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5 Ways Your Brain Tricks You into Sticking With Bad Habits

5 Ways Your Brain Tricks You into Sticking With Bad Habits
Bad habits can ruin your life. Whether you're gorging on Haagen-Dazs or dressing up like a Power Ranger and flaying hobos every night, you know on some level that things have to change, or disaster will follow. But no matter how badly you want your life to be different, things just keep plowing on the way they are. Because your brain has a long list of diabolical mechanisms intended to keep your habits exactly as they are. #5. Getty You knew you had to be up at 7 a.m. for a big exam. Getty"Can't miss the rest of this movie. Well, don't feel so bad. Brain scans have shown that different parts of our brain light up when we're thinking of ourselves versus when we're thinking of other people. Getty"Future Bill can worry about AIDS tests. In other words, if someone asks you to think about what you'll look like in 20 years, your brain treats it as though you're trying to picture some bizarre stranger. #4. Getty"OhmygodthatwassodeliciousandcrispyandfluffyokImgonnagorunbebackinaminute!" #3.

33 Meticulous Cleaning Tricks For The OCD Person Inside You 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit! We're pretty sure Kramer did this once on Seinfeld. How Does It Work? #4. #3. 1. 2. 3.

Méditation: comment cultiver le mieux-être en occident? | Mathilde Panzer Depuis quelques temps, les rayons bien-être des librairies voient fleurir les ouvrages de développement personnel et de méditation. Du moine bouddhiste Matthieu Ricard, au psychiatre Christophe André, de plus en plus de spécialistes encouragent des pratiques venues d'ailleurs. La méditation, en particulier, est utilisée jusque dans des entreprises comme Google, des écoles, et dans l'armée américaine. La médecine et la psychologie s'y intéressent comme nouvelle méthode thérapeutique et les neurosciences en expérimentent les bienfaits sur le cerveau. Cette pratique ancestrale serait-elle la voie vers une vie plus harmonieuse? Dans nos sociétés de consommation, de communication et d'information effrénées, notre attention est stimulée de toute part. La méditation dite "mindfulness" est une méthode qui vise à accéder à un état psychologique de pleine conscience, c'est-à-dire à se sentir vivant ici et maintenant, en observant la réalité avec neutralité. Concrètement comment cela se passe t-il?

Build a Lightsaber NO NEW LIGHTSABERS FOR ME RIGHT NOW becuase - UPDATE: I've been super busy taking part in Dallas Red Bull Flugtag. I am part of Team Dworks. So you have decided to take the final step to embracing the force. What ever side you are on, what follows is how to make a Duel-Worthy Lightsabre. Total cost of this project is $60 to $1,000 USD. The Video: NOTE 1: This Instructable is very TEXT intensive. NOTE 2: Most of the parts used in this tutorial came from The Custom Saber Shop (TCSS). * The author of this instructable is not responsible for property damage, personal injury, amputation of limbs, decapitation, and/or death resulting from the building and use of the lightsaber prop.

Did Penicillin, Rather Than The Pill, Usher In Age Of Love? : Shots - Health News We all know what fueled the sexual revolution: birth control and rock 'n' roll. But what if that's not the whole story? What if America's libido was liberated not by the pill and heady doses of Jim Morrison, but by the lowly prescription drug penicillin. Before penicillin was found to be effective against syphilis during World War II, sex brought with it the risk of syphilis, a disease that can cause blindness, dementia and paralysis. Penicillin can wipe out syphilis with just one shot. That's the provocative thesis of Andrew Francis, an economist at Emory University in Atlanta who studies HIV/AIDS and the cost of disease. Francis was browsing through historical trends in gonorrhea rates one day, when he saw that the rate of this non-deadly STD really started cranking up in the early 1950s. Like many of us, Francis thought of the '50s as the era of Pat Boone and repressed sexuality. Now correlation isn't causation.

