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How to delete and control cookies

How to delete and control cookies

Personalizemedia EU Cookie Law Help Network Security/Analysis Software for Linux Note: In most cases descriptions have been taken verbatim from project websites. tcpdump tcpdump is a tool for network monitoring, protocol debugging and data acquisition. IPTraf IPTraf is a network monitoring utility for IP networks. IPTraf can be used to monitor the load on an IP network, the most used types of network services, the proceedings of TCP connections, and others. ngrep ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep's common features, applying them to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to specify extended regular or hexadecimal expressions to match against data payloads of packets. iftop iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. ntop ntop is a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop users can use a a web browser (e.g. netscape) to navigate through ntop (that acts as a web server) traffic information and get a dump of the network status. Nagios Ethereal Nmap dsniff Snort Argus

How to comply Help for your site If your organisation is based in the UK, your web site should meet the new cookie laws. About Cookies was launched by international law firm Pinsent Masons to help organisations to comply with this law. You are legally required to tell your visitors about your use of cookies or other tracking technologies, and how they can delete or control them. The obvious place for this information may be as part of your privacy policy. But these policies have to be short to be user friendly - and adding a few pages on how to delete or control cookies would make them unwieldy. So we created About Cookies to relieve this burden from UK organisations. Return to top We recommend that your web site has a privacy policy that is accessible via a link on every page. With that in mind, the following wording may be appropriate for your privacy policy: Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at More information on data protection notices

Settings Manager - Global Storage Settings Panel Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings. Websites might occasionally want to store information, such as your high score from a game that runs in Flash Player or what products you have purchased, to your computer. In the Global Storage Settings panel, you can control how much disk space websites can use to store information, or you can prohibit websites from storing any information at all. (If you prohibit websites from storing information, the website might or might not function as intended.) Use this panel to specify the default storage settings for websites that you haven't yet visited. If you don't want to let applications from any website save information on your computer, and you don't want to be asked again, select Never Ask Again. For an overview of issues related to storage, see What are storage settings?

Citoyenneté "Toupictionnaire" : le dictionnaire de politique Définition de citoyenneté Etymologie : de citoyen qui vient du latin civis, celui qui a droit de cité, citoyen. La citoyenneté est l'état ou la qualité de citoyen. Elle permet à un individu d'être reconnu comme membre d'une société, d'une cité dans l'Antiquité, ou d'un Etat aujourd'hui, et de participer à la vie politique. La citoyenneté est le statut juridique qui permet à un individu de devenir citoyen. Dans une société démocratique, la citoyenneté est également l'une des composantes du lien social, notamment par l'égalité des droits qui lui est associée. La notion de citoyenneté trouve son origine dans le cadre de la cité ou "polis" de la Grèce antique, fondée sur l'égalité de ceux qui ont le statut de citoyens. >>> Thème : Citoyenneté >>> Terme connexe : Citoyen >>> Terme connexe : Civisme >>> Terme connexe : Droits civiques >>> Bibliographie : Citoyenneté >>> Citations : Citoyenneté Accueil Dictionnaire Haut de page Contact Copyright ©

Cookies verwalten im Firefox-Browser | Verbraucher sicher online Websiteanbieter benutzen Cookies, um Daten in Ihrem Browser zu speichern und wieder abzurufen. Diese Informationen werden von manchen Angeboten benötigt, zum Beispiel beim Online-Shopping. Aber auch das Surfverhalten des Nutzers wird mit Hilfe von Cookies verfolgt. Hier zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie in Firefox Cookies verwalten und damit Ihre Privatsphäre besser schützen können. Diese Anleitung ist aktuell für Firefox 27. Was sind Cookies? Cookies ist das englische Wort für Kekse. Die Cookie-Informationen werden für ganz unterschiedliche Zwecke eingesetzt. Nähere Informationen zu Cookies allgemein finden Sie in den Artikeln unseres Themas "Cookies", beginnend mit den Einführungartikeln Cookies - Krümel möchte Keks haben! In dieser Anleitung zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie in Firefox die Cookies kontrollieren und verwalten können. Der erste Schritt: Cookies-Einstellungen aufrufen Jetzt sind die Einstellungen für Cookies sichtbar. Cookies anzeigen und löschen Cookies anzeigen Einzelne Cookies löschen

