's theories. Happiness Machines. The Engineering of Consent. There is a Policeman Inside All of Our Heads, He Must Be Destroyed.

Ivy Lee Ivy Lee Ivy Ledbetter Lee (July 16, 1877 – November 9, 1934) is considered by some to be the founder of modern public relations. The term Public Relations is to be found for the first time in the preface of the 1897 Yearbook of Railway Literature. Early life and career[edit] The Parker and Lee firm lasted less than four years, but the junior partner, Lee, was to become one of the most influential pioneers in public relations. When Lee was hired full time by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1912, he was considered to be the first public relations person placed in an executive-level position. In 1919, he founded a public relations counseling office, Ivy Lee & Associates. During World War I, Lee served as a publicity director, and later as Assistant to the Chairman of, the American Red Cross.[1] Through his sister Laura, Lee was an uncle to novelist William S. Ivy Lee died of a brain tumor on the age of 57.[1] Effect on public relations[edit] Bibliography[edit] Writings by Ivy Ledbetter Lee:

The Secret Life of the Brain The Secret Life of the Brain, a David Grubin Production, reveals the fascinating processes involved in brain development across a lifetime. The five-part series, informs viewers of exciting information in the brain sciences, introduces the foremost researchers in the field, and utilizes dynamic visual imagery and compelling human stories to help a general audience understand otherwise difficult scientific concepts. A startling new map of the human brain has emerged during the past decade of neuroscience research, contradicting much of what was previously believed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 4 hours, 30 minutes) Propaganda / Lecture en ligne Vous avez ici gratuitement accès au contenu des livres publiés par Zones. Nous espérons que ces lybers vous donneront envie d’acheter nos livres, disponibles dans toutes les bonnes librairies. Car c’est la vente de livres qui permet de rémunérer l’auteur, l’éditeur et le libraire, et… de vous proposer de nouveaux lybers… et de nouveaux livres. Ouvrage initialement paru sous le titre Propaganda aux éditions H. Par Normand Baillargeon « La propagande est à la démocratie ce que la violence est à un État totalitaire. » Noam Chomsky. Sous le titre revendiqué de Propaganda, l'ouvrage que vous allez lire est paru en 1928 et il peut être considéré comme une manière de « carte de visite » présentée avec assurance, voire avec candeur, aux clients susceptibles de recourir aux services de la déjà florissante industrie créée par Bernays moins de dix ans plus tôt. Pour le constater, il sera utile de sommairement situer Bernays dans son temps. Edward L. Que faire, alors ? C'est une lecture fascinante. 2.

Propaganda, d’Edward Bernays, ou comment manipuler l’opinion en démocratie le 15 décembre 2007 - 01h28, par MICHEL Oui, les medias mentent ! Nous le savons tous et eux le savent mieux que nous ! N’allons pas croire que cela est un hasard, c’est une stratégie : l’oligarchie pour maintenir sa suprématie et donc sa richesse a besoin d’une arme efficace contre la démocratie, cette arme est la désinformation des citoyens ou en des termes plus directs, le bourrage de crânes. Dénoncer cette stratégie malveillante est indispensable, cela est sûr, mais est-ce suffisant ? Ne devons-nous pas, nous les républicains, les démocrates, aller plus loin ? le 10 décembre 2007 - 11h17, par la sylvie de chatebier Son chauffeur travaillait jour et nuit, s’endormant sur la table de fatigue... le 4 décembre 2007 - 21h53, par verlene Formidable emission de propagande anti propagande... :-) Pour ceux qui veulent lire un peu Bernays, allez donc trainer par là-bas (si j’y suis) le 4 décembre 2007 - 13h59, par notod le 4 décembre 2007 - 12h26, par omsbouchet