Comportements-santé: les habitudes seraient plus importantes que le contrôle de soi et la volonté Développer de bonnes habitudes est plus important que le contrôle de soi pour favoriser les comportements relatifs à la santé, selon une étude publiée dans Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. "Le stress et l'épuisement peuvent nous transformer en zombies", soulignent les chercheurs, mais cette étude montre que les comportements automatiques auxquels on ne porte pas attention n'entraînent pas seulement des excès alimentaires ou des excès de magasinage, mais renforcent aussi les comportements sains. À travers cinq expériences, Wendy Bois et David Neal de l'Université de Southern California apportent un nouvel éclairage à l'idée établie selon laquelle nous disposons de ressources limitées d'autorégulation, ce qui implique qu'il est plus difficile de prendre le contrôle de nos actions lorsque nous sommes déjà fatigués ou stressés. Wood et ses collègues ont par exemple suivi des étudiants pendant un semestre. Psychomédia avec source : University of Southern California.

Family tree of the Greek gods Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality On Saturday afternoon, Yale hosted a “sensitivity training” in which students were asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex. Sexologist Dr. Jill McDevitt. During the workshop, entitled, "Sex: Am I Normal," students anonymously asked and answered questions about sex using their cell phones, and viewed the responses in real time in the form of bar charts. The session was hosted by “sexologist” Dr. Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in "consensual pain" during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Monday. Event director Giuliana Berry ’14 told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday that the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.”

Trois stratégies cognitives comparées pour la régulation d'une douleur aigue Une étude, publiée dans le Journal of Pain, a comparé les techniques cognitives les plus courantes de gestion à court terme de la douleur aiguë, soit l'acceptation, la distraction et la restructuration cognitive. Les chercheurs s'attendaient, selon les résultats d'études précédentes, à ce que l'acceptation augmente la tolérance davantage que la distraction, et que la distraction amène une meilleure réduction de l'intensité de la douleur. Quant à l'effet de la restructuration cognitive (qui consiste à penser autrement), ses effets ont moins été étudiés. Annika Kohl, du département de psychologie clinique et de psychothérapie de la Philipps-University de Marburg (Allemagne) et ses collègues (1) ont évalué les effets à court terme de ces méthodes avec 109 étudiantes exposées à différentes intensités de chaleur sur la peau. L'acceptation amenait une tolérance légèrement plus grande que la restructuration cognitive. Voyez également: (1) Winfried Rief et Julia Anna Glombiewski.

Stop Stealing Dreams | Stop Stealing Dreams Stop Stealing Dreams by Seth Godin (read by Zia Hassan) Tweet Preface: Education transformed 00:00 / 04:52 Digital Album Immediate download of 132-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. Free Download Share / Embed Preface: Education transformed 04:52 download A few notes about this manifesto 01:34 Back to (the wrong) school 03:50 What is school for? Column A and Column B 01:30 Changing what we get, because we’ve changed what we need 01:10 Mass production desires to produce mass 02:46 Is school a civic enterprise? Three legacies of Horace Man 01:34 Frederick J. To efficiently run a school, amplify fear (and destroy passion) 00:50 Is it possible to teach attitudes? Which came first, the car or the gas station? The wishing and dreaming problem 00:46 “When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut assistant” 01:54 School is expensive 01:04 Reinventing school 01:30 Fast, flexible, and focused 02:06 Dreams are difficult to build and easy to destroy 01:26

Pourquoi certaines personnes sont plus à risque de dépression en réponse à des situations stressantes George Slavich de l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles UCLA et ses collègues ont mené cette étude avec 100 personnes atteintes de dépression, 26 hommes et 74 femmes. Les personnes qui avaient perdu un parent ou avaient été séparés d'un parent pendant au moins un an avant l'âge de 18 ans et celles ayant vécu plus d'épisodes de dépression au cours de leur vie étaient devenues dépressives suite à des niveaux significativement plus bas de stress récents. Une analyse plus poussée de cette observation a montré que c'étaient les antécédents de perte interpersonnelle qui pouvaient entraîner une plus grande sensibilité aux situations interpersonnelles stressantes. Une possibilité, disent les chercheurs, est que les gens qui souffrent d'adversité et/ou de dépression tôt dans la vie développent des croyances négatives sur eux-mêmes ou sur le monde - des croyances qui sont activées en réaction aux situations stressantes ultérieures (selon une approche cognitive classique de la dépression).