How to Check if Your Gmail Account Has Been Hacked If you’re worried about email security, here is a step by step guide to help you check and determine if your Gmail account has been hacked or compromised in any way. Step 1: Find the ˜Last Account Activity’ Section Your Inbox At the bottom of your Gmail inbox there is a ˜Last Account Activity’ section. Click on ˜details’ to launch the full blown monitor. Step 2: See who has accessed your Gmail account recently Next, what you’ll see is a table of the most recent activity from your Gmail account. How it was accessed (Browser/mobile etc)Where exactly the IP address is (So you can do some further digging)When it was accessed Step 3: Understand the IP addresses – Has your Gmail really been hacked? If you see IP addresses from different countries, don’t be too quick to panic. Step 4: Understand the alerts – Google’s way of highlighting suspicious activity Step 5: Sign Out All Other Sessions – If you forgot to sign out on a public computer So there you have it. Google+

Verkkokaupan ja investoinnin asiantuntija - Réseau 2000 - ACI75, les ateliers et chantiers d'insertion à Paris L’association Réseau 2000, qui conduit des activités liées à l’informatique, expérimente une idée peu répandue, celle de l’insertion professionnelle par l’usage des TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication). Cette idée part du constat selon lequel l’utilisation des TIC se généralise dans la société française, et particulièrement dans le monde du travail, tandis que certaines catégories sociales n’y ont pas facilement accès, pour des raisons de revenus, d’absence de « culture informatique »… Dans un objectif général d’accès à l’emploi ou à la formation qualifiante pour les salariés, le chantier d’insertion se base sur la création d’un site Internet, qui nécessite l’acquisition de compétences informatiques, ré-utilisables dans de nombreux milieux professionnels. La création d’un site Internet repose également sur une collecte d’informations, support d’apprentissages relationnels tout aussi utiles sur le marché du travail.

Cookies löschen, um Daten zu entfernen, die Websites auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt haben Cookies sind kleine Dateien, die von einer Website auf Ihrem Rechner gespeichert werden und Daten wie z. B. persönliche Seiteneinstellungen und Anmeldeinformationen enthalten. Dieser Artikel beschreibt, wie Sie Cookies in Firefox löschen können. Wenn Sie die Liste Ihrer besuchten Seiten, Ihre Cookies und die temporären Cache-Dateien auf einmal löschen möchten, lesen Sie den Artikel Neueste Surf-, Such- und Download-Chronik löschen. Um die Cookies einer Website zu löschen, gehen Sie wie folgt vor: Klicken Sie oben im Firefox-Fenster auf die Schaltfläche Firefox und wählen Sie .Klicken Sie oben im Firefox-Fenster auf das Menü und wählen Sie .Klicken Sie in der Menüleiste auf das das Menü Firefox und wählen Sie .Klicken Sie oben im Firefox-Fenster auf das Menü (oder auf die Schaltfläche Firefox, wenn die Menüleiste ausgeblendet ist) und wählen Sie . Klicken Sie auf Schließen, um das Cookies-Fenster zu verlassenSchließen Sie das Cookies-Fenster.

Poisoned PDFs? Here's Your Antidote - PCWorld Attacks employing poisoned PDF files have leaped to the top of the threat list, according to statistics from major security companies. Symantec reports that suspicious PDF files skyrocketed in 2009 to represent 49 percent of Web-based attacks that the company detected, up from only 11 percent in 2008. The next-most-common attack, involving a good old Internet Explorer flaw, was far behind at 18 percent. In a typical scenario, crooks might hijack a legitimate site and insert a PDF file made to exploit flaws in Adobe Reader. They then link to that PDF via social-engineering lures such as spam or comments on a blog or social network. Now, a new threat allows for launching malware hidden inside a PDF file. Here's the kicker: This embedded-file threat makes creative use of functionality built into the PDF standard. How to Fight the New Threat Changing a program setting in the current version of Adobe Reader can help.

Kontakt - Saxo Bank (Schweiz) AG - When data is provided to us, we use it solely for the purposes for which it was provided. Confidential information will not be disclosed to third parties. We recognise that your information is valuable and we take all reasonable measures to protect it whilst in our care. Our cookie policy Apart from the additional information provided by this update, the operation of the website has not changed or being modified. The details contained within this page is provided to ensure you are fully aware of the 'cookies' we have in use, allowing you to make an informed choice about your continue acceptance of them. What are cookies? To provide you with a good experience we sometimes place small files known as cookies on your computer. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them via your browser/device please visit What do we use cookies for? Currently across we make use of cookies to help manage the site and your visitor experience.
